Achievements need to stay the hell out of online games. What happened to competition for competition's sake? This shit is perverse imo.D3VI0US said:It's fucking awesome that they're integrating achievements into older games. Maybe id will do that for Q3 so I can warm up for QZero but so far just Valve I guess.
And yet there are people like me, who like achievements in ALL games, online and off. I like just getting the achievements through normal play. It's a neat extra.BobsRevenge said:Achievements need to stay the hell out of online games. What happened to competition for competition's sake? This shit is perverse imo.
What?D3VI0US said:It's fucking awesome that they're integrating achievements into older games. Maybe id will do that for Q3 so I can warm up for QZero but so far just Valve I guess.
Multiplayer games are there so you play with other people, not so that you meet some goals set by the developers for you to accomplish within that.TheOneGuy said:And yet there are people like me, who like achievements in ALL games, online and off. I like just getting the achievements through normal play. It's a neat extra.
Stop being such a sourpuss and stop letting the achievement whores ruin it for you.
saelz8 said:Also, new low price until the 10th.
It's not as good as 1.3, but it's a good game in its own right. It's definately worth $4.99.
saelz8 said:Also, new low price until the 10th.
It's not as good as 1.3, but it's a good game in its own right. It's definately worth $4.99.
Multiplayer is competative gaming with other people (at least the kind I'm talking about) and achievements don't aim towards that goal. It's some sort of personal accomplishment disembodied from the actual goal of multiplayer gaming: to kick other peoples' asses. It perverts the concept imo. I don't want someone on my team going around trying to get headshots or some shit when the point is to capture flags. If your game is good enough you shouldn't need artificial benchmarks to bring people in or keep people playing. Unlockables are even worse because not only is that person focusing on shit that isn't winning, but they get new weapons you don't for it as well!TheOneGuy said:You don't make any sense at all.
First you complain about achievements in multiplayer games. Then you complain about the unlockables being linked to the achievements.
The former just makes you a crybaby. The latter is actually a valid complaint.
So, which is it?
I'm sorry?BobsRevenge said:Multiplayer is competative gaming with other people and achievements don't aim towards that goal. It's some sort of personal accomplishment disembodied from the actual goal of multiplayer gaming: to kick other peoples' asses.
And now it's impossible to see you as anything but a crybaby.Just because I don't play as much as some dude who has no job and lives in their parents' basement I get stuck with less options?
:lol :lol :lolTheOneGuy said:I'm sorry?
Before anyone had ever heard about the idea of "achievements", people were always striving to be The Best in multiplayer gaming. Achievements are just a fun little extra. Don't like 'em? Don't pay attention to 'em.
"Perverted." Seriously? That's a little fucking extreme.
As for the unlockables, I don't disagree. But (at least in TF2), the unlockables are pretty situational, so it ends up not being a big deal.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill, though.
Oh, wait...
And now it's impossible to see you as anything but a crybaby.
D3VI0US said:It's fucking awesome that they're integrating achievements into older games. Maybe id will do that for Q3 so I can warm up for QZero but so far just Valve I guess.
What are achievements if not another way to say "HEY GUYS LOOK I GOT THIS AWESOME ACHIEVEMENT! I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" (Note: people who do this are lulz-worthy and you should of course make fun of them! Achievements are a fun addition. Take them as anything more than that and you ruin things. But... see below.)BobsRevenge said:Striving to be the best is the point.
Thanks. I've probably been spelling it wrong my entire life. :lolTheOneGuy said:It's competitive. D: Not competative!
watFragamemnon said:Because this theead needs a break from TheOneGuy's posts insulting people
derder said:Anyone have any idea when STALKER goes on sale? The new game is coming out soon, do you think that they'll drop it at release or soon before or not at all?
derder said:Anyone have any idea when STALKER goes on sale? The new game is coming out soon, do you think that they'll drop it at release or soon before or not at all?
Uhm, if it was that simple. It might work for some multiplayer games but for objective based multiplayer games achievement whores can ruin the game for the others as well because they don't focus on the map's goals but on their own specific goals.TheOneGuy said:Before anyone had ever heard about the idea of "achievements", people were always striving to be The Best in multiplayer gaming. Achievements are just a fun little extra. Don't like 'em? Don't pay attention to 'em.
In all honesty I don't know what achievements are for. They certainly don't gauge your qualities as a gamer and can mostly be achieved by just playing for a very long time. Plus I don't think the majority even care about achievements from other people.TheOneGuy said:What are achievements if not another way to say "HEY GUYS LOOK I GOT THIS AWESOME ACHIEVEMENT! I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" (Note: people who do this are lulz-worthy and you should of course make fun of them! Achievements are a fun addition. Take them as anything more than that and you ruin things. But... see below.)
Yes, achievement whores ruin that, but those people were ruining games long before achievements existed. Assholes is assholes, and idiots is idiots, no matter what they're trying to do.
SenseiJinx said:Well, it's already $20, isn't? Pretty good deal, I think. Or are you wondering if it'll be one of the weekend deals between now and then? I'd hazard a no, but hey.
Look, I know where both you and Bob are coming from, I just... don't think it's a big deal. Like I said, I think they're a fun little extra. They're fun to get through NORMAL play. I have never, ever farmed for achievements. (Well, I've inadvertently farmed a few, in an attempt to speed up others' farming to get the game going.) In fact, I've been known to complain when other people DO, because I just want to play the damn game. But said farming usually only lasts for a couple days, and even then, not ALL DAY LONG. So I just avoid it. And then when people start playing for real again, I start playing again, and through NORMAL play, I unlock various achievements, and I'm like "hey! that's cool!"Phife Dawg said:Uhm, if it was that simple. It might work for some multiplayer games but for objective based multiplayer games achievement whores can ruin the game for the others as well because they don't focus on the map's goals but on their own specific goals.
In all honesty I don't know what achievements are for. They certainly don't gauge your qualities as a gamer and can mostly be achieved by just playing for a very long time. Plus I don't think the majority even care about achievements from other people.
They can keep the achievements in single player portions for all I care but I'm definetly in the "keep them out of multiplayer games" camp - going by recent trends I don't see that happening though.
epmode said:This is absolutely correct. However, even the PS3 version shoots digitally via the analog pad. You just have to live with it or use the buttons to shoot (which feels a lot better to me).
The problem with the Steam port is that even the movement controls are digital, while the PS3 version has full analog movement. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch but the programmer is sure taking his time getting around to it.
I actually saw that once.Diablohead said:DoD:S is totaly worth $5, I got it free with the hl2 silver bundle and had great fun with it.
I've been playing TF2 for a good week now and i'm shocked at some of the achievements you have to do online, some of them are just asking for helo because I cannot see it happerning in regular gameplay.
Things like weenie roast are good because it does happen, but healing a heavy who has to score something like 30 kills without dieing can kiss my arse.
Mrbob said:You didn't insult me because you didn't respond to me.
Penny Arcade game is 10 bucks on steam this weekend. Worth it at half off?
Well I'm very picky with my server choice but even then I always end up with a couple of achievement oriented players in ET:QW, that rather play a class they obviously aim for achievements at (for instance playing agressor and only using the lightning gun) than playing the class that helps the team at fullfilling the objective.TheOneGuy said:Look, I know where both you and Bob are coming from, I just... don't think it's a big deal. Like I said, I think they're a fun little extra. They're fun to get through NORMAL play. I have never, ever farmed for achievements. (Well, I've inadvertently farmed a few, in an attempt to speed up others' farming to get the game going.) In fact, I've been known to complain when other people DO, because I just want to play the damn game. But said farming usually only lasts for a couple days, and even then, not ALL DAY LONG. So I just avoid it. And then when people start playing for real again, I start playing again, and through NORMAL play, I unlock various achievements, and I'm like "hey! that's cool!"
A couple weeks ago, I got the medic achievement to hit five times with the bonesaw without missing or dying. It was just me against a pyro, soldier, and demoman. The other guy on my team was already dead. (It was a small game, only five people.) I jumped down into the middle of them, bonesawed the demo and soldier twice each, and they died! I ran away from the pyro to grab a health pack then jumped right back at him, hit him once, got the achievement, and died. I wasn't trying to get the achievement, I just did. But it was pretty awesome when I did. And I wasn't ruining other people's enjoyment of the game, so... I dunno. (I also unlocked the ubersaw with the achievement, which quadrupled the awesome.)
I don't think it's a big deal. I wouldn't particularly care if they were removed, as I still have fun with the games I play, but I see no reason to remove them just because a bunch of achievement whores spend a couple days trying to get them.
However, since certain people obviously don't like it when I post about these sort of things, I'm going to stop after this one.
Phife Dawg said:This may not hold true for TF if you can get the achievements very fast and afterwards everyone plays normally again, but since TF is boring it's not of big interest to me. It begs the question though, if what you said is true then why put the achievements in there in the first place, if they're easy as cake and only take a tiny bit of time to fullfill?
It's just 9 dollars, right? That's already a pretty great price. The music's good, the demo plays nice, it even has achievements, I definately like it.morningbus said:New game added to Steam: The Wonderful End of the World.
The game is a Katamari Damacy clone, make of that what you will. The demo is actually pretty good, especially the second level, but I'll probably wait until it gets a bit cheaper before getting the full version.
Volcynika said:Weekend deal:
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords 50% off - $9.99!
I already have the DS version, but maybe my brother might get it.
EDIT: The game still shows up as $19.99 when you try to buy. Odd.
morningbus said:Just bought it and it showed up as $9.99.
You know, other digital download services should do this weekend sale stuff. So far I've bought three games (SiN, Penny Arcade Adventures, and now Puzzle Quest) that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
The flip side to that is that unless I really want a game at launch, I'm going to wait and see if it ever goes on sale.
Doytch said:Anyone know if PQ'll run on Wine? I'd like to pick it up for my laptop, but I run Ubuntu on it.
Shard said:The PSN and the XBLA have both done weekly sale things in the past.
Actiss said:For those who don't have it...
![]() $15 this weekend (U.S. only?).