Ah man, Stranger's Wrath.Stranger's Wrath was on Groupee's Be Mine 5, how did I miss that one?
Very fun game, I love the first person and third person idea, very cool.
Although one problem I have with it is that achievements are really bugged.
There's an achievement for bounty-ing 250 outlaws without killing them and it's a really rare achievement because every time you close the game, it'll forget how many enemies you've bountied so you could be at 249/250 bounties, but then if you close the game and restart you'll be at 0/250 bounties, pretty annoying.
Same thing goes with difficulty settings, if you play through the entire game on hard, but if you turn the game off at any point it'll forget you're playing on hard so you won't be able to get the achievement for finishing the game on hard and you'll only get easy.
Thankfully there are ways to make the achievements unlock anyway, with the bounties bit you can just quicksave and quickload the first ever bounty you do and suck him up 250 times(should take about 30 minutes or so) and you can unlock it that way.
And for the hard difficulty achievement you can quicksave at the final boss on hard, and then start a new game on hard and during your new game quickload to the final boss save and beat the final boss, that'll make sure the game recognizes you're playing on hard and give you the achievement.