Didn't know it got a 3DS release.
Aw yiss.
that's funny, yes
I'm not buying it, I AM NOT
You should. It's totally magical.
Didn't know it got a 3DS release.
that's funny, yes
I'm not buying it, I AM NOT
well you don't know what they do in there!"Secret parties", hey? Is that what they're called these days?![]()
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
Posting a reminder for my giveaway. Winner gets to chose a sub €10 game from GMG, HUmble store or Steam as a gift.
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
who else changed avatars?
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
outchCurse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
i can't complain, i wanna play the games i backed on kickstarter and i owe the universe to someday play the baldur's gate series but that's about it
i don't feel obliged to play anything else, i just go as i feel, which is why i've been mostly just playing jrpgs since there's a lot of them i wanna play
but i only have like 300 games on steam so i'm not the worst offender
Minimal, that is a healthy backlog to have.
Not too many games to be completely swamped, but enough to give you some choice on which game you want to play next.
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
Hundreds, and I don't care. Finishing games is overrated.Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
20+ games would be cake if that was my backlog.
never too late to brag about catsNew avatar here!
also, I answered your question this late just to brag about my cat again
terranigma yea, a long time ago. i still remember the crazy box menu thingie and the acid trip that was that game's overworld map. like holy fuck that shit could melt your brains if you played it long enough. really liked this game back in the day, couldn't finish it but i have fond memories of it.Have you played though Secret of Mana & Terranigma? Those are the most highly recommended by myself.
secret of mana i dunno, i played it only a bit and i don't know what it was about it but i didn't stick with it for long.
wait, i don't think a backlog includes all them humble bundled games you didn't want or the stupid mistakes from sales and all that
like you drew bad rats in an evil modbot giveaway and it's not like it's suddenly in your backlog
for me a backlog is just a list of games i feel bad i haven't played yet
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
wait, i don't think a backlog includes all them humble bundled games you didn't want or the stupid mistakes from sales and all that
like you drew bad rats in an evil modbot giveaway and it's not like it's suddenly in your backlog
for me a backlog is just a list of games i feel bad i haven't played yet
never too late to brag about cats
too bad i'll never have one since all my mom's family's afraid of them so they would never come visit. well now that i think about it...
terranigma yea, a long time ago. i still remember the crazy box menu thingie and the acid trip that was that game's overworld map. like holy fuck that shit could melt your brains if you played it long enough. really liked this game back in the day, couldn't finish it but i have fond memories of it.
secret of mana i dunno, i played it only a bit and i don't know what it was about it but i didn't stick with it for long.
i think my shortlist of jrpgs right now after going through the xenosaga and front mission series is: persona 4, vagrant story, shadow hearts 1&2 and that's about it. i kinda also want to try out pandora's tower and when it's released drakengard 3 ofc, since it seems like it'll be as crazy as drakengard 1.
Yeah that's what I meant, it's just that some games in a bundle you're on the fence and you wonder if you should play it because you payed money for it.
For instance I bought a bundle with all the GTA games and now there's a bit of a conflict in my mind whether or not I should GTA III or Vice City (played them when they came out). It's nostalgia.
Other games it's just "it can't be that bad". Like Agricultural Simulator 2013...
well i went through the xenosaga series very recently and then xenoblade and tldr i wasn't the biggest fan of xenoblade for many reasons (mostly i guess is me having certain expectations from a xeno<game>) but i fell in love with xenosaga.The endings were what stuck with me with T & S. I love the melancholy stuff. Vagrant Story was superb, and Xenosaga I & II were pretty good IMO(never played through III). I want to play Pandora's Tower as well, and Shadow Hearts Covenant. Not to mention Xenoblade(hope it isn't overrated). If these games were on Steam, we wouldn't be off topic. Fuck!
never too late to brag about cats
too bad i'll never have one since all my mom's family's afraid of them so they would never come visit. well now that i think about it...
Isn't dtp in bankruptcy or something? This is probably more of an indication that Viva media will bring their back catalog onto Steam than anything else. They've published a lot of dtp in North America and digitally though.
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
colour me impressedIf only!
Rough math ahead: Around 48 "finished" games, 3 games declared crap and 13 in a junk/superceeded category. Only leaves 742 or so in the backlog. Should knock those off in a couple weeks.
Oh, there are QTEs? Hmm.... I'm not sure how well it performs since I just set it up. Maybe I'll give Spelunky or something a try before giving TWD a go. Thanks!There are QTEs in it and moments where you have to quickly interact with something. But shouldn't be a huge issue I guess. How did other games perform with this setup?
lol i didn't know mom repellent cats was such a common thingThat is totally the best thing about it.
Like, today my mom will come here for the first time since 2 years ago (and she lives like 5 Km away).
Now that I think of it, it's a problem too, because my cat and the couches my parents gifted me were never in the best terms, so I guess I'll need to find something to cover them asap.![]()
Posting a reminder for my giveaway. Winner gets to chose a sub 10 game from GMG, HUmble store or Steam as a gift.
I love, in AC4, hiding in the tiny closets and baiting tens of guards and hiding all of their corpses in therei liked to pile up corpses and see how many i could stick in a garbage bin and imagine them having secret parties in there
Curse of the backlog. How serious is it with you guys?
20+ games here.
not sure i'd call it philosophical but i don't want to screw up so i'll admit i didn't play all that much of itJust wanted to say, regarding Far Cry 2 – I'm not gonna declare it good or bad, because it's so subjective with that game, but one thing is for certain: it definitely helped Clint Hocking become as famous as he is now more than the previous games he worked on. (Stallion Free was claiming that it was a stain on his career in a previous steam thread.) FC2 is, if nothing else, a very intellectual game, and the fact that Hocking turned the dudebro-fest with flashy colours that was the original Far Cry into this political, philosophical shooter (regardless of its gamey faults) won him quite a lot of respect (not like he had none before though, obviously.)
like do they instantly swallow their bodies up and when you open the closet again they're gone? that's hilarious lolI love, in AC4, hiding in the tiny closets and baiting tens of guards and hiding all of their corpses in there
it's like all of the closets lead to narnia or something
ah thanks for reminding me of thisoh and out of the 173 games I have on steam, i haven't played 108 lol (according to this)
like do they instantly swallow their bodies up and when you open the closet again they're gone? that's hilarious lol
if that's in ac3 i already feel like playing it
The one I got was completely by chance. I entered a little room in one of the levels and a golden key appeared out of thin air, revealing a hidden door in another part of the level.Escape Goat 2 has that weird thing in some puzzle games where you're not sure if you broke the game or made things way too hard on yourself to complete a puzzle. There were times where I spent 15 minutes on one room and just barely managed to eek by and then the next room is not even a challenge. I had the same issue in The Swapper and I'm not sure where the problem is, if there is even one.
Also are you supposed to see the golden keys in levels to unlock the secret levels? I could see them for the alternate paths to get all the Sheep and perhaps I'm blind, but I can't see them for the secret levels. I've resorted to a guide just so I know what level to look for them in but I'd like to do it completely myself if it didn't involve too much guess work across four levels.
These backlog comments are making me afraid of what the future holds for me...
Weird . . . Scourge: Outbreak is already activated in my account, but I can not remember I bought this game.
Was this game in a bundle, or did I get it for free for owning the original half life on CD or something.
What wrong message, that we want more fun and hilarious games?Goat Simulator is the top seller still?
I think we are sending wrong message with this (><)
Today is new HW, any guesses?
Aaaahh that makes sense, was almost losing my mind. I generally know when and where I bought a game, but with 850+ games it keeps getting harder. That is why I log all acquisitions in my trusty excel sheet.It was given to owners of The Scourge Project, which was pulled from Steam some time ago. I missed the boat on Project but earlier managed to find a Russian retail key for a little over $5, which netted me both games.
i bet bench kills also retain the body or it'd be pretty weird lolThe same is true of haystacks and leave piles. As far as contextual stealth kills are concerned only killing from a bush/"stalking zone" actually retains the body.
Still really enjoying Neo Scavenger which you can get with the weekly Humble Bundle for the pricely sum of $1. Highly recommend people check it out if they haven't already.