woo and indeed hoo
Richard Dawkins created memes? Mind Blown.
i no rite
Who does he think he is?! God?!
Richard Dawkins created memes? Mind Blown.
Since beauties like Project cars are not yet available for purchase ( Does anyone know when is it supposed to come out ? ) can anyone recommend me a good looking and, great racer game ?
I wish I had the gifs on hand but this'll do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEpfTfgzWp0#t=10m20s
I gather from your post they must've fixed this.
Last batch....
C2 is Origin despite no symbol.
Forgot to shout out for the Crysis 2 key, many thanks broski
What style are you looking for?
For cart racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is better than it has any right to be.
DiRT and GRID are great arcade/sim straddlers.
F1 and Assetto Corsa err more on the side of simulation if that's your thing.
Can't go wrong with any of them.
Playing it with the analog stick? Wow, I never thought of that, sounds like you're making the game even harder, lolI'm using the analog stick, because yeah, the D-Pad sucks and the keyboard doesn't feel quite right.
It's not really about the controls, it's just that it's hard. But I'm going to make it. Even if it takes a whole year. Like Runner.
Wrapped up Hexcells today, had to resort to guessing exactly once (second to last level), everything else I could figure out from the clues.
Would probably be able to figure out 6-4 without guesswork, but after spending better part of an hour trying to do so, I just said fuck it and went with a 2/3 chance to hit.
Will give them a try altough Dirt 3 is out because of GFWL.
He's being sarcastic. "May-mays" is on the same level as "meme arrows."
I've been told that the "Steam engineers" (aka the people I would want to be working with) who are responsible for such changes simply aren't interested in any of these features, or think they're too "narrow" to have a meaningful impact on Steam's large user base.
While it's true that not every feature would make logical business sense, I got the impression from them that the people responsible have the "good enough" stance on quite a lot of things. But it is true that they're a small team, so obviously there are going to be time restraints as well. Some things Enhanced Steam does (like fixing wishlist images) would literally take me 15 minutes or less to fix, and it's been that way for more than a year.
You really don't need any mods at all.What mods should I be aware of before I start The Witcher 2? Gonna start it up once I finish Deus Ex HRDC (which I'm slogging through because I've never played a game with worse boss fights)
I didn't launch it but I had an update of approx 150mb tonight.Soo.... I guess no Mac version for FTL: Enhanced?
How do you guys pronounce 'meme'
Total Biscuit just pronounced it 'epic may-mays' in his Goat Simulator video.
This absolutely blows my fucking mind. They own the biggest PC digital distribution game service and it's like they can't be arsed staffing up for it and just have a small dedicated team on it. I honestly think this is where Valves flat structure and their hiring process hurts them. I mean we've heard about Valve basically containing various cliques and 'natural leaders' who people look up to. Maybe the Steam team NEEDS new blood to give things a shakeup and come up with new ideas/suggestions. I think Valve really is behind the curve in so many ways yet they don't seem to want to do anything about it. The customer service behind Steam is fuckin shocking as well.
btw this review... thing... just makes me shake my head.
The biggest shock I had at Valve was learning that the customer service "department" is by far their largest group of workers.
Soo.... I guess no Mac version for FTL: Enhanced?
Ah thanks. I don't personally think I've done much on Steam yet (my 360 list is much nicer), most of my 100%s are kind of easy (some of them are just time consuming). Volgarr the Viking might be the one I'm most proud of right now, although once I clear Ys: Oath in Felghana on Inferno, that will take the top spot (which is honestly probably an easier task than Nightmare Boss Rush, which I have already completed). Half Minute Hero was the most fun to 100%.Feel better soon Pixy
By the way, I'm quite impressed at the number of games you 100% complete. Wish I had that much patience/was good at games. Tried 100%ing Power Puff Girls but screw it. I'm not going to fool myself in thinking I can beat the game on hard with 5 or fewer saves, lol.
I need that Goat Simulator moneys c'monnn
some achievements arent showing up yet either D:
I need that Goat Simulator moneys c'monnn
some achievements arent showing up yet either D:
You can clear all the levels without relying on luck. Also, this game is so brilliant, I love it.
Jizz everywhere....
Damn that sucks. I'm sharing my season pass with 3 friends to compensate for the fact that I foolishly bought it for 15$ like 3 days before they ran that sale.SHUT UP I FORGOT TO BUY THE PASS ;_;
Fuck. me. I guess it's the easiest department to put your feet up in then as it sure as fuck ain't due to quality.
Will give them a try altough Dirt 3 is out because of GFWL.
Valve is a company of 300 or so employees serving over 75 million customers. Even if every single employee were on the "support team", that would be one employee for every 250,000 customers.
Lucky for them, Steam is really well built and a lot of people never have a single problem with it that requires opening a support ticket.
Unfortunately for those that do, for the number of people they have working support it's kind of amazing they're able to even get back to you in a few weeks.
I need that Goat Simulator moneys c'monnn
some achievements arent showing up yet either D:
I must have like a gold account or something because they responded to my ticket literally the first hour of the first business day after I submitted it. This was back in the fall too closing in on the holiday season.Valve is a company of 300 or so employees serving over 75 million customers. Even if every single employee were on the "support team", that would be one employee for every 250,000 customers.
Lucky for them, Steam is really well built and a lot of people never have a single problem with it that requires opening a support ticket.
Unfortunately for those that do, for the number of people they have working support it's kind of amazing they're able to even get back to you in a few weeks. There didn't seem to be anyone I saw there "taking it easy".
You could probably still get it pretty cheap through trading websites or something like that.SHUT UP I FORGOT TO BUY THE PASS ;_;
TotalBiscuit kind of sounds sour and humorless
Found this on 4chan, need to complete the pillars by experiencing Thief II. I'd also like to do another play through of Deus Ex with visual mods.
Well, this is the state I was in:
Any ideas what to do from here? Is there something I'm missing?
Of course, a minute after posting I see what I missed.
Indeed, no random guesswork required.Game is lovely, I just wish it had a weekly DLC pack scheme going on.
Found this on 4chan, need to complete the pillars by experiencing Thief II. I'd also like to do another play through of Deus Ex with visual mods.
Those are all great games but I'd hope a PC holy trinity would include a couple more genres.
this stuff is reaching *tips fedora* levels