I'm still amazed Resident Evil 5 is capcom's best selling game EVER.
I thought'd it be Street Fighter for sure...but nope!
Resident Evil 5, sold something like 30 million copies or so.
Not really, SF2 is still the best selling.Still the best selling Capcom game though.
RE5 is at the top with 6.6M because Capcpom merged various editions (PS360+Gold Edition).
Just the SNES edition of SF2 (vanilla) sold 6.3M
That's good to know and quite reassuring, never mind the fact that this is still a beta.I'm not here to distill fear - glitches happen and we appreciate that. Basically our systems will flag suspicious activity, but there's human intervention before decisions are made. It's usually the accumulation of several activities to be honest. But every situation is individual and different. A blanket rule and response doesn't work well. Basically, if you don't use SAM you've got nothing to worry about.
But in any case, regarding the "fear" this is basically free money, so there isn't much room to complain in the first place
This back and forth is really fun, and it's obviously MS' doing in this case (they were the pioneers with GFWL being region locked)MS on Age of Mythology's region-locking:
onlyallowruinincountries will probably be removed, as I recommended, but I imagine the gifting/trading restriction will remain in place.
TP is utter garbage, and the only way it'd be better than OoT is if the latter never existed.yeah I was in a ~~~special videogame schooool~~~
btw while I'm at it Zelda TP >>>>>> OoT \m/
Love the IT Crowd.![]()
Actually they're both pretty mediocre, but I also find TP the better of the two.
Also, you could make a point of OoT being somewhat barebones in this day and age, but there is nothing mediocre about the game
except its framerate
TP in the other hand is worse than mediocre.