what game?Just bought a Vita game.
Vita in 2017.
Also, we use the term "day 1" loosely, but I would legit day 1 the Halo tril...err... tetralogy on steam.
what game?
blasphemy! incomparable in any way, like literally what they even have in common? being games?
P4G for 4.99
Just bought a Vita game.
Vita in 2017.
Also, we use the term "day 1" loosely, but I would legit day 1 the Halo tril...err... tetralogy on steam.
I already own the game, but where is it being sold for 5? Might as well pick up a couple lol
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm still trying to finish Dishonored 2 on high chaos, started to play Bulletstorm remastered recently, need to force myself to play Nier route B, finally finished downloading Bayonetta, waiting for preload for Full Throttle Remastered and Dawn of War 3, and now this? In 2 days? For probably around 15$ in my region? What the hell is going on, why those games keeps coming!
What the hell is going on, why those games keeps coming!
Digital version on PSN.
It's not that I will be banned or something. I think the default colors should be changed so the text are readable. I am not even fan of color fading~jshackles will remember that~
People having issues with Creators Update has me worried.
Anyone tried it yet anything major to report?
I haven't had anything major, but it did re-enable some stuff I'd turned off because they were causing problems like the XBox Game DVR and an ethernet port that I'd disabled.
People having issues with Creators Update has me worried.
Anyone tried it yet anything major to report?
I wonder what's going to happen since I've uninstalled the Xbox app completely.. Guess it'll just reinstall it.
Yes.Something happened with memory usage after upgrade.Or maybe they changed something ? Can't find any info.
Maybe not, it didn't seem to reinstall the things I'd removed like One Drive.
That's not Solid Snake.
It's about goddamn time.
(I played it on Xbox360 at the time, and it's probably a bit too simple -like C&C3 and 4- for PC gamers, but I just want the good stuff on the platform I have, not everybody's own store. Or that 'vista only' crap with Halo 2 PC )
Addenum: Kojima SUCKS worse then Solid Snakesoild snake sucks
The default colors are bad, dunno why those were chosen
Holy crap you have like 946 Steam messages.
So that's what it's like to be famous, huh?
Holy crap you have like 946 Steam messages.
So that's what it's like to be famous, huh?
This is what happens when you idle for too long.
Haha yeah I try to keep these pretty clean but I do get 100+ invites a day or so, some days are worse.
soild snake sucks
I can't check atm but I think new accounts have to have spent $5 to get card drops.
Solid Snake gunned down Venom, fought Gray Fox barehanded on a minefield and created a makeshift flamethrower on the fly to literally BBQ Big Boss (who was carrying a machine gun) to a husk. I'm pretty sure it's obvious who is superior here. Solid Snake rocks.
Solid Snake gunned down Venom, fought Gray Fox barehanded on a minefield and created a makeshift flamethrower on the fly to literally BBQ Big Boss (who was carrying a machine gun) to a husk. I'm pretty sure it's obvious who is superior here. Solid Snake rocks.
Nice to see Halo Wars come to Steam, everyone should buy it in hopes that Gears and Recore make their way here. Microsoft can support two platforms and be successful.
Hmm, what does this mean for the Recore re-release?
Speaking of idling for cards. How old does your account have to be before cards drop? Set up an account for my daughter last week. She has a couple of games 12+ hours that have cards but no cards have dropped.
ModBot said:Instructions for voodooray:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
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- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
The Spirit Underneath --MB-80A932C8F02AD33C- Taken by FeedMeAStrayCat
People having issues with Creators Update has me worried.
Anyone tried it yet anything major to report?
Just bought a Vita game.
Vita in 2017.
Also, we use the term "day 1" loosely, but I would legit day 1 the Halo tril...err... tetralogy on steam.
Has been working fine over here for a week, nothing to report.
Had to reinstall a beta sound driver since the update rolled me back to the last stable, but that's about it.
Encouraging, what GPU do you have and did you notice any performance difference? It's mainly the Nvidia problems keeping me from updating right now, some people reporting Bayonetta dip to 30s in Creators but stable 60 before.