Chance Hale
Differing course loads I suppose, definitely more time to game than the year I worked 60-70 hour weeks at a machine shop. By the time I got off a 12 hour night shift I didn't want to do anything 
I like Lightning trilogy better >_>
Type-0 Sequel without underpowered handheld in scope of development have potential though
Disagree entirely. XIII itself was better than any FF since the PSone era.
Is Type-0 better than XIII? I can't say yet, as I haven't played it... but I'm willing to bet the answer is a solid "no."
Some devs/pubs just don't bother to put any effort to make an interesting game description.
I'm still really bummed that the Gabriel Knight remake ended up being so terrible, was really looking forward to it.
for several pages I was sure I'm in the MGS thread, but then I've seen lashman's post, so it must be a steam thread after all.
wanna know about Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered? Of course you don't, but I'll tell anyway.
What actually is a remaster? It can be an engine change, graphical overhaul of a game, it can be gameplay changes, when I think about it, we don't really have a clear definition of what a remaster is. So why do I feel that Letter Quest is not Remastered? Who knows?
It plays as original Letter Quest, I don't see any difference in appearance either, if there is one it's too subtle for me to notice, only difference that I can see is an endless mode, now that one could have been easily added to an original game as dlc, as it have been made later. I tried that endless mode, it's kinda harsh, feels like roguelitelike more or less.
Or I am missing something and it is a remaster.
You said the only difference you noticed is the new mode, but there's more to it than that.
what that has to do with anything? I've played a game, these are my impressions, you know about games being played, don't you?
I kid, I kid, of course you don't
glorious destructionShame I got around playing Space Marine so late today. Was a very fun 1 hour. The ultra-hammer is definitely something.
maybe there is, maybe there isn't, I couldn't notice and that what I was trying to tell.
Well, you ended your post by asking if you "missing something", which you were.
Damn, 970 might be 3 times more powerful than my old 750TI, but hot damn, does it get loud on load.
I was Inquisitioning Dragon Ages yesterday, late at night (11 pm or so) and after an hour of gameplay I had both CPU and GPU at 80C (despite not going over 75% GPU usage).
My wife came over and asked WTH am I vacuuming so late at night.
I guess I need a case with better airflow (a case fan would be a plus as well) - it seems the excess heat just isn't being dissipated correctly. :\
Had no problems like that with old GPU, which even under load was quieter than the CPU fan. The gains in framerate/IQ are nice, no doubt about it, but... well. I wish NVIDIA made a card as fast as 970/980 and as quiet as 750 TI.
not saying I didn't or anything
we can continue like this forever, can't we? what a delightful thought?
And I'm not saying you did. This discussion kicked off because you were under the impression that my link was irrelevant; the intention was to clarify that there is indeed more to the re-release than just a new mode. If you'd just said, say, "Oh, well most of that went unnoticed by me, so I don't think the changes are significant enough to warrant a re-release", that would have been the extent of our back-and-forth.![]()
Trying for too days to buy a second copy of Methal Gear Solid from Bernando, but senpai won't notice me :,(
Damn, 970 might be 3 times more powerful than my old 750TI, but hot damn, does it get loud on load.
I was Inquisitioning Dragon Ages yesterday, late at night (11 pm or so) and after an hour of gameplay I had both CPU and GPU at 80C (despite not going over 75% GPU usage).
My wife came over and asked WTH am I vacuuming so late at night.
I guess I need a case with better airflow (a case fan would be a plus as well) - it seems the excess heat just isn't being dissipated correctly. :\
Had no problems like that with old GPU, which even under load was quieter than the CPU fan. The gains in framerate/IQ are nice, no doubt about it, but... well. I wish NVIDIA made a card as fast as 970/980 and as quiet as 750 TI.
I feel very sorry about that, but it released at a really bad time just before my vacation and MGSV release. Gotta try to 100% GZ and as you know my score, you know it takes some time to do that.It's because you don't play Fairy Fencer, it's hard to notice people that don't play it.
There's nothing worrying about that number of GPU heat, the procie on other hand..
I'm assuming it's ps3 levels (or my laptop) levels of jet taking off.
I feel very sorry about that, but it released at a really bad time just before my vacation and MGSV release. Gotta try to 100% GZ and as you know my score, you know it takes some time to do that.
But I at least bought it.
Probably picking this one up on winter sale if the discount is deep enough.
Breh, totally do that, except the part about the witcher 3. Youre grades will plummet, witcher 3 is godly, wait till thanksgiving break and THEN lose yourself in the witcher. Itll be hard to do, but it must be done. I actually bought my pc first year of college with dat sweet fasfa money, i dont get that anymore tho, part time student now, got to pay like $2k every god damn semester, that dont even include the bs price from the textbooksThis fafsa money is going to buy me a rig and i cant wait for The Witcher 3 to fuck up my life. I cant fucking wait to play it. The first two are some of my favorite games.
I appreciate that, but as with those screens with slightly different settings that Doggie used to post and insist that one of those looked heaps better, if I can't see it, I can't say I see.
Had no problems like that with old GPU, which even under load was quieter than the CPU fan. The gains in framerate/IQ are nice, no doubt about it, but... well. I wish NVIDIA made a card as fast as 970/980 and as quiet as 750 TI.
ASUS super high end cards make no sense.
Well thank god it doesn't, imagine all the anime gif sigs here.If this forum had signatures they would.
Well thank god it doesn't, imagine all the anime gif sigs here.
Well thank god it doesn't, imagine all the anime gif sigs here.
and there is rather nice looking ARPG (beat'em up?) on greenligjht - River City Ransom: Underground
Who? Never heard of this, old timerAnd come on surely you know of the NES classic River City Ransom? Can't for the life of me what it was called over here though but something goofy and no where near as cool.
Didn't this get kickstartered like ages ago?
And come on surely you know of the NES classic River City Ransom?
It probably gets a store page on the release day
Hey SteamGAF!
Been a while...
Have MGS:TPP preordered. Since there's no preorder and unlock will happen on Aug 31 14:00 CET, how do I ensure it starts downloading immediately? I'm at work that day until 17.00h :/
Just leave my PC with Steam opened on and that's it? Or do I have to do something remotely?
Well like... Why do you do anything really?I'm so bored of starting / stopping games. I started a necromancer in Torchlight 2 (modded of course) and it felt great until I hit my 'why am I doing this?' phase after only a few hours.
I read this and thought of Steamgaf.
So you do need to use an app for this? So I just turn on the app at 14.01h, go to my library and MGS:TPP will be there with an option to "download" or something?IIRC, I haven't been able to get preloading / downloading to work remotely via the old Steam mobile app for newly released games - but now that there is a new app, I haven't actually tried it with the updated app. I hope it works
So you do need to use an app for this? So I just turn on the app at 14.01h, go to my library and MGS:TPP will be there with an option to "download" or something?
Sorry for asking potentially "dumb" questions but I never done this before's MGS, man. You know... :/
So you do need to use an app for this? So I just turn on the app at 14.01h, go to my library and MGS:TPP will be there with an option to "download" or something?
Sorry for asking potentially "dumb" questions but I never done this before's MGS, man. You know... :/