My god, she looks so lame. I was hoping she would at least get a redesign when added to SFV.
My god, she looks so lame. I was hoping she would at least get a redesign when added to SFV.
Mad Max will have Steam Leaderboards support according to SteamDB entry
They never mentioned that, it will be probably similar to Just Cause 3 Leaderboards.
I honestly don't care about her outfit anymore, because if you actually watched the trailer, her SF5 ver. is both bonkers and looks so much fun. I can't fucking wait til 2016 XO
I watched the trailer but still can't agree with you. I simply don't like her design at all. Well, I guess thats what costume packs are for, I just hope they will add a decent alternative outfit for her.
Looks good, but no Ibuki, no buy.
They can handle it just fine. The issue is that the port is lazy shit.It's really amazing that both XBone and PS4 can't handle Dishonored at anything above 30 fps.
Especially since:
It's really amazing that both XBone and PS4 can't handle Dishonored at anything above 30 fps. its launch in late July, The Swindle has made its development budget back with PC sales alone. Marshall didn't have console sales numbers as of last week, but the game certainly seems to be positioned well for a longer and more lucrative life than Gun Monkeys. Even so, Marshall's not about to say he's got it all figured out.
It's really amazing that both XBone and PS4 can't handle Dishonored at anything above 30 fps.
Especially since:
Can't's probably not the right word. I'm guessing it either a) wasn't a development priority, or b) one of the two had issues.It's really amazing that both XBone and PS4 can't handle Dishonored at anything above 30 fps.
Especially since:
The CPU in that bench crushes what is currently in consoles. Thats why.
The Swindle is awesome. I've yet beat the game but i have a good 30 hours into it.
The CPU in that bench crushes what is currently in consoles. Thats why.
Talos Principle is really awesome and you should all play it. Way better than the (in my opinion) overrated Portal games. Not saying the Portal games are bad but I find the story annoying.
I have no idea how to get the hidden stars though.
.Hey loyal GRIP backers.
We apologize for the lack of updates on our Kickstarter page; it's hard to post updates to a campaign, knowing it's unlikely to succeed.
Yes, we realized a while ago (as did many of you) that things were not looking positive for reaching our funding goal. That said, we continued to push. We released a new action-packed trailer. We did interviews. We tweeted, emailed and posted everywhere we could. Sadly, we just did not receive the exposure we needed to maintain the momentum after you all gave the campaign such a fantastic start.
Are we disappointed in the performance of the Kickstarter? Sure.
Is an unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign going to stop us from making this game for you?
The good news is, we have a great plan for moving forward, and we're very excited with the direction we're about to take. We're hoping you'll continue to support us in our journey together.
Here's the scoop:
People have been talking about a playable demo or a playable version of GRIP for a while now - ever since we released the first trailer in July. Its obvious people really want to get their hands on GRIP.
Well, we're going to give you that chance very soon, thanks to Steam early access.
Early access will allow us to truly focus on development, while giving the players the power to change the shape of the game as it's being made.
Community feedback will be essential in GRIP's continued development, and we like it that way. This is how we envisioned this project to play out from its inception, which is why we're so excited about this new plan.
Now, here's where your valued and continued support comes in...
We've launched a Paypal/Stripe campaign on our website
This campaign has been established in order for you to buy an early access code in advance, as well as receive some bonus goodies for being such great supporters. Funding from this campaign will go directly to developing and bug fixing the current build of GRIP into something more playable and therefore more fun.
This new build will launch on Steam no later than November 30th 2015. We don't need a lot of money to get to that milestone; we just need to pay some outstanding bills in the meantime, which is why we're asking for your support in advance of Steam early access. Your continued support will solidify the backbone of GRIP's development moving forward, and we will greatly appreciate it.
So there you have it, our new direction for GRIP.
You can read more about the new Paypal/Stripe campaign on our website, including features coming with the first playable build, as well as an initial priority list for further development of releases on Steam.
Lastly, we want to thank everyone who backed us on Kickstarter, and for their enthusiasm towards this game's success as well as their undying support throughout the campaign.
Of course, what update wouldn't be complete without GIFs and some shout-outs? We've got a whole page full of GIFs for you to look at, some new and some old. Just a warning: it's quite heavy on bandwidth
Thanks for supporting us on Kickstarter!
We hope you'll support us for the remainder of this wild ride
-Chris and the GRIP team
Ha! Who ever account that was, I used all the GMG credit it had.
I hope that MGSV performs well enough on Steam so thatKonami is "forced" to publish older MGS titles...#fuck
On top of that it's overclocked so yeah.The CPU in that bench crushes what is currently in consoles. Thats why.
Felt like dipping into some random backlog games last night so I booted up Before The Echo (formerly Sequence).
Let's see, it says "Hard" is for people who understand music. Well, I play guitar so let's start there.
First monster - holy shit there are arrows everywhere! Let's try normal.
Next monster - fewer arrows but I still suck.
I don't think I can play this game.
Don't have it installed (obviously!) but if you take a proper look at Dishonored's CPU usage you'll see, like the vast majority of UE3 games, it's pretty much a sequential load and only really needs 1, 2 tops, fast cores. Take a couple of the PS4 or XO cores and compare their IPS to even an old Kentsfield CPU clocked at 3ghz or more and the old and over the hill Inter CPU would probably come out on top.
Ha! Who ever account that was, I used all the GMG credit it had.
Jaguar CPU was a mistake, they are nothing but trash. It seems the majority of performance problems on consoles come from that damn CPU.
Jaguar CPU was a mistake, they are nothing but trash. It seems the majority of performance problems on consoles come from that damn CPU.
Jaguar CPU was a mistake, they are nothing but trash. It seems the majority of performance problems on consoles come from that damn CPU.
Any news from GMG over the voucher mishap? Haven't seen them post about it anywhere and I haven't been refunded yet.
Never mind that Street Fighter lameness, Milamber.
The SEXY GIRLS BUNDLE is on Indiegala and features a game called 'Boob Wars - Big Breasts vs Flat Chests'.
Boobs are just fake asses.
Boobs are just fake asses.
Life is fake hometown?Boobs are just fake asses.
Felt like dipping into some random backlog games last night so I booted up Before The Echo (formerly Sequence).
Let's see, it says "Hard" is for people who understand music. Well, I play guitar so let's start there.
First monster - holy shit there are arrows everywhere! Let's try normal.
Next monster - fewer arrows but I still suck.
I don't think I can play this game.
lol[Not a game] Microsoft Snip, an enhanced version of the Snipping Tool.
Let's give Snip a try....
Boobs & Ass are her character traits.
Heyo!Hi SteamGaf