Will buy when someone mods Tom Hardy into it.
Rocket League is amazing and college will be suffering without my PS4
Are we expecting anything good PC wise?
Well that looked meh, at this point I don't even care if QB never comes to PC.
See that Scalebound is chopping forward
Another Z Nation lover!I love Z Nation and Murphy is my hubby <3 It's got a decent story and characters and it's done about everything it took TWD 5 seasons to do. Can't wait for Season 2 on September 11th.
Holy Smoke what?! I had no clue it was so soon! Thanks bud, gonna watch now.GB Gamescom stream has started, MS conference soon I guess. http://www.giantbomb.com/chat/
Scalebound might release on W10.
but what I'd really like to see is Rare Replay on PC ToT My friend has a Bone so I'ma harass him to get a copy since i think the only games he has are FIFA 15 and Butt Cream when I last visited him
Speaking of which is there an easier method of running DS4W now?
ok i have ds4windows working perfectly now under windows 10 Pro, using exclusive mode so no more double inputs. just sharing what i found over at the devs forums here
Full credit and thanks to Vanquo and Vallaqan forum members at above link who figured this out+rep
So you basically create a batch file which runs on system boot and disables the Network List Service and runs ds4windows first, and then it re-enables the Network list service, so once its done cortana and search and start menu all work 100% normal. ive tested this several times and it works perfectly.
Once desktop has loaded just wait a short while you will see the batch file window pop-up and minimised while it runs, just let it do its thing.
They key it seems to granting ds4windows exclusive mode is to hit the DS4 PS button as soon as the desktop appears, so login and then on the next screen hit the PS button on the pad. ds4windows will load and ive set mine to minimise on start. You should see a win10 alert saying default controller 1 connected. simples
Note in my batch file ive also added
@ECHO OFF to the top and /min after the first line after start. This runs the batch file minimised, so for those interested here is my batch file below
Code:start /min D:\"DS4Windows\DS4Windows.exe" sc config netprofm start= demand sc config NcdAutoSetup start= demand sc config HomeGroupProvider start= demand sc start netprofm sc start NcdAutoSetup sc start HomeGroupProvider sc config netprofm start= disabled sc config NcdAutoSetup start= disabled sc config HomeGroupProvider start= disabled
settings in ds4windows app all ive changed is to set the app minimised on launch and hide controller checked. you can test this in fact yourself, if its worked correctly you can check and uncheck hide controller and it will just beep and no error. without the fix above it says cannot gain exclusive mode, turn off uplay, steam etc etc.
hope this helps! maybe other can try and confirm as well
Scalebound might release on W10.
Dang. The non-talking-over-stream is region-locked. Any links?GB Gamescom stream has started, MS conference soon I guess. http://www.giantbomb.com/chat/
Because the majority of third party xbone exclusives ended up on pc sometime later.
Just like Halo MCC, Forza, Gears etc. right?
won't buy an xbone only for one game.
Just like Halo MCC, Forza, Gears etc. right?
Just like Halo MCC, Forza, Gears etc. right?
Just like Halo MCC, Forza, Gears etc. right?
You fail to understand the meaning of majority.Just like Halo MCC, Forza, Gears etc. right?
Scalebound looks alright at best, was hoping for something really fast paced like mgr or bayo
At E3's PC conf. Phil Spencer openly said that "some games are better when they are staying on consoles".
MCC will never come.
Quickly summarizes the current console market.
All of these "Windows 10" announcements are worrying.
Yeah. Seems like there will be a lot absent from Steam.All of these "Windows 10" announcements are worrying.
So, steam has my currency now or this is a enhanced steam thing?
To be honest from what I read (Durante's post on PCG) DX12 looks to be good but not gonna give a magical "general boost".DX12 is the future folks.
So what you're saying is I should probably update to Windows 10...
I wish I can say the same about PS4 with JRPG reconnaissance that they having![]()
Yeah. Seems like there will be a lot absent from Steam.
The games coming to PC are the most important though.
So time to show old tech demos on our conference? what?
"Xbox Live on PC"
Please be excited.