I'm going to drop a Batman: Arkham City code here in a bit. All I ask is for a cool Batman drawing in Paint![]()

Is this cool enough?
I'm going to drop a Batman: Arkham City code here in a bit. All I ask is for a cool Batman drawing in Paint![]()
I'm going to drop a Batman: Arkham City code here in a bit. All I ask is for a cool Batman drawing in Paint![]()
I think it was $5 once, a long time ago...Has anyone ever saw cod 4 under $10 in the past?
what if i said that i careI bought lots of games. I wont list them, because no one cares what I bought or will read the post if I post them.
I bought lots of games. I wont list them, because no one cares what I bought or will read the post if I post them.
I care, and a lot of people do.I bought lots of games. I wont list them, because no one cares what I bought or will read the post if I post them.
I bought lots of games. I wont list them, because no one cares what I bought or will read the post if I post them.
Coolest batman picture I could think of!
Congratulations! You've unlocked an offer in Halo 4: Spend $100, Get $50 Back!
at Best Buy.
Valid at Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile U.S store locations (excluding U.S. territories and possessions) or online at Bestbuy.com.
No need to guess, pretty sure it was already explained that the music license ran out.Guess this explains the why Vice City was taken down
18334 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City Old Audio NA
18335 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio NA
18336 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio DE
18337 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio AU
18338 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio ROW
Dishonored and X-Com from GreenManGaming ($25 + $28)
Victoria 2 + AHD from Amazon ($7.50)
Spec Ops: The Line and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine from GetGamesGo ($15)
Crusader Kings II Legacy of Rome DLC ($1.25)
Mark of the Ninja ($7.50)
Psychonauts ($3.75)
Crysis 2 Maximum ($11.something)
KOTOR 2 ($2.50)
Total damages: $101.05
Fuck me.
So the accounts with the old version will become valuable? Fuck, why didn't I grab it before?Guess this explains the why Vice City was taken down
18334 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City Old Audio NA
18335 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio NA
18336 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio DE
18337 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio AU
18338 Grand Theft Auto III Vice City New Audio ROW
My walking dead isn't launching anymore? I recently upgraded to Windows 8, but all my other games are working.
No need to guess, pretty sure it was already explained that the music license ran out.
Incidentally, I think the licensing issue is also why Hitman: Contracts is not on Steam.
It's often mentioned in the same sentence as Bad Rats and Revelations 2012. Does that answer your question?What's the deal with Garshasp? Are people just buying this ironically or is it actually good?
It's often mentioned in the same sentence as Bad Rats and Revelations 2012. Does that answer your question?
You chose well.
Save yourself the 5, Castle Crashers isn't very good imo.
As far as Bad Rats goes, I think one of those reviews is completely nonsensical, one is a shill review, and one is probably a legitimate one.Sadly, no. I've not played either of those, and Garshasp has a 49 metacritic whilst Bad Rats is floating around in the 90s.
(yeah yeah, I know, metacritic lol)
It just feels all sorts of wrong as a beat 'em up, namely the hit detection and the sense for when your opponent is dead. Sometimes it feels like dudes just soak up damage, sometimes they don't, but either way it's a matter of stopping your juggle just to see if they'll fade out or if they'll get back up so you can keep doing it. There's no weight to it I guess, it just wasn't very fun. The humour did nothing for me as well. :\Whhhaaaaatttt? You be trippin
Love that game.
Coolest batman picture I could think of!
What's the deal with Garshasp? Are people just buying this ironically or is it actually good?
Garshasp is a lot like Revelations 2012 in that, much like how Revelations shines the light of truth onto how bad a series Serious Sam actually is, Garshasp focuses its searing and righteous indignation on the God of War series.
Your sacred cows have been smelted into bricks, my friends. And with those gilded bricks I shall build my acropolis.