listen to the mad man
No Autumn Sale Group so we can download clean versions of the backgrounds?
I need me some new wallpapers!
No Autumn Sale Group so we can download clean versions of the backgrounds?
I need me some new wallpapers!
Why is Tappet carrying a turkey corpse up with him?
Only the Winter/Summer sales have metagames.There's badge or metagame, right?
I can vouch for Lost Horizon. It's very loosely based on the story of the same name. Atmospheric, exotic. Sort of an Indiana Jones adventurer vibe. Great visual design and use of colour. Didn't seem to frustrating. I liked the characters. Localization was solid and it didn't feel like a gibberish Eastern Europe PnC. I only played about half of it so I don't have much to add about pacing or how the story concludes or anything, but definitely worth the $5. You might want to wait to see if it becomes a daily deal (it's been a daily deal many times before) or 75% off.
Why is Tappet carrying a turkey corpse up with him?
Whats the gameplay like in walking dead? I haven't played any telltale games but is it point and click?
Does it make more sense to pick up The Walking Dead for $12.50 from Amazon instead of Steam since 1) it activates on Steam anyway, and 2) you receive $5 credit that can be applied to any "Editor's Choice" PC download? (Hopefully that includes certain games like Dark Souls and Max Payne 3).
I'm not missing anything, here, right?
So if Tappet made it a turkey balloon, how would it go space diving being a balloon and all?It's clearly not a corpse, look at the wonderfully articulated turkey eyebrow in the picture. (Zoom in if you can't see it). I think Occam's Razor applies here, the most simple explanation is the best. The turkey ALSO wants to go space-diving, but since it lacks arms, it can't climb the ladder on its owns. Tappet thus injected it with helium, tied on a leash, and climbed the ladder himself. Best of both worlds, turkey has a good time.
If you can spend $10 on a bundle and Steam keys aren't a must, the recent Pick 5 & Pay $10-deal would be a fantastic starting point.As someone who has never played a point and click sort of game, which one would you recommend for $2.49 or less?
I'd say no.
Borderlands 2 is a better game than the first, but the core gameplay is pretty much the same as is the tone of the writing. So if you didn't like those elements in the first, BL2 probably won't change your mind.
Hey guys! 3DMark Vantage is 75% off! What a Steal!
Only the Winter/Summer sales have metagames.
So if I buy The Walking Dead, is it the season pass for all 5 episodes or just episode 1?
All 5.
Summer 2012 didn't have one, though. *sad*
These Brazilian Prices are CRAZY. Spiderman is 51% off. Not even them can figure this shit out properly.
So if I buy The Walking Dead, is it the season pass for all 5 episodes or just episode 1?
If I buy Walking Dead, does it come with all 5 episodes, or just Episode 5 and I have to DVR the first four?
it was reaching its capacity, we just discuss sales here until they're over and xelios or Orange open thread 4
Thats just 20 bucks. 5 bucks less than the US.
Game is 8 bucks in russia
I wish someone would make an RSS feed or something for the Flash sales
Well, I only want to spend $5 today. So Cargo Commander or KOTOR 1?
In the last sale did any flash sales not end up as daily deals?
Buy Cargo commander today and kotor 1 tomorrow.
If you can spend $10 on a bundle and Steam keys aren't a must, the recent Pick 5 & Pay $10-deal would be a fantastic starting point.
Machinarium, Botanicula, Gemini Rue, Resonance, To The Moon, done.
Kotor2 for 2.50 good deal? I recall there being problems trying to run it in widescreen or something or am I just making that up.