The Witcher 2 is 11.99 right now. I'm guessing it'll go even cheaper once it becomes a daily deal?
Winter will come too!
Thanks for the heads up, Traumahound.
It would be nice to have a section here, or a new thread like this one, covering smaller deals like this one.
Ys Origins pls.
Be sure to check your wishlist all. There's way more specials than what is on the main page! Trine 2, Burnout Paradise, NFSMW, Vikings, hard reset, Rayman Origins, Witcher 2, Riddick are all ranging from 33-50% off. I wonder if Vikings is worth 8,00$?
If i buy Walking Dead, what episodes do i get?
If i buy Walking Dead, what episodes do i get?
All of them 1-5.
it's still $10 too much
Damn Cargo Commander for like 2 bucks hmmm
Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
Even though Chivalry is marked down 20%, I should wait for the Daily Deal?
wow... I just went to buy it and found I already owned it too. How many times will that happen to me during this sale. :|I have it and didn't even know it =\
Good Lord that's creepy
I know, but I have most of the other games. And to be honest, I have such a huge backlog that if a game isn't in my Steam library, I'll forget I own it and probably never play it.
Still, for anyone that's not me, the GOG sale is a great deal.
Garshasp: Temple of the Dragon
TSLRCM tries to fix to the best of our abilities the issues The Sith Lords had due to being rushed. TSLRCM contains a host of restored content, most important ones the HK factory and your party members appearing on Malachor. Also this mod fixes many many bugs left inside TSL. More than a thousand bugs have been fixed, from small dialog issues to gamebreaking bugs. The end result is that this mod gives you the most polished and full TSL experience possible, the best possible chance to get the full experience Obsidian tried for when making the game.
(not pictured, but the aspect ratio of the HUD will be skewed after the WS fix. there are no fixes for this yet
LOL @ Gaben Ready
Even though Chivalry is marked down 20%, I should wait for the Daily Deal?
I don't really need new games to play RIGHT NOW, so I'm thinking of waiting for possible bigger discounts from the December sale on the games I want.
So how good is KOTOR2? Even at that price I'm skeptical.
Great, when can we expect it?