Trine Complete - $8.74
Fear 3 - $4.99
Deadlight - $7.49
Fear 3 - $4.99
Deadlight - $7.49
Trine Complete - $8.74
Fear 3 - $4.99
Deadlight - $7.49
Trine Complete - $8.74
Fear 3 - $4.99
Deadlight - $7.49
- F.E.A.R. Ultimate Pack - $8.99 Contains:
F.E.A.R. Ultimate Shooter Edition
[*]F.E.A.R. 2
[*]F.E.A.R. 3
alright framerate does dip to the 50s when swinging outside, but its tolerable.
damn shame about the jaggies since the game can look quite good in certain areas.
downsampling from 2040x1152 to 1360x768 on my TV (since im playing with a controller anyway) and it looks good enough. Shots below obviously dont show the fake AA tho
Good games for the price, especially trine collection.
I'm always on the fence about Trine (2). The game is gorgeous from the looks of the trailer, but the gameplay looks very basic/samey.
Hey guys is Ghostbusters the game worth getting? 4 bucks on Amazon
Hey guys is Ghostbusters the game worth getting? 4 bucks on Amazon
Steam is killing me. games and games stacked,just looking at my library is scary. how will i play all of this and finish it? maybe in the year 3000 i'll catch up...
Hey guys, what game do you think is more fun, Binary Domain or Hotline Miami?
Too bad it's not Ghostbusters the Video Game.![]()
Buying SuperBrothers: Sword and Sorcery and They Bleed Pixels. They any good?
Because this is neogaf, I'll counter with Trine being dead boring. Sure is pretty in places though.
Oh and sleeping dogs isn't that great, it is more or less a more limited GTA4 with better characters. It is ok if you get it cheap but after the first couple of hours you will just be grinding to the end.
Keeping it real and horrifying once again. I'm the fox news of neogaf.
Deadlight is solid enough if you are not worn out on the genre. It doesn't offer much that is new, but is somewhat polished.
anyone else getting this randomly when exiting games?
also im debating Deadlight.. might skip due to limited funds
Yeah I've been getting that after exiting Hitman every other time or so.
anyone else getting this randomly when exiting games?
also im debating Deadlight.. might skip due to limited funds
anyone else getting this randomly when exiting games?
also im debating Deadlight.. might skip due to limited funds
I slipped and bought Fear3 anyway. Eh.
Does this game redeemable on steam?
Unless you intend to play multiplayer, and I don't even know if there even is an active community in MP3, you just wasted some money by buying that season pass.
anyone else getting this randomly when exiting games?
also im debating Deadlight.. might skip due to limited funds
Someone wants/needs a co-op buddy for F.E.A.R. 3? I'm in for that! Add me whoever wants: my Steam ID is the same as my GAF username.I played the first level solo and HATED it, but then my brother joined me and the game was instantly tons of fun. So I advise finding a co-op buddy!
I liked Deadlight a lot, but really you can hold off on it for another sale or two (say, when it hits that 3.75 mark).
thanks, and yeah you're probably right. Hopefully Mark of the Ninja hits $7.5
Musing on $16.20 of Civilization V DLC (already have Gods and Kings, this is everything bar the Cradles of Civilization map packs). Can this be had for cheaper anywhere else in Canada?
And yeah, I'm waiting for a daily/flash discount before pulling the trigger.