Is it safe to buy now, or will prices drop further during the week with dailies?
This is my first big Steam sale, so apologies if this was already answered
Only 10% off Civ 6? :/
I continue to wait![]()
I'm tempted to buy one of the Ys games. I already have I&II, which one do you guys suggest?
It's $40 at GameStop this Friday
Brothers- A Tale of Two Sons for games that make you cry.
At this point, this sausage game is trying too hard to be different.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think Steam Sales have had the typical price drops in Dailies and Flash deals...
The prices you see now are what you get during the whole sale... But again I may be wrong.
I tried to keep the nominations to games released this year but couldn't think of anything for the Game Within a Game and Farm Animal awards, so this is what I came up with:
I'm tempted to buy one of the Ys games. I already have I&II, which one do you guys suggest?
There used to be dailies, but they've been gone for some time now. I'd say it's safe to buy right now.
The I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye Award
Ori is 75% off somewhere? I'd snap it up at that price.
The Test of Time Award.
The original Doom.
Dammit Sega if you'd put the Shenmue or Yakuza series on Steam the game within a game category would have been an easy choice. I can't think of a single one right now.
That's the wrong order story wise though. Origin is first.Go for Ys: Oath in Felghana! Since you beat 1 and 2 play the remaining games in this order
Ys 3 (OiF)>Ys 6>Origin
A lot of my wishlist games aren't on sale, until I click on the game and it shows it's on sale. A bug I guess.About 10 games on my wishlist on sale
Only a few are 50% off or more
? its 5 euro over here :O
Blargh, I should've waited to see what was in sale before buying wallet cards. I thought more Square/Japanese games would be on sale since they were in the earlier sales this year
No games made me cry, any suggestions?
I tried to keep the nominations to games released this year but couldn't think of anything for the Game Within a Game and Farm Animal awards, so this is what I came up with:
The Test of Time Award.
The original Doom.
Just Cause 3 worth it? How is performance now?
At this point, this sausage game is trying too hard to be different.
If it's working for them, I can't blame them.
UT was a 2015 release tho
Not much of interest this sale..will probably pick up the following
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Axiom Verge
Titan Quest
That and it's a legitimate GOTY contender.
I think it's admirable that the dev isn't racing to the bottom with a deep discount.