Shadow Warrior is a game that desperately needs a demo. The game looks great, but people just don't know how good it feels to cut up demons. Just give the player the sword and a bunch of guys to slice up. Instant $$$$.
I'd kill for a game that blends Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior together. Take the weapons and setting from Hard Reset and blend that with the sword play and humor of Shadow Warrior. I'd be there so fast.
I wanted to fit more of the quote in and reflect credit back to Nabs, but Twitter's restrictions on character count is ridiculous.
If they reply back I will link to Nabs' original post.

I bought Shadow Warrior even though I don't care about it nor wanted it, plus I wont play it for a while.
The first trailer in the steam page plus the price though made me do it. I blame Valve.
Either way, you supported an awesome developer who makes great games.