Won't be there for this one, but I'm hoping for a big turnout wednesday, even in spite of Bioshock.
Ninja Kn1ght said:I don't have DOD 1.3![]()
When TF2 comes out it will be played every day, "Free evenings" will be a concern for other games. : )perryfarrell said:I gots no DOD.
We should keep some evenings free for when Team Fortress 2 comes! It will be huuuuge
More people usually show upfallout said:So, do all GAF Steam Community events always have such high turn-outs? This was the first one I've been able to attend and I'd hate to think that in 2 weeks, the interest had been killed off. I can't imagine any other explanation, unless everyone is just sick of DoD (or BIOSHOCK could be another explanation, I guess).
fallout said:Sigh, maybe I should try to find a copy of UT2k4 or free up my Friday nights.
fallout said:So, do all GAF Steam Community events always have such high turn-outs? This was the first one I've been able to attend and I'd hate to think that in 2 weeks, the interest had been killed off. I can't imagine any other explanation, unless everyone is just sick of DoD (or BIOSHOCK could be another explanation, I guess).
It seems like this gets at least one mention every month. It’s a bit of relief to see that it still exists! The Steam Community’s voice chat is carried over Steam’s new BitTorrent-based P2P network, and the separation of the binaries that work that little bit of magic (into bin/p2pcore.dll and bin/p2pvoice.dll) strongly suggests that we’ll be seeing more applications of the technology at a later date.
Some further findings from Steam’s new files:
Use the VGUI Editor (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B) on the Downloads page in Settings and you’ll find an empty CSubPanelOptionsP2P, waiting to be filled with controls.
A #Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel_hidden label for the current Media tab is to be found in config/dialogconfig.vdf. For sharing mod trailers, right?
The public/P2PDetailPage.res dialogue includes a tracker field. Could refer either to community trackers for mod content, or official regional trackers that can be switched between.
“VST” appears in public\P2PMetaDataPage.res’s CP2PVstKeyValuesListPanel. Sitting alongside VMT, VDF, VCD and other keyvalue-based Valve file formats, it somehow seems unlikely that this three-letter acronym starting with V has anything to do with Virtual Studio Technology. “Valve Sharing Tracker” perhaps?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:download it? Its free if you have half life.
I doubt it would be forced, I guess we'll have to wait and see. It's interesting though.Metalmurphy said:P2P network? You mean i'm uploading stuff to other people?
I sure as hell hope i can disable that cause my crappy ISP lags my connection like mad every time i upload anything over 5KB/s.
Not to mention that i have bandwidth limits.
Well, it doesn't hurt to pick a server beforehandWHOAguitarninja said:It doesn't actually start until 9, so no.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:download it? Its free if you have half life.
Joe Molotov said:Well, I tried, but I never could get into a match. It just kept downloading and redownloading files over and over.
OatmealMu said:I ended up having to re-download the entire Umod again to get it working. You didn't miss much, though. It wasn't long before the pros came in and cleaned up. :\
Joe Molotov said:Anyway, I downloaded the ZIP last time, so I'm going to delete all those files and try the UMOD.
What is Gungame exactly?Quellex said:Tonight is CS:S night, what do you guys think about Gungame?
You'll have to tell me what it is, haha...Quellex said:Tonight is CS:S night, what do you guys think about Gungame?
Quellex said:Tonight is CS:S night, what do you guys think about Gungame?