LOL MGSV GZ is more expansive in singapore than in USA
Woah. Ground Zeroes is cheaper in Nroway than in US/Euro.
Woah. Ground Zeroes is cheaper in Nroway than in US/Euro.
konami with the $= lol rule in full effect
Dreadout received another patch.
Woah. Ground Zeroes is cheaper in Nroway than in US/Euro.
18 minutes ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting false
Not sure if lttp, but what the fuck lol
Woah. Ground Zeroes is cheaper in Norway than in US/Euro.
LOL MGSV GZ is more expansive in singapore than in USA
Gave me a good laugh. Thank you guys think any of you can finish ground zeroes before the sale starts? probably am I rite
you guys think any of you can finish ground zeroes before the sale starts? probably am I rite
where is sale thread?
Thanks for Deus Ex!
I am here for the Steam sale pre-hype.
Also, I still believe in DRAGON THE GAME, unlike Ozium the Betrayer.
Why, why!
Woah. Ground Zeroes is cheaper in Norway than in US/Euro.
you guys are still with that dragon game? >_>
How much is it?
Yep Ground Zeroes 33% off so 13 dollars.
why? its right there in the rule monk
because LOL thats why
Beating it in less than 20 minutes isn't even a challenge.
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