5 (5) Perpetuum BoyC
5 (6) Interstellar Marines Zero Point Software
7 (8) Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Project Giana) Black Forest Games
10 (10) Forge DarkValeGames
10 (11) Contrast Compulsion Games
10 (12) Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition majka.corp

15 (15) Octodad: Dadliest Catch PTibz
15 (16) Miasmata IonFx
17 (17) Secrets of Grindea PixelFerrets
17 (18) Yogventures! winterkewl
17 (19) Folk Tale Games Foundry
20 (20) The Intruder Mister Royzo
20 (21) NEOTOKYO° Glasseater
20 (22) Blockscape ghost in the shell
23 (24) Gnomoria Robotronic Games
23 (25) Lost Story: The Last Days of Earth [LST]
26 (27) AirBuccaneers LudoCraft
37 (40) The Stanley Parable: HD Remix Cakebread
41 (44) Fly'n Fly'n
66 (68) Dream HyperSloth
The in-betweeners (Games with a high ranking at the time that didn't make it):
1 (2) Faceless Manio
23 (23) DLC Quest Mr Kane
26 (26) Gear Up Doctor Entertainment
26 (28) No Time To Explain tinyBuild
26 (29) Dawn of Fantasy Reverie World Indie
Other games, ranked 31-49; possible contenders for the next batch?:
31 (31) Organ Trail: Director's Cut Boco
31 (32) Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land Red Wasp Design
31 (33) Sang-Froid : Tales of Werewolves Artifice Studio
31 (34) Kinetic Void - Space Adventure LumberingTroll
31 (35) Receiver Wolfire Games
31 (36) Unepic franfistro
37 (37) Slenderman:The Orphanage (ALPHA) ShadowShifters
37 (38) The Age of Decadence Elhoim
37 (39) The Legend AustinHand
41 (41) 8BitMMO RobbyZ
41 (42) Signal Ops Space Bullet
41 (43) NEStalgia Silk Games
41 (45) Inquisitor Lukas Macura
41 (47) Euro Truck Simulator 2 SCS Software
41 (48) Eador. Masters of the Broken World Snowbird Games
49 (49) Mutant Mudds Renegade Kid
49 (50) Dino Run SE Pixeljam Games
49 (51) Incredipede Colin Northway
49 (52) Centration Angry Engineers Entertainment
49 (53) Melody's Escape Epsi
49 (54) Edge of Space gaming
49 (55) FORCED BetaDwarf
49 (56) A Walk in the Dark FlyingTurtle
49 (57) Recruits Rob | Commotion Games
49 (58) The Story Of Dakara Erik_P[RU]
49 (59) Legends of Aethereus ThreeGates Studio
49 (60) Salvation Prophecy: Millitary Space Epic JabberwockyX
49 (62) Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Spicy Horse Games
49 (63) Silent Storm Nordic Games
49 (64) Exoplanet: First Contact false3d
49 (65) The Impossible Game FlukeDude