I bought Spelunky yesterday for £12, and now it's on sale for £6. Is there anything I can do?
Nope, dont think so. There is no price check. The risks of Steam.

I bought Spelunky yesterday for £12, and now it's on sale for £6. Is there anything I can do?
You can play Spelunky with even more people on the leader boards making you look and feel worse.FUCK.
I bought Spelunky yesterday for £12, and now it's on sale for £6. Is there anything I can do?
Typing of the Dead Overkill not available in Germany. Stupid censorship.
Getting Penumbra, The Void and Legacy of Kain collection. Contemplating Serious Sam 3, but my PC can't handle it and I didn't even finish the other 2. That and I'm already spending more money than I should, otherwise I would get Overkill.
Typing of the Dead Overkill not available in Germany. Stupid censorship. Going for Don´t Starve if anyone can recommend it.
Hi btw. Name is Jan
Soul Reaver's PC port is dreadful, so beware. I haven't gotten around to trying the others, but it wouldn't shock me if they were largely asstastic too.
Dodger did a LP of Sherlock Homes. She seem to like the series.
Really? Hmm shit. I've been wanting to play these games for a while, but don't really feel like hunting down a Dreamcast copy.
Can anyone tell me anything about the Penumbra games? Worth checking out if I like Amnesia?
Joe Danger is included in the Halloween/Scary games? Odd.
Went 50% off a while back, probably the Summer sale. Developers have moved on despite some probably minor bugs (achievements and stuff)Is this about the first time Miasmata has been on sale? Its been on my wish list forever but it seemed like it never went on sale.
So I'll likely pick up Miasmata and Penumbra. Not bad for $6.23
Do you know of any good guides, ideally ones that sort of help you out and make you aware of things but don't ruin it in the process?Good man! By sheer coincidence I just replayed, I Have No Mouth...
Pro-tip... play by walkthrough. The game is an amazing narrative experience for adults, but there are fail-states the game won't report to you, meaning you can just get "stuck" permanently and never realize it.
I watched them by stream, and they don't look too different to Amnesia. Black Plague has a demo.They're clunky as fuck and the games haven't aged well IMO.
This GIF is actually really stupid because what's happening in it is exactly what's supposed to happen. It's a level where you face off against blind xenomorphs. If you move, they hear you. If you stand still, they don't. It looks cheesy and the animation sucks, of course, but it's not bad AI. That's exactly what is intended.
The game still sucks, of course, but this GIF is not evidence of it sucking.
They're clunky as fuck and the games haven't aged well IMO.
Thanks, guess I'll check some videos later, can't beat the price.
Is this like a normal Steam sale, in that the prices vary? I'd love to grab Outlast & Machine for Pigs but would like to see something better than 30% off.
Nope. Deals are the same games/prices for the week. Less stressful than Christmas/Summer.
They're clunky as fuck and the games haven't aged well IMO.
Throw a pie or trip over a banana. Do something!This GIF is actually really stupid because what's happening in it is exactly what's supposed to happen. It's a level where you face off against blind xenomorphs. If you move, they hear you. If you stand still, they don't. It looks cheesy and the animation sucks, of course, but it's not bad AI. That's exactly what is intended.
The game still sucks, of course, but this GIF is not evidence of it sucking.
They're clunky as fuck and the games haven't aged well IMO.
They are passable, if you want to use a controller for them I recommend using xpadder or something like that to map your controller rather then use the default controller scheme.
This GIF is actually really stupid because what's happening in it is exactly what's supposed to happen. It's a level where you face off against blind xenomorphs. If you move, they hear you. If you stand still, they don't. It looks cheesy and the animation sucks, of course, but it's not bad AI. That's exactly what is intended.
The game still sucks, of course, but this GIF is not evidence of it sucking.
The Swapper is the best pc game I've played this year. Buy it people. Go, go GO!
This GIF is actually really stupid because what's happening in it is exactly what's supposed to happen. It's a level where you face off against blind xenomorphs. If you move, they hear you. If you stand still, they don't. It looks cheesy and the animation sucks, of course, but it's not bad AI. That's exactly what is intended.
The game still sucks, of course, but this GIF is not evidence of it sucking.
This GIF is actually really stupid because what's happening in it is exactly what's supposed to happen. It's a level where you face off against blind xenomorphs. If you move, they hear you. If you stand still, they don't. It looks cheesy and the animation sucks, of course, but it's not bad AI. That's exactly what is intended.
The game still sucks, of course, but this GIF is not evidence of it sucking.