Why even ask when the alternative for you is REmake. The greatest RE of all time. RER2 has nothing on that.
I recommend Sanitarium, a truly classic game.
Sunless Sea - $12.72
Set sail to the deep, a Lovecraftian game about you as captain with a crew at sea, a rogue-like where you must manage your crew and explore, and what happens is up to you. Unearth otherworldly horrors, go mad and eat your crew, explore uncharted waters and fish for supplies, and much more. Also has quite a good story to it.
Alien: Isolation - $24.99
The hide'n'seek game with an intelligent Xenomorph enemy. Has some combat and maybe goes on for a bit longer than it needs to, but has some tense cat-and-mouse gameplay set in the detailed-lore world of Alien, and make the sort of horror game in that universe fans of wanted, mixed with some fun twists on similar hide'n'seek horror games, most of all being the Xenomorph being an interesting enemy itself.
Everyone buy Sunless Sea pls
so good
The Coma - $7.49
Sort of a mixture of Corpse Party & White Day: A Labyrinth Named School. You are a Korean student who gets trapped in school at night with a violent murderer you must survive... But is that all that's going on? Good narrative visual novel side, good survival-horror side.
I recommend Sanitarium, a truly classic game.
Will buy dead space 1 and 2 so I can uninstall origin forever.
Thinking of getting Alien: Isolation but the deal isn't great on steam so I'm getting it elsewhere.
Should I just get the base game or the collection? DLC any good?
Was looking at Fran Bow earlier today, but it didn't seem to go on sale.. guess I'll play what I have already.
Pretty nasty to have Alien Isolation priced so high because it was even 12.49 during summer sale. Guess they are using the season while they can. Glad I got it back then.
Can also vouch for Typing of the Dead being pretty silly fun even if you suck at typing like me.
can we please all point and laugh at the Obscure publisher for once again not discount the Obscure games, in a fucking Halloween sale of all things this time?
Does RE6 have online co-op like 5?
Thanks for the well out together and informative OP! Lots of interesting titles there I plan on giving a shot.
Whoa, you made a game Dusk? Gonna have to LP that.
Well I'm sold!
In my opinion, it's very good and it reminds me a lot of TWAU (but with a much bigger focus on the actual investigating part of the story).Is Blues and Bullets any good? Just noticed that it's 25% off and it's been a while since I've played a good detective game.
Sanitarium is also out on iOS/Android, if anyone's interested.
LISA is 3 dollars.
is 3 dollars.
If you need convincing, there's a little...thread...over this way that may convince you...
LISA needs braces.
It's not NEARLY as bad as some make it out to be. The campaign is very all over the place in terms of quality, but there's a lot of it. There's four different campaigns, each completely unique outside of a few crossover sections, and to complete all four takes about 20-25 hours usually. This, plus Mercenaries and a sort of tacked on but fun for a few rounds 'Play as the monsters in others campaigns' mode, make it quite meaty, especially for that price.
Sorry for the noob question but how is the steam version of harvester? I know gog does stuff so the games run better on modern systems. Is the steam version equvilient? I heard the original(pre-steam) release was pretty unstable.
I'm hopefully upgrading to pc soon. Was looking to pick this and fear and vtmbl.
Dental plan.
It is so very lovely a thing, isn't it? The world it paints, I mean?
Great Op, nothing for me this sale. Its curious to see how indie dominated is the horror genre.
Does anyone know if they ever fixed the controller support issues with Dead Rising 2 et.al.?