said:Hey guys I bought the Max payne bundle but the ingame sound doesn't work (intro sound worked and menu sound works fine, but just not in game), anyone else having this problem? :/
I had the same issue, was easily fixed:nilbog21 said:Hey guys I bought the Max payne bundle but the ingame sound doesn't work (intro sound worked and menu sound works fine, but just not in game), anyone else having this problem? :/
wormstrangler said:RE: Max Payne for Aussies
Can't you just use the L4D2 'trick' and buy from the UK or US stores?
nilbog21 said:Hey guys I bought the Max payne bundle but the ingame sound doesn't work (intro sound worked and menu sound works fine, but just not in game), anyone else having this problem? :/
wormstrangler said:RE: Max Payne for Aussies
Can't you just use the L4D2 'trick' and buy from the UK or US stores?
bytesized said:By the way, can the Beyond Good and Evil port be shittier? Full of glitches and annoying stuff. Also, I bought it just because it's a game that seems to have a big fanbase but it seems to me like a kind of Zelda-pokemon hybrid from the N64 era, not what I was expecting at all, I must say. I also hate the character designs aside from the pig. It´s my fault though, I should've just researched a little before buying but I thought at 2'50 it was a no brainer (and so I acted)
KiKaL said:I'm tempted to get Civ4 but really haven't ever played one. IS there any other game it's like? I hear so much praise I might bite the bullet but this sale as already given me a huge backlog.
With over 6 million units sold and unprecedented critical acclaim from fans and press around the world, Sid Meier's Civilization is recognized as one of the greatest PC game franchises of all-time
I think you mean Zelda-Pokemon Snap hybrid and how is that a bad thing?!bytesized said:By the way, can the Beyond Good and Evil port be shittier? Full of glitches and annoying stuff. Also, I bought it just because it's a game that seems to have a big fanbase but it seems to me like a kind of Zelda-pokemon hybrid from the N64 era, not what I was expecting at all, I must say. I also hate the character designs aside from the pig. It´s my fault though, I should've just researched a little before buying but I thought at 2'50 it was a no brainer (and so I acted)
hamchan said:Says it doesn't match my billing address. Do i need a US credit card?
bytesized said:By the way, can the Beyond Good and Evil port be shittier? Full of glitches and annoying stuff. Also, I bought it just because it's a game that seems to have a big fanbase but it seems to me like a kind of Zelda-pokemon hybrid from the N64 era, not what I was expecting at all, I must say. I also hate the character designs aside from the pig. It´s my fault though, I should've just researched a little before buying but I thought at 2'50 it was a no brainer (and so I acted)
Anyway you could help me get this? I have a $25 promo code that I would trade if you could gift me some steam games.Althane said:If the gifting Max Payne bundle works, I'd be up for gifting it to someone who couldn't get it normally, since I have a little bit of spare cash.
bytesized said:By the way, can the Beyond Good and Evil port be shittier? Full of glitches and annoying stuff. Also, I bought it just because it's a game that seems to have a big fanbase but it seems to me like a kind of Zelda-pokemon hybrid from the N64 era, not what I was expecting at all, I must say. I also hate the character designs aside from the pig. It´s my fault though, I should've just researched a little before buying but I thought at 2'50 it was a no brainer (and so I acted)
Firestorm said:I think you mean Zelda-Pokemon Snap hybrid and how is that a bad thing?!
Atrophis said:Is the port really that bad? I got it the other day along with Killing Floor, Dark Messiah, Audiosurf and Braid.
Think i will be picking up the Max Payne bundle. Never did get round to playing the sequal but the first game was cheesy greatness.
Not sure about Left 4 Dead...
Firestorm said:I think you mean Zelda-Pokemon Snap hybrid and how is that a bad thing?!
Archie said:Has Freedom Force aged well? I remember playing the sequel several years ago and found it enjoyable. I don't want to spend $5 and realize I was blinded by nostalgia, though.
bytesized said:I'm 29 years old :/
bytesized said:I'm 29 years old :/Firestorm said:I think you mean Zelda-Pokemon Snap hybrid and how is that a bad thing?!
Well the demo crashes every time I try to run it. $5 saved!bengraven said:I'm going to be creamed for this, especially because that was one game I meant to play that I didn't back in the day, but I bought it a few days ago to try out and really wasn't impressed. I found, at least the tutorial, incredibly boring. I'm sure it gets fantastic eventually, but it didn't capture my interest as I expected it to.
Alex said:I love the art and music in BG&E, but the actual gameplay kind of grated on me. I never got far though, I should try again. Kind of felt, to me, at the time, the same issues Brutal Legend has now. Trying to do a bit too much, doesn't do a lot of it particularly well.
I will try it out again though, maybe it was just a bad time.
bengraven said:I'm going to be creamed for this, especially because that was one game I meant to play that I didn't back in the day, but I bought it a few days ago to try out and really wasn't impressed. I found, at least the tutorial, incredibly boring. I'm sure it gets fantastic eventually, but it didn't capture my interest as I expected it to.
Doomslayer said:If there are any US/Euros willing to gift me the Max Payne bundle I will fellate there egos until the end of time. I will also paypal you the necessary funds.
My steam name is: Lord_Doomslayer
wormstrangler said:Buy it yourself:
Sorry, I forgot that only kids use photo-journalism to establish truth in a 1984-eque dystopian society. When you grow up you put away the camera and take out the guns!bytesized said:I'm 29 years old :/
MrMister said:I bought Call of Duty: World at War. Why do I feel bad? :lol
Anyways, haven't played through an entire CoD since 2:BRO, 3, and played the demo of 4.
Anything you guys wanna tell me before I jump into the game?
(Also, waiting until CoD4 is $20 or less until I purchase it and won't purchase CoD MW2 until I beat CoD4 and it drops to $30 or less.)
randomlyrossy said:Funny cause my reaction to that statement would be to tell you to grow up :lol
There is no age limit on fun.
Nope.SapientWolf said:Did Shattered Horizon already go on sale? The lack of a demo makes me wary about spending more than 10 duckets.
Firestorm said:Sorry, I forgot that only kids use photo-journalism to establish truth in a 1984-eque dystopian society. When you grow up you put away the camera and take out the guns!
wormstrangler said:RE: Max Payne for Aussies
Can't you just use the L4D2 'trick' and buy from the UK or US stores?
davonaytor said:This method worked for me. At the payment screen, change your billing address country to the country that the steam store page is set to. In my case I just changed it to United Kingdom, worked fine.
The game just might not be for you then, it happens. I think it has one of the best chase sequences in a game though and I can't wait for the sequel. Oh, and only problem I had with the PC port was choppy framerate when going through town in the hovership.bytesized said:Nah, I have to problem with cartoonish or lighthearted story games but I really don't like the art direction in this game (or most of the ubisoft from that era) or the character design. Also taking pictures of animals as a gameplay element doesn't convince me for some reason. I discovered they use it also in Bioshock and I went all FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU... I hope it's not required to advance in that game :/
Anyway, I will give BG&E another opportunity, of course. It's just that I was kind of disappointed since I was expecting something else. By the way, it's incredible how this game is from last generation of consoles, it looks barely above n64 in texture quality and polygone count, doesn't it? Not like I care about it
wormstrangler said:RE: Max Payne for Aussies
Can't you just use the L4D2 'trick' and buy from the UK or US stores?
Truespeed said:Either have I. Ultimately it comes down to whether you want to play games of this genre. If you do, then you can't go wrong with 4 masterpieces from the czar of strategy and simulation games.
Don't you think "one of the greatest PC game franchises of all-time" is worth $13.60?
bytesized said:I was just half joking
I think I'm too old for Pokemon, though![]()