Salacious Crumb
Junior Member
Ive got an X3 720 @ 3.5 Ghz, 4GB DDR3 and a 4870 X2 and GTA IV runs like arse. Why is it so hard for Devs to make decent ports.
rohlfinator said:Yeah, I was kinda interested in it back when the XBLA version came out, but I remembered you and others saying good things about the PC version, so I'm glad I held off. I'm not a big arcade racer guy, but it shouldn't be hard to get $2.50 worth of value out of it.
PARANO1A said:Any way for Aussies to get the Sierra quest games?I loved those so much back in the day. Plus I already own them so why won't you let me double-dip, Steam???
SuperEnemyCrab said:Outrun 2006 at a rock solid 60fps vsynced with full AA is beautiful. It has all the tunes/remixes that are missing from the XBLA version also. For $2.50 it's a steal.
Lafiel said:There are certain publisher packages that don't seem to appear in the au store at all. Seems silly.>_>
hamchan said:It's a real shame they do this. Instead of getting more money from me they just get nothing.
I hope the Fallout 1,2,Tactics pack is one of the daily deals.
Scipius said:Seeing both STALKER games in the Top 10 top sellers list for the Action Genre is heartwarming.
Paulathon said:Haven't seen this posted in a while, seems as good a place as any.
Total value of your Steam games - replace my ID with yours.
Note it calculates the value based on the current prices so if you want to see the normal value you'll have to wait until the sale ends.
Strider2K99 said:This is starting to get stupid... several hours later and I still can't download and test out GTAIV. :/
Paulathon said:Haven't seen this posted in a while, seems as good a place as any.
Total value of your Steam games - replace my ID with yours.
Note it calculates the value based on the current prices so if you want to see the normal value you'll have to wait until the sale ends.
Paulathon said:Haven't seen this posted in a while, seems as good a place as any.
Total value of your Steam games - replace my ID with yours.
Note it calculates the value based on the current prices so if you want to see the normal value you'll have to wait until the sale ends.
Paulathon said:Haven't seen this posted in a while, seems as good a place as any.
Total value of your Steam games - replace my ID with yours.
Note it calculates the value based on the current prices so if you want to see the normal value you'll have to wait until the sale ends.
ATF487 said:Does anyone still play any of the unreal games online?
Wondering if I should pick up the Unreal Pack and the ID Pack. I know I'll get some enjoyment out of the id pack, if for nothing more than Commander Keen and the Doom games.
d.powell owns 60 games worth: $576.33 USD
poweld has had a Steam account since: August 30, 2005, or ~52 months
poweld has spent an average of $11.08 USD per month
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Doomslayer said:Ive got an X3 720 @ 3.5 Ghz, 4GB DDR3 and a 4870 X2 and GTA IV runs like arse. Why is it so hard for Devs to make decent ports.
Last time I used that it was WAY off of what I actually paid; three figures, I think.Paulathon said:Haven't seen this posted in a while, seems as good a place as any.
Total value of your Steam games - replace my ID with yours.
Note it calculates the value based on the current prices so if you want to see the normal value you'll have to wait until the sale ends.
I <3 Memes said:Your pc should run GTA IV great. I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble but what is happening for you is not common for someone with specs similar to yours.
brain_stew said:They're each less than $4US over at, DRM free with a bunch of extra goodies, don't thinl you'll beat that deal tbh.
Doomslayer said:I get around 35-45 fps 1080P with all settings high, and sliders set to around 50%. If the game ran like that consistently I'd be happy, but I seem to be having streaming issues or something cause when I turn down a street It'll drop to 10-15 FPS for like 2-4 seconds..... maybe a defrag will help?
fresquito said:BG&E runs like shit on my computer.
I'm using W7 x64, so I had to turn off some options because there was this awfull flickering. But when I've solved that problem I find the game stutters like crazy. I know my rig is not the best out there, but you'd think that with 4GB RAM, an Ati HD4850 1GB and a 4600+ AMD dual core the game would run silky smooth.
Big disappointment. I'll try to find a solution, but right now, I'm very upset with BG&E PC version.
EDit: Besides, it seems there's no controller support. WTF! Nostalgia felt much better than this purchase >_<
I have been tempted to jump in and try that shit out....hmmmTurtleSnatcher said:just bought FF11 Ultimate Collection for $11.00
Yeah, that seems to be my experience too. GTAIV does seem to download slower than everything else.Eaten By A Grue said:Actually I do not think the servers are getting hammered in general, I think it is the GTAIV download itself. I downloaded Dawn of Discovery and Fallout:GOTYE in a few minutes without any download speed problems and those are pretty comparable in size. GTAIV has been going for hours though and is only ~60% done.
Should I be scared? Ashamed? or Proud?-Pew Pew-[Psy-Phi] owns 184 games worth: $1,329.65 USD
-Pew Pew-[Psy-Phi] has had a Steam account since: November 16, 2004, or ~62 months
-Pew Pew-[Psy-Phi] has spent an average of $21.45 USD per month
What's Your Account Worth?
rhfb said:Downloading all 14gb of the witcher right now :lol
Doomslayer said:I get around 35-45 fps 1080P with all settings high, and sliders set to around 50%. If the game ran like that consistently I'd be happy, but I seem to be having streaming issues or something cause when I turn down a street It'll drop to 10-15 FPS for like 2-4 seconds..... maybe a defrag will help?
ghst said:i was thinking earlier of how steam could've completely transformed my frugal childhood.
parents, do the right thing.
DoctorWho said:WTF? Can't see anything for Indigo Prophecy. I hear sound but the screen is black. Running Windows 7. Anyone else get this?
Thanks sir, it's improved, but still very crappy.I <3 Memes said:First thing you should try is to Alt-Tab out of the game, then Control-Alt-Delete. Now go to processes and find the process for BG&E, right-click on it and set affinity to 1.
brain_stew said:Rockstar weren't very clear ingame on what all the settings were for and this is what lead to a lot of misguided complaints. I prefer the fact that they've made the game "future proff" and let you crank stuff to insanely ridiculous levels but often people need to be saved from their own naivety. 100% maxed out settings in GTA4 are not designed for today's hardware.
Label said:Beyond Good and Evil and Outrun 2006 are mine!
That brings me up to 86 games on Steam now. :lol
I agree with this to some extent, although a lot of the flak was deserved. Because if you bought the game at retail on PC the day it came out (like me) you couldn't actually play it.Ogs said:I know what you mean. I do think a big ton of the flak Rockstar received for the PC version was because people were in the mind set that "it ran on a 360, i should be able to max it out no problem" (that and you deffinately needed Nvidia's beta drivers released at the time, and ATI's sorta sucked badly at the time). If Rockstar made the sliders %100 = 360's settings you wouldnt of seen as many people complaining as they did. While it does take a bit more compared to the average PC game to run nicely, it hardly think its a "bad" port. They added -
Video Editor (This to me was worth the double dip alone)
New outfits
32 player MP
Custom Radio (With a presenter)
Browse games in MP
That along with the continued patch support, and it looks like Lost n Damned is coming, makes me believe R* actually give a toss about PC version. The current Steam price is a steal, and if/when you upgrade your PC in the future your only going to have an even more impressive graphical sploogeathon![]()
Would be fuck awesome if they added DX10 + AA though ............
Javaman said:How well is Outrun 2006 optimized? Would it run decently on a Athlon 64 3000+ 9800GT?