I know, but would you just need to boot up the latest one and would it have everything previous included?Archie said:It looks like it comes with every expansion. I could be wrong.
TwIsTeD said:about to bite on battlefield 2 collection but i already have the game just non of the expansions, do i need to do this?
Median said:So I bought Red Faction on Friday...is there any hope of me getting $10 back on it?
DirtRiver said:How is Guerrilla on the PC?
Jirotrom said:sucks for you because COGS and King's bounty are fantastic
Yes and it's more polished than LegendKeikoku said:Is armored princess a stand-alone game ?
You don't need to play KB: Legend and you might not even want to after finishing APgraywolf323 said:too bad the King's Bounty: Gold Edition isn't on sale as well
guess I'll have to hope on a daily deal on the first game later on
Dark Stalkers said:Do alot of people still play bf2?
Oh. No clue then!NameGenerated said:I know, but would you just need to boot up the latest one and would it have everything previous included?
YesDark Stalkers said:Do alot of people still play bf2?
Just from my demo impressions, AP's combat is much improved from KB vanilla.syllogism said:Yes and it's more polished than Legend
You don't need to play KB: Legend and you might not even want to after finishing AP
Yeah, I can't steam working as a browser either. Perhaps my use of firefox is interfering?Teknoman said:Wow, for some reason I cant even edit the url in the community page...
Dark Stalkers said:Do alot of people still play bf2?
speculawyer said:Yeah, I can't steam working as a browser either. Perhaps my use of firefox is interfering?
:lol believe indeed, im still waiting on torchlight, dragon age and farcry 2 to get lower lolAcidote said:It does since I'm not interested in any of them, but hey, there are 9 days left. Believe :lol .
Goddamn, that must suck :lolZefah said:Fuck! I bought Red Faction like 5 hours ago for $19.99 and now it is at $9.99! I guess it is going to part of the next daily sale that starts in a few minutes?
Thanks, I'll let him know.brain_stew said:Yes and yes, same with the analogue triggers as well.
Zzoram said:If the standards actually held true, that would be great. Unfortunately, some GFW games don't support the Xbox 360 controller.
It is like HOMM without micro. You will be able to grasp the game with no prior knowledge.Dunbar said:What sort of RPG is Armored Princess? If I can play it without needing to know anything from the first one then I'm very interested.
Dunbar said:What sort of RPG is Armored Princess? If I can play it without needing to know anything from the first one then I'm very interested.
Costanza said:ugh, what the fuck...
My purchase timed out during checkout. now the games are showing up in my list but are uninstallable, and my card was already charged. I haven't gotten an email confirmation.
anyone had this happen before?
Costanza said:ugh, what the fuck...
My purchase timed out during checkout. now the games are showing up in my list but are uninstallable, and my card was already charged. I haven't gotten an email confirmation.
anyone had this happen before?
So you're not always on the horse?Javaman said:Hey, I don't want to interrupt you guys but we've got a potential nipple slip screen coming up in a minute.
I did. When I go to install them it says "Your purchase is still being processed"Zzoram said:wait a few minutes, servers are getting hammered
they appear in your owned games list? restart steam
Wasn't Far Cry 2 $10 on the first day?believe indeed, im still waiting on torchlight, dragon age and farcry 2 to get lower lol
Costanza said:I did. When I go to install them it says "Your purchase is still being processed"
Dunbar said:What sort of RPG is Armored Princess? If I can play it without needing to know anything from the first one then I'm very interested.