Hmmm Dead Space $10 now that's tempting...
ezekial45 said:I am looking for a good multiplayer game, not necessarily a FPS. I've already got the basics (L4D, HL, CS), so I am considering Brothers In Arms, and other games similar to that. A good sized multiplayer community would be great. Help me out gaf I am open to all suggestions!
Wishful thinking! :lolcommish said:I hope borderlands is on sale tomorrow, 9.99.
sonicspear64 said:Wishful thinking! :lol
I want it to happen too! :/
commish said:I hope borderlands is on sale tomorrow, 9.99.
zugzug said:well seeing as the PC online multiplayer is worth about $1.99 you may be close to correct in the actual value of the game![]()
TheExodu5 said:Day of Defeat Source is on sale today.
Sorry, if you don't like DoD, you're a lost cause. ];ezekial45 said:Tried Day of Defeat, didn't really like it, sorry I forgot to include that. Anymore suggestions?
TheOneGuy said:Sorry, if you don't like DoD, you're a lost cause. ];
I think my biggest complaint about Torchlight (beyond lack of multiplayer, of course) is that the levels are not random enough. Makes playing exclusively hardcore not as fun as it could be. ]; ];
Still enjoying it a lot, though.
Iunno. Lucas Arts Adventure Pack?ezekial45 said:I'll be fine without Day of Defeat, I should have bought Battlefield 2 when it was on sale. D: Any adventure game recommendations? Not completely looking for a FPS.
TheOneGuy said:Iunno. Lucas Arts Adventure Pack?
Telltale Pack?
There are a ton of adventure games on Steam but I've not played most of 'em. Except the above. Which I would recommend, but I'm also of the fanboy persuasion regarding those games.
I hear Ankh is... decent? Maybe?
Just turn off V-sync in the game and you'll be fine.puebla said:i got Dead Space. i hope the controls aren't as bad as some of you guys are saying.
It's good. But not an adventure game.ezekial45 said:Mmmmhm........Hows Thief: Deadly Shadows?
Nevermind, ive made a decision! Thanks for the help.
Was expecting it to play like that one Mexican top-down open world car game but after the first few missions, I'm kind of disappointed at how linear it is.rohlfinator said:Played a bit of Zombie Driver... seems worth the $2.50 so far. It's like they made a whole game out of the running over pedestrians part of GTA1/2. The camera seems a little wonky, but setting it to Static helped out quite a bit.
The cheap, smaller games like this are my favorite part of these sales. I would have completely overlooked this at $10, but at this price it was worth a try, and it's turned out to be pretty fun.
Don't just leave us hanging. what did you pick?ezekial45 said:Mmmmhm........Hows Thief: Deadly Shadows?
Nevermind, ive made a decision! Thanks for the help.
puebla said:i got Dead Space. i hope the controls aren't as bad as some of you guys are saying.
Truespeed said:I was applying the GFW patch for RFG and, of course, it failed. It really had no choice, but to fail. All it was trying to do was find where the game was installed in the registry, like a properly coded Windows installer should do. Unfortunately, Steam don't play that game and stores all of its games in the /steamapps/common directory and doesn't bother registering the location so no non Steam update utility will ever be able to find it, unless of course it takes Steam into account. This is going to be a never ending problem with GFW games on Steam it seems. I ended up having to manually update the game to play online by just telling the installer where RFG was located, but GTA IV and RFG are prime examples of what a joke PC gaming has become.
Dambrosi said:Hmm. My current "Bought in the Steam Sale" list:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Over Chernobyl
Time, Gentlemen, Please!/Ben There, Dan That Double-Pack
Sniper Elite
Battlefield 2 Complete Collection (god dammit why won't it work)
Is that it? Well, no. I also bought Left 4 Dead 2 at my local CEX for £15 (more than a fiver less than the Steam Sale price - LONG LIVE RETAIL :lol), KoTOR in the last Steam Thanksgiving Sale, and let's not even get into the *free* digital copies of Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, Mercenaries 2, and Medal Of Honor: Airborne I got off the EA Store over the last couple of months merely by virtue of being a member of GAF and European. A lucky laddie, am I.
But shit still sucks, because my HDTV died on me over Christmas. No more Demon's Souls until I can get a new one <![]()
Truespeed said:Unfortunately, Steam don't play that game and stores all of its games in the /steamapps/common directory and doesn't bother registering the location so no non Steam update utility will ever be able to find it, unless of course it takes Steam into account.
Truespeed said:I ended up having to manually update the game to play online by just telling the installer where RFG was located, but GTA IV and RFG are prime examples of what a joke PC gaming has become.
Indeed, I sure am glad I never had to apply a patch just to get Outcast (made only for PC) to not delete all of its files as part of its own install process. :lolghst said:yeah, i miss the days of pc gaming being truly the most accessible, idiot proof experience going. we sure didn't have to put up with one or two shitty ports a year back then!
If you're in Vista or Wn7, you might have to run steam in admin mode to get BF2 working. That's what I did.Dambrosi said:Hmm. My current "Bought in the Steam Sale" list:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Over Chernobyl
Time, Gentlemen, Please!/Ben There, Dan That Double-Pack
Sniper Elite
Battlefield 2 Complete Collection (god dammit why won't it work)
I'm playing Arkham Asylum right now and GFWL runs so amazing in it. I wish I the Live interface on 360 was this responsive :lolbigswords said:Yes it's terrible at times, but Batman AA with GFWL and on steam was very well behaved guess it depends on the devs.
But for 8.99 and 9.99 usd well, it's fine with some workaround.
If I paid full price for those games, I think I would have thrown out my machine out the window.
Firestorm said:I'm playing Arkham Asylum right now and GFWL runs so amazing in it. I wish I the Live interface on 360 was this responsive :lol
Truespeed said:I was applying the GFW patch for RFG and, of course, it failed. It really had no choice, but to fail. All it was trying to do was find where the game was installed in the registry, like a properly coded Windows installer should do. Unfortunately, Steam don't play that game and stores all of its games in the /steamapps/common directory and doesn't bother registering the location so no non Steam update utility will ever be able to find it, unless of course it takes Steam into account. This is going to be a never ending problem with GFW games on Steam it seems. I ended up having to manually update the game to play online by just telling the installer where RFG was located, but GTA IV and RFG are prime examples of what a joke PC gaming has become.
Xavien said:Grabbed myself Dead Space.
So far my list of games brought during this sale:
Torchlight (damn you daily deal!)
Armed and Dangerous
Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Broken Sword Twin Pack
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Dead Space
Evil Genius
Mirrors Edge
Rome: Total War Gold
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky
World of Goo
Wow :lol
Orellio said:I like how you go on and on about having trouble getting that patch to work, and then lump GTA4 in at the end as if it has ANY of the same problems as RFG does. But of course! It's because they're GFWL games! Where are all the people complaining about not being able to update or play SF4, RE5, Batman, Dawn of War 2, Gears of War, and Fallout 3 I wonder??? Golly gee whiz what an epidemic this is becoming.
Truespeed said:Ya, I figured there would be one or two defending all of the additional shit they like to install like the Rockstar social clubs, the chat client RFG tried to install during the update, won't run if Process Explorer is running in the background. Thankfully, shit like this has a patron saint to defend it.
Brashnir said:Don't just leave us hanging. what did you pick?
ezekial45 said:Hah whoops, Probably Deus Ex.
Orellio said:Please point to where I said I was fine with Rockstar Social Club and Raptr (IM client installed with RFG patch. PS you can uninstall it WHOAMGZ) because I didn't.
Re-read my post. Go ahead. I'll wait.
You done? Good. Now, you see where I said "as if it has ANY of the same problems as RFG does?" I was implying that both GTA4 and RFG have their own, separate problems. They are not infallible and I never claimed them to be otherwise. You're being overly bombastic about something that, as ghst pointed out, is not exactly new to the PC gaming scene, and making yourself look juvenile in the process.
The PC version of Borderlands leaves much to be desired. Console versions are better.commish said:oh, what do you mean? I should get it for a console?
Pay $50 and get the Telltale pack. You'll have enough adventure to keep you busy for a while.ezekial45 said:I'll be fine without Day of Defeat, I should have bought Battlefield 2 when it was on sale. D: Any adventure game recommendations? Not completely looking for a FPS.
Naw, I'm still on XP Pro.zoku88 said:If you're in Vista or Wn7, you might have to run steam in admin mode to get BF2 working. That's what I did.
commish said:oh, what do you mean? I should get it for a console?