Ramza is looking cute
Dude or Girl I don't care
Just let me in bro
Just let me in

Ramza is looking cute
Paradox wanted more money.
god that piracy thread.
I'm actually having pretty solid performance with Tom Braider. Set to Very High, toned down AA and turned off sexy hair.
Holds mostly to 55-60 sans some cut scenes that don't do so well.
And no, I don't have 64GB of RAM.
Ugh for no apparent reason the division beta decided to pause halfway through the download so now I have to wait 4 hrs for it to finish the rest =|
Paradox wanted more money.
Speaking of which as the iOS ver. of FF Tactics is the best ver. of the game atm, S-E need to move their asses to get that game onto Steam.
Tecmo/Square-Enix knows what they're doing with Ramza. Cute androgynous guys (with the scale more towards feminine) is totally in right now in Japan. There seems to be a ton of anime at the moment with male characters you would think are female due to how they were drawn.
Tecmo/Square-Enix knows what they're doing with Ramza. Cute androgynous guys (with the scale more towards feminine) is totally in right now in Japan. There seems to be a ton of anime at the moment with male characters you would think are female due to how they were drawn.
Im salty that I bought the iPhone version and they never updated the game for cross buy (iPad) while the others were.
Considering most in this thread didn't know for real, I think that speaks for itself.He isn't really drawn that way though except in Dissidia and since Dissidia is more or less a fanservice game like Smash, people who know who the character is will know they are a guy.
This isn't like Bridget from Guilty Gear or Leo from Tekken. You know he is a guy from the beginning.
Trying to appeal to the otome/fujoshi crowd.![]()
It would be if the animations didn't play out at mach speed. PSP verision with slowdown patched out is best imo.Speaking of which as the iOS ver. of FF Tactics is the best ver. of the game atm, S-E need to move their asses to get that game onto Steam.
Im not sure why, but I have gotten very "picky" when buying games the last few months. It's months since Ive bought a bundle, can't even remember when and I have also completely stopped buying games just because they are cheap.
This has been going on for a few months. Kinda feels good too.
Considering most in this thread didn't know for real, I think that speaks for itself.
it's that god damn nose that they gave Ramza that makes things weird
Seems like the Dissidia one is a good rendition of the character in a more "realistic", detailed style to me.
Considering the simplistic artstyle of the tactics game that he came from they didn't have much to work with. Going from that to a new model in Dissidia they tried their best, to me I still see a guy easily but eh.
Lmao pretty much.
I think it's more that you already know. The Ramza thread on gaming side is filled with the same comments "that's a guy?".
That file size can't be right.
ToS even on Gamecube was 2 discs and one of those discs is 1.5gigs.
It's 7GB.
wondering what's going to be wrong with symphonia. likely 30 fps battles i imagine
That Witness thread sure is something. I give us at least 6 month before the PS4 can achieve world peace, cure cancer and get rid of poverty.
Right so I went and dug out the 25th OT Steam Spectacular Thread and here was the list of posted in every Steam thread up to that pount (was July 14 up to then)
If you adjust that with the data I gathered up from 2015 that just leaves
Of course there's still the threads from July 2014 through to December 2014 to account for (and possible name changes since the July 14 OT) if any of those above didn't post in them but the field is getting shorter.
Any news on how it runs?
The OT you're talking about? I thought they would be talking about puzzle solutions or discussing about the game's story?
That Witness thread sure is something. I give us at least 6 month before the PS4 can achieve world peace, cure cancer and get rid of poverty.
Review was a Thumbs UpClosed my eyes for about an hour. Not sure when i'm suppose to open them.
But really, I'm not sure what to say about this game. It doesn't seem to have many jumpscares, and the ones in it might not even technically be jump scares. This game just seems to be really solid overall. It's hard to articulate into finer details but this game is scary, has great puzzles, and is definitely worth your time.
Review was a Thumbs UpDear [Insert horror game developer],
THIS is how I like my horror.
I received a good deal of flak for my (I admit) petty review of the Amnesia series of games, and while I understand that they were useless reviews, Close Your Eyes showed me exactly what I wanted to say about them but never knew I was looking for.
I wanted to love the amnesia series so much; I think a lot of horror games have some beautiful narratives hidden inside them, but they are all unplayable. You can call me a chicken or whatever you like, but jump scares are NOT fun. They are NOT horror. All they are is an involuntary reflex forced upon us by extreme stimuli. True horror makes you uncomfortable, afraid, uneasy and anxious. Sure you may jump sometimes but its because you did it to yourself. The game didnt flash a light in your eyes and accompany it with a blood curdling snarl, no, the atmosphere puts you into a very unsafe place mentally and you begin to see and anticipate things on your own. This is what Close Your Eyes nails; I want so much more of this on the market that I dont even know how to express myself. From the very beginning I was uneasy, the world was dark and simplistic, my mind filled in details that may or may not have even been there. The sound design and voice acting was chilling and spot on, causing countless chills and rushing adrenaline. Everything done in this game felt deliberate and calculated, not once did the developer cash in and sacrifice atmosphere and narrative for a PewDieBait jump scare. Nor did it need to. Much like the outstanding Point and Click game The Cat Lady, Close Your Eyes masterfully brings you into a very dark place and lets your mind take care of the rest - cruelly prodding it along with snippets of story and hints of progression.
Close Your Eyes is one of the best horror experiences Ive had in recent memory. And as if I cant praise it enough, its FREE. There is no reason (outside of mature content concerns) that anyone should pass up on a chance to experience this game. Bravo, Developers, bravo.
Review was a Thumbs Up>be me
>be very ♥♥♥♥ing bored of all the f2p games there are
>search time
>see little indie 8bit
>♥♥♥♥ yeah it takes like 12 minutes
>start game
>gotta make it fullscreen
>gettin hella into the story so far and puzzles
>got stuck in some ♥♥♥♥ing room with doorways thing i gotta search through looking for keys to the other locked doors
>after like 3 hours i finally get through what i think is all the doorways
>coming down from the bathroom up a pathway through circle door
>♥♥♥♥ing glitchy white wolverine ghost monster chases me
>somehow in different room
>hide in corner
>wolverine ♥♥♥♥ing sonics over to me
>jimmies status: MAXIMUM RUSTLE
>death screen with me hung in the background
>mfw i forgot to save the entire time
12/10 would get ♥♥♥♥♥ by wolvering ghost monster again
Review was a Thumbs Upas i watch the video that advertises this game with volume off i thought it was some cute comedy escape game about the grim reaper , this in my opinion is scarier than amnesia
Review was a Thumbs UpThis game is very creative and takes the old 8-bit gaming style to a whole new level of fun and anxiousness. This horror isn't recommended to the "I want jump scared" type, This is more for a psyhcological horror type of people but even you are into jump scares more than psyhcological stuff I recommend to give it a try and you will be surprised. Remember " Life is all about Perseption"
i love this game, i am happy there is no jump scares and it involves more thinking then i origionally thought. i definitley think it should be played, experienced and lived for.
I somehow got the ending which involved aliens and flying in a UFO. What the ♥♥♥♥.
SO GOOD BUT IS IT A ♥♥♥♥ING MARSHMALLOW OR WHAT??? IT HAS TO BE A MOTHER ♥♥♥♥ING MARSHMALLOW OK IT LOOKS LIKE ONE AND HIS ♥♥♥♥ING NAME IS MARSHMALLOW, SO IS HE ONE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
creepy, multiple finals, music , schizophrenia, every thing i love in a game
Kept expecting a jump scare but the actual game play, music and turn of events really had me scared more then I expected with out the jump scare. My eyes were closed out of fear at some parts. Haha. Not what one would expect with the 8-bit style graphics but when mixed in with everything else the game offered, it added to the charm of playing. Little tip: keep ears open
You play as a little red-eyed marshmallow dude that adorably boops along while trying to escape (?) an increasingly unnerving Limbo. Unnerving it is. It's probably not the scariest game I've seen but it certainly does its job at making me feel tense yet curious as to how the story will unfold. And it's free!
This game's getting so deep under your skin... At the moments, you want to close your eyes, but... You CAN'T!
A story rich 2D horror game indeed. Dwell into the reality and mind of our character's past and present. This horror - genre game is quite heart-pounding indeed. The developers have great sense of imagination and creativity of what horror game looks like. It would be marvelous indeed if the developers establish more solid artwork and time in creating this game. No frequent jumpscares and that is a good thing (players tend to get adaptive if too much jumpscares), good voice acting, marvelous soundtrack, great dialogue plotting, challenging puzzles, dynamic story, and most and importantly, it has a great sense of aesthetics in this game because horror game usually tries to frighthen us players into thinking "something bad is going to happen", and this game really uses elements of horror game quite marvelously from its pitch black surroundings and environment. The developers really quite uses great technique in creating this game, from its research as well. Manipulating people's subconcious mind, and futhermore psychological behaviour as well.
Without further ado, this game reserve a 7.5/10 review.
Pros :
+Solid story background and mysteries
+Great sense of aesthethics
+Challenging puzzles
+Good soundtrack
+Immersive branching story
Cons :
-Poor environment artwork
-Lack of UI
-Few help option
I would like to thank AesthethicGamer for creating this game as well, in the near future I will write a review as well in my own blog about this game. Thanks once again in creating a wonderful horror 2D game.
If Blank Dream is a dream, Close Your Eyes is a surrealist nightmare. A twisted trip into the mind of a tormented and uncertain killer, lost in a hell that may or may not be of their own making. Close Your Eyes was also made using the RPGmaker engine, but with original cut scene artwork, voice acting, and music. There are countless secrets to be discovered, infinite theories on the meaning of the plot and the nature of the main characters. I really dont want to say any more. Its impossible to describe in any effective way; it has to be experienced for itself.
Close Your Eyes has some sharp voice and audio design to build on its simple visuals, knowing when to quietly mutter and when to scream something almost incomprehensible. It's creepy to be sent to a hellish underworld for a murder you did commit, but it's what you hear down there that makes this journey almost too much to bear. The screams in one chapter are haunting, and I can't even think of them without getting the chills. Looking at screenshots for Close Your Eyes had me thinking it would be silly and ineffective, but through perfect use of unnerving sound and some twisted, surprising visuals, it easily left me frightened, unsure whether I should be playing it at night.
Unsurprisingly the gaming market has a number of initiatives aimed horror games / horror. Each semester passes, platform independent, we see new things coming up with this theme. But indie games has surprised quite this harvest. CLOSE YOUR EYES is another good example that comes to justify this fact.
More than startle, the game bother at all times. Simple graphics and minimalist design are quite oppressive and constant low lighting create a very oppressive atmosphere in the game interface. There are grotesque elements that permeate the scene and help make the atmosphere of the indie. The sound of the game is also quite bizarre, contributing to the immersion in the oddities of the universe proposed on the screen.
As a product to be ranked alongside many other games in this genre, it just doesn't hold up. As a little freebie made by amateur's who are using this game as a stepping stone to greater things, it's perfectly fine. There's a whole suspiciously brown coloured swamp of awful indie horror games, and so I applaud Close Your Eyes for at least attempting to be different from all this.
That Witness thread sure is something. I give us at least 6 month before the PS4 can achieve world peace, cure cancer and get rid of poverty.
That Witness thread sure is something. I give us at least 6 month before the PS4 can achieve world peace, cure cancer and get rid of poverty.
I've basically given up on clearing backlog at this point, only trying to finish games I've bought during sales recently.I could play a new game every day for the next 3 years and not run out of games. It certainly changes your perspective on games in a few ways other than price. that a dude? that a dude?
I'm guessing it's the piracy one, where many said Blow shouldn't have released it on PC.