Guys, 10 new pages since my last post, you are going to end up killing me
I am for the first time in quite a while overwhelmed with games to play, yet in a week won't be able to play any for like a month
my life is hard guys
crymoar, etc.
DAFQU 25 pages in 6 hours?
Guys, sales are over, get a grip of yourselves!!
Switch to superior 100ppp, you have less pages to wade through!
Im rooting for USA to win tonight because then the next game would be on July 4th, would be an awesome date...
Bwahahahaha, now I want that to happen xD
Metro-master race
I'm not sure how anyone can say the 3DS screen is alright. You can literally see the pixels when you're playing. Giant chunks!
Which would be acceptable if the screen was great colorwise but it isn't and most of the games don't have any antialiasing because the system isn't very powerful and so on.
My only real grip with the 3DS screens is the fact that the lower one is notably brighter than the 3D one, which can be really annoying and distracting if the top one is showing some dark scene and the bottom one isn't.
I did. Without Suarez, Uruguay is shit. Italy on the other hand are generally a shit side - so much talent but crap football.
Not shit, just mediocre.
Arrogant Uruguay is the one that plays like shit.
Up until recently, I thought I had played Dark Souls but it was actually Demon's Souls...
This is how I felt...
The Inbetweeners is such an excellent series, I still haven't watched the movie though.
We should make a thread akin to the backlog completion threads where we try to finish as many games as possible that we got this sale before the next sale.
That'd be quite the barren topic.
Woah, I go to sleep and then we're on the 27th page of the 25th thread now?
27 pages already!?
Dang guys
Yeah, it happens

Good that I'm not the only one that complains about that!
I have to wait until I'm on fibre before 100ppp becomes viable.
I have 100ppp even on mobile (and I only have 3G there).
I missed it too. All those Russian sellers thought it was easy money when they tried to resell it for a higher price. Now those who couldn't sell all those gifts are now stuck with them since they got region locked.
Especially this guy
That's pretty funny, also it's not like the guy spent that much money anyway
It should be a week-long celebration, with Canadaily Deals.
lol I was kidding
you guys are weird
erryday is uruguay day
Uruguay Day Sale: Kingdom Rush
and.. Kingdom Rush
Truth hurts
Yeah, but 0.5% is much better than (what may be) 5.0%. If you have someone you buy from regularly then there'll likely be no reason to switch. It's a good thing for those new to the trading scene, though.
That depends on where you are though, here Paypal doesn't offer the gift option, and the fees are like 3.9%, so not much difference with Steam's (apparent) 5%.
How come we haven't been pushed off to the Community side?
We are too cool for that
Paypal takes less then 5%, plus I hate valve.
Barely less in a lot of countries, and probably the wrong topic for the second statement.
Dragon's Dogma runs on MT framework
Capcpom gonna Capcpom.
As some of you know, I bought Call of Duty: Black Ops from GMG this morning thinking I could play it on my Windows machine. I sent them a polite email with pictures attached to explain to them I had misunderstood.
To my relief and happiness, I just now got a mail, were they have given me a full refund for the game.
Great customer service at
Really cool of them to do a refund, I certainly did not expect that :O
Hah, my thoughts exactly.
I guess there are worse things than waking up to water coming in your house, but damn.
Damage control time!
Hope not much damage happened and all goes well!
Imagine Me Alpha/Beta access giveaway by Alienware Arena
Looks like I already got the game from a previous bundle (which I don't remember which).
Thanks for that, just got my key
Virtua Tennis 4 $2.99 on
This is one of those licensed game that'll probably be pulled from steam down the line right?
They removed VT2009 from Steam already, so it's likely yes.
Why doesn't Spacechem get a "hot" icon?
New thread and already almost 20 pages. SteamGAF is craysi
Why yes, yes it is.
I also started playing Mirror's Edge last night. OH MY GOD....
I loved it, such an excellent game.
The gunplay is garbage though, I ended up doing a pacifist run on my first playthrough.
The movie does look like it's quite terrible, like the others.
cmon argieland
cmon messi
make zky happy
Kris has this one in the bag.
i know you all can't wait.
- Relive the film's best scenes!
shortest game ever.
If I can play with HitGirl and be a badass then I'll take it.
If we're going to put old-ass movie games on Steam, PLZ put Wanted: Weapons of Fate back on Steam. Legitimately good game that didn't get the love it deserved and would have been much better received if it was sold for a cheaper price, and the publisher is Warner Bros who is still on Steam. The challenge is that Warner Bros doesn't own the IP, Universal does, so I'm sure contract issues on that side are the reason it's not up :/
I remember hearing that most of the complains were on the game being like real short even if the gameplay itself was real good.
Can add Wheelman and Stranglehold to that same line of reasoning.
I was very close to buying both when they were available and don't know why I ended up not doing it... I still regret it