Awesome, thanks for the input guys. I'll have to remember to log on steam every now and again so I'm eligible for drops.
every iOS update i hope it fixed the busted wifi on 4S
every iOS update I cry
Also it helps if you have any retail keys for steam games to show as proof in the worst case scenario.
All right guys I need some help here. After the whole Heartbleed fiasco I changed my Steam password. Problem is Keepass crashed and didn't save my new randomized password. I can't change my password without the old one and I can't make a support ticket without signing in. On the support page there's the option to retrieve a lost password via account name/email but I'm getting the "We could not find an account with that username or email address" which is obviously an error. Is there any other way I can contact Steam support?
Not the graphical improvement I was hoping for but at the game still exists, has there been any big news lately that I might have missed?
Wait, so do the CoD4 and CoD:WAW MAC on GMG give you windows versions?
Reposting since I just found this right before the last thread ended.
They are actively working on adding Steam Wallet trading.
This dialog is now partially working, where this morning it was not working at all.
Just picked up for a new season by Yahoo!
on my third expresso and its not even 2am yet. its gonna be one of dem nights
Only MW1 is Steamplay.Wait, so do the CoD4 and CoD:WAW MAC on GMG give you windows versions?
Just a quick reposting to give people on this page a chance to knab bundle goodies.
Nearly 5 AM here, what're you staying up for?
Only MW1 is Steamplay.
I made some bread off the cards for once.
Not sure who to believe. :E
Not sure who to believe. :E
Yee, I think I ended up with like 12-15 bucks just off selling my cards alone.
on my third expresso and its not even 2am yet. its gonna be one of dem nights
Any cunty people tonight?
I recommend reading manga and webcomics to pass the time if you can. I have some suggestions (Which reminds I should check if Nimonia has finished yet...)
Damn I couldn't recognize you at first.World at War isn't SteamPlay. There's no Mac version on Steam at all.
World at War isn't SteamPlay. There's no Mac version on Steam at all.
Wow, 8 pages already? You guys move fast!
So is this thread a good place to post impressions on games we're playing on Steam?
what the fuck... was JaseC hacked?![]()
I'm done with coffee for the moment, had a really bad episode a few weeks ago because of coffee + lack of sleep.
I already started playing games. As I'm in the mood, I have decided to play through the Call of Duty campaigns, at least starting with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Wow, 8 pages already? You guys move fast!
So is this thread a good place to post impressions on games we're playing on Steam?
Only the birth mark, otherwise, I can't tell.Don't you recognize Saoirse?
what the fuck... was JaseC hacked?![]()
Damn I couldn't recognize you at first.
Cartoon Scorcese still counts, I think.
Man, the shooting in RE Revelations is so unsatisfying. That this same company made RE4 is just not possible. It almost feels like one of those mobile touch games where they then ported it to a standard controller and everything feels squish and wrong.
I'm going to see this through, but it doesn't exactly instill much confidence for RE6.
5% is more than I was hoping for but not a shock. The feature will make it a little easier for those new to trading to get their toes wet, but I think I'll be sticking with PayPal.
Man, the shooting in RE Revelations is so unsatisfying. That this same company made RE4 is just not possible. It almost feels like one of those mobile touch games where they then ported it to a standard controller and everything feels squish and wrong.
I'm going to see this through, but it doesn't exactly instill much confidence for RE6.
So far I've finished BattleBlock Teather and Shovel Knight...
I'll need to give a chance to multiplayer at some point in the future, since I'm under the impression that was the focus of the game.