Same, except I played Episode 1 at least.I got Wolf from there too, still haven't played it XD
Same, except I played Episode 1 at least.I got Wolf from there too, still haven't played it XD
I was just referring to the people I quoted
I guess I'll have to play it myself to see if I'm going to like it or not. Thanks for your impressions as well!
No, no, no. ShareX uses one hotkey (Ctrl+Printscreen) and a mouse selection (rectangular for instance), and what you get is the image (so same as Snipping Tool, or PrintScreen and then paste in Paint) but more importantly a link! The upload to imgur is made seamlessly (this can be toggle off of couse). If you have to do several screen captures, or if you want to to save time, the number of keys pressed, the number of windows to manage, etc., this is the tool to go with, not Snipping Tool, etc.
If you want to upload several screen captures, you will be far more efficient with ShareX. If you want a specific workflow, adding a watermark, whatever, shareX does it. Uploading images on NeoGAF is less of a pain.
Yeah, yeah.I suppose I can forgive you.
Yeah she was cute at first but.. Damn she got worst.
But you know who's still gorgeous?
Nerissa<3 man, hot damn.
Yeah, yeah.
If I'd thought the sale would start when it did, I probably would have budgeted some money in for it. As it was, all signs seemed to be pointing towards it being this month when I was doing that planning. I won't make that mistake twice.
Well damn... But really, I saw that post about the dates of the past summer sales and thought I had some time, made a student loan payment, and then not 2 days later the June 19th date leaked....You do realize that your planning to take this year's sale into account means that the sale will come in July of next year, right?![]()
My brutha *bro fist*
Well damn... But really, I saw that post about the dates of the past summer sales and thought I had some time, made a student loan payment, and then not 2 days later the June 19th date leaked....
How good is The Wolf Among Us? I have no familiarity with the comics the game is based on... I liked the first season of The Walking Dead, but I did feel it got a bit repetitive in terms of mechanics near the end. How does this one compare?
How good is The Wolf Among Us? I have no familiarity with the comics the game is based on... I liked the first season of The Walking Dead, but I did feel it got a bit repetitive in terms of mechanics near the end. How does this one compare?
Well damn... But really, I saw that post about the dates of the past summer sales and thought I had some time, made a student loan payment, and then not 2 days later the June 19th date leaked....
That just means that the funds-formerly-known-as-sale-money will get rolled over into a new monitor purchase or socked away for the winter sale.
Hahaha well acquired taste is putting it likely. I think Brutal Legend is really a Marmite game, you'll either love it or you'll hate it. Well sections of at least!
Ah yeah I see. I've usually got my imgr account logged in and just save what I want to the desktop and drop it in and upload easy peazy. Does ShareX allow you to do any more editing of an image other than cropping it? That where even a basic work flow of Paint offers a bit of flexibility for me. So say you wanted to crop an image but it contained credentials or info you didn't want to show but can't crop out like a cd key or something, could you alter that in ShareX? Like just scribble over the bits you didn't want to show?
I probably would have been able to buy more stuff too if it had been in July. Looking back on it, I probably should have crafted more badges before the sale started to sell, since those summer card prices at the start of the sale were so good. At least the winter sale is a while away to save up for.
Now if only real life, well real life outside of gaming, wouldn't get in the way of buying games :/
How good is The Wolf Among Us? I have no familiarity with the comics the game is based on... I liked the first season of The Walking Dead, but I did feel it got a bit repetitive in terms of mechanics near the end. How does this one compare?
I miss WooHoo :/
You didn't miss out on much by not crafting the Mysterious Cards early. They started at about 40c each but quickly dropped to around half that, where they remained for most of the sale before dropping further towards the end.
A certain, seemingly huge, decision in the last episode of TWD1 was a big giveaway for the linearity, I felt. Whether I chose to do it or not, nothing changed. Lee did everything in pretty much the exact same way, the same stuff happened, etc.Once you realise that all these choices etc. mean fuck-all in TellTale games you'll start to lose interest.
I played TWD1 strongly believing that my choices would make a difference, and to a certain extent it did (e.g. saving Kenny's kid vs the farmer kid), but when you reach the end you realise all this means absolutely nothing.
TellTale gives you a good impression of morality, choices with varying results etc. but this is all a mirage. Their games are actually quite linear - they're just made in such a way that other aspects of the games stand out and gloss over the big issues.
I don't know if this was changed for Wolf Among Us, still haven't played it, but hopefully it was.
mechanically its the same with even less puzzles (if thats possible). I only played the first ep tho
They been pulled from their fairy tale world and now everyone is kinda really fucked up. Which really make for an interesting story and dynamic between characters you would never seen interacting together. Like you would never see the Big Bad Wolf and Snow White together.
It has fairy tale elements?! I had NO idea or else I would have jumped on it earlier. I'm going to nab it during the Christmas/Winter sale then![]()
Shovel time!
I won Wolf Among Us during some 100 game giveaway on facebook 1 year ago with the help of GAF.
Every day they gave away 100 copies or sth. like that. And every day they were gone after about 1 second.
I remember getting to the screen that said I'd won and there was no code. Bitter disappointment.
its basically "what if fairy tale characters were real and lived in NY"
Once you realise that all these choices etc. mean fuck-all in TellTale games you'll start to lose interest.
I played TWD1 strongly believing that my choices would make a difference, and to a certain extent it did (e.g. saving Kenny's kid vs the farmer kid), but when you reach the end you realise all this means absolutely nothing.
TellTale gives you a good impression of morality, choices with varying results etc. but this is all a mirage. Their games are actually quite linear - they're just made in such a way that other aspects of the games stand out and gloss over the big issues.
I don't know if this was changed for Wolf Among Us, still haven't played it, but hopefully it was.
I didn't know about this. That's.... immensely disappointing.Imo TellTale's worst offense is what they did with the 400 Days DLC. They advertised it as something that would bridge the gap between S1 and S2 and would introduce players to a lot of important characters for S2. All turned out to be lies as 5 of the 6 new characters introduced were 5 second cameos in a single episode...
It has fairy tale elements?! I had NO idea or else I would have jumped on it earlier. I'm going to nab it during the Christmas/Winter sale then![]()
Imo TellTale's worst offense is what they did with the 400 Days DLC. They advertised it as something that would bridge the gap between S1 and S2 and would introduce players to a lot of important characters for S2. All turned out to be lies as 5 of the 6 new characters introduced were 5 second cameos in a single episode...
I know right? *bro fist* thoughis also pretty hot. She still reminds me a lot of Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite.Faith
But my god, Nerissa. Seeing her in that low cut cleavage dress was too much for me.
Honestly having played both Walking Dead Season 1 and now playing through this. I think I like this a lot more. The characters are much more interesting. In walking dead, everyone is human so whatever surprises there is is kinda contain to the human/zombie element. Here people of Fabletown are more supernatural, fairy tail so things are just more interesting. Bad guys you know from the stories are not necesarrily bad anymore, good guys aren't really good anymore. Mostly everyone are different shades of gray.
They been pulled from their fairy tale world and now everyone is kinda really fucked up. Which really make for an interesting story and dynamic between characters you would never seen interacting together. Like you would never see the Big Bad Wolf and Snow White together.
I honestly think this is one of the best storyline I've played through in many many years. Even if you don't really like the mechanic of TellTale games. The story is definitely worth a play through.
Yeah pretty much. Fairy Tales and Urban Legends.
Btw if you like that sort of things. Check out Once Upon A Time. It's a TV show. Where what happened when fairy tales characters live in this small town. There's a lot of drama, quite a bit of action. Its pretty fun. I started watching on Netflix based on a recommendation and I got hooked.
Was it good though? I've still yet to finish S1. Need to get back to that at some point.
Yes, if you treat it as a standalone episode and the fact that it has absolutely no impact on the events of S2 doesn't bother you I'd say it's worth it. Some of the mini-stories were really enjoyable.
Will give once upon a time a watch.Yeah pretty much. Fairy Tales and Urban Legends.
Btw if you like that sort of things. Check out Once Upon A Time. It's a TV show. Where what happened when fairy tales characters live in this small town. There's a lot of drama, quite a bit of action. Its pretty fun. I started watching on Netflix based on a recommendation and I got hooked.
If you like something more serious then check out Grimm. Its a procedural cop show with overall arcs and fantasy fairy tales and urban legends elements to it. Its suspense/thriller. Kinda like Supernatural in a way mixed with Criminal Minds.
I might buy all the Fables collected books now and start reading it. Been meaning to pick it up for a while now.
Such a coincidence... so, you know how I mentioned how I love fairy tales? I have been (and still am) totally watching this same show. I've almost completely watched S2. Despite some flaws, it's continually been on my watch list whenever I have time.
If you're at all interested in the concept you should really check out the comics, that whole underlying story is fantastic and the world building is superb.The backstory to the Fables universe is actually pretty great too - the reason that all these fairytale characters have been turfed out of their worlds and ended up in the "mundy" (mundane) world is due to The Adversary, an emperor warlord who has been taking over their homelands and opressing those within.
Will give once upon a time a watch.
Haven't followed Fables in YEARS, but you know how in Episode 3 if you visitand inspectThe Tweedles officefile, they mention her being in Europe? There's a comic about thatCinderella's
Dunno if she'll appear in Ep. 5 and I doubt it since she was not considered for the current story, but to be safe, click it after playing Ep. 5
The backstory to the Fables universe is actually pretty great too - the reason that all these fairytale characters have been turfed out of their worlds and ended up in the "mundy" (mundane) world is due to The Adversary, an emperor warlord who has been taking over their homelands and opressing those within. If you're at all interested in the concept you should really check out the comics, that whole underlying story is fantastic and the world building is superb.
Ah, good to hear. I have both that and Season 2 sitting in my backlog. Will start on those once TWAU is over. I played a bunch of S1 on the 360 so I just need to catch up to where I was. Then I might finish off BTTF...
Has anyone here played Dungeon of the Endless already? I'm not really into early access (wanted to write "EA", but that always sounds confusing) games but this one looks fairly interesting, at least to me.
It's 5am and I'm sleeping on a coffee table with a sheet over it. Divinity and Transistor run really poorly on an HD3000 (integrated graphics) BTW. Not recommended at all. Wonder how Injustice fairs. No gamepad though.
Speaking of, I have the -50% Endless Space coupons sitting in my inventory from when I bought the Founder's Pack. They're valid until January 1st, 2016, and stack atop a pre-existing discount, if anybody would like them.
Imo TellTale's worst offense is what they did with the 400 Days DLC. They advertised it as something that would bridge the gap between S1 and S2 and would introduce players to a lot of important characters for S2. All turned out to be lies as 5 of the 6 new characters introduced were 5 second cameos in a single episode...