Depends. If your Steam library is 250+ you probably have most everything that'll be on sale.
There is always stuff to get, so not really
2pm? Weird... but I guess if you don't have EDT then yes, it would be EDT+1... so 2pm.
I fail to see how that's weird, since Salsa is not in the US.
I finally climbed out of that Mario Kart 8 hole only to fall into a Destiny Alpha hole.
Then back into the MK8 hole.
What'd I miss? Summer Sale? Delisted game giveaways? Same Old Shit indie bundles?
Basically, plus The Club and the old Fallouts which were removed has been relisted.
My wife and I almost needed counseling after playing Donkey Kong Country Returns and SMBWii together, so this can be a double-edged sword.
lol, the betrayals that happened with NSBMWii, especially in the ice stages since the game saw fit to give just 1 penguin suit to 4 players XD
Ah! Thanks guys

I think it'll be easier if i just drop this here then, as Jiggaloboy said
I thought the Stig never spoke

Also, regarding all the Steam users, there is
this thread in community!
Yeah, that still hurts ;_;
Oh well 2pm EST? I'll be ready. Also didn't know about that combat mod for Witcher 2, so no reason not to boot up that baby. (Haven't started it yet)
well shit
well shit
Craft some badges you hobo.
also idk what's up with the xelios situation but I tried to add him, got rejected, then added him again and wrote a pm to him here saying I added him, got rejected again
I know he basically shut himself off everyone but I feel like I did something
We are all dead to Xelios
do you guys have like, such separate online personalities from your GAF profiles that it kills you to put the same name or avatar?
you bunch of famous people with online reputations you
Agreed, although you do have a couple different online handles
10 minutes into Just Cause 2 and I've already taken down a Chopper.
Yes, I like this game very much.
JC2 is excellent, I even played the demo *many* hours before I even got and played several hours in the game itself.
At least we know what his name is.
I do at least
Also, his vision is based on movement.
Does he have short arms too?
gurrls don't exist on the interweb tho
Whether salsa is one is still up to debate.
In pog form!
What did he get banned for?
Final Fantasy Explorers magazine scans.
I can't keep up anymore. And the actual sale thread? Nope.
Tapping out.
It's hard, but doable!
Pretty time consuming though D:
I want Mirror's Edge 2 to be on Steam :/
I'll be happy with just getting it relatively soon-ish.
I don't check the thread for a day and I'm so lost, why is everyone adding Salsa?
Is there some pre-sale madness going on?
Madness is the key word here.
Usually posting scans is a temp ban (unless something has changed). And EatChildren has
been banned for posting booty gifs, yet they let him become a mod.
And EmCeeGramr is Crushed.
I can barely keep up with the *regular* Steam thread ;_;
Jase is the only one that truly does
The pace of the sale thread is going to be even more bonkers as it attracts a ton of people who don't partake in this thread.
Yes, I have no intention of doing this quote walls on those due to that
Haha, well, I certainly have enough to go around.
Call dibs on the red background, eyeing sideways one (from The Grand Budapest Hotel IIRC?)
2014 Summer Adventure? Could it be!? Has the meta-game returned?
Oh god, hopefully not, I hated those D:
This'll be worth picking up if you're new to Saints Row, assuming it goes up in time.
Yep, a bunch of great games, interesting that it's a full pack.
Oh no, the Summer Seal is about to begin? But I just bought this:
Can't we please ask Gabe to postpone it for a month or two?
Eh, you have what, 4 hours of gameplay? Just skip all the cutscenes and you'll be fine
I find this somehwat odd since there's still not any complete SRIV edition available, whereas this one apparently includes all DLCs published so far.
Available rather than released, since it's missing the Child's Play DLC that was removed from the store.
This thread is already at 19.000 posts and we've got 11 days left. Biweekly thread incoming.
That was a given, this is more like an IRC chat room now
Only added $30 to my Steam wallet, but have $150 I transferred into my Paypal earmarked for either buying more Steam wallet credit, or purchasing games from other sites like Amazon or GMG.
Ready to do this.
Wait, does amazon accept PayPal now?
Amazon will have a sale as well?
They do sometimes price match Steam deals during the sales.
Haha, this.
Do you guys think Magicka will go on sale? I've been waiting for a really good deal to pull the trigger.
No, buy it now along with everything Serious Sam, I'm sure you'll love those!
Alien Colonial Marines for more than 0.
We need the Full Tomb Raider Collection at -90% as well!
It was at that price once already, it was a price mistake though.
Last year during the summer sale the collection went 91% off for a couple of minutes - I think it was $6.99? Not sure because it didn't last long enough for IsThereAnyDeal to capture it.
All I know is that I bought Tomb Raider 1, Tomb Raider 2, Tomb Raider 3, Tomb Raider 4, Tomb Raider 5, Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness all for $3.72.
It was longer than a couple of mins IIRC, or at least the individual games were.
Yeah, like a month ago.
good morning (or afternoon). shouldnt we all be in the sale thread by now?
They were waiting for my quote wall (?)
Colombian Jase???