Steam Summer Sale 2016 |OT| It's better than nothing
ARES is not very good.
I guess Steam Summer Sale already started for me. Bought ARMA 3 at the 50% off it is at currently. I don't think it's gonna be any steeper during the summer sale.
Don't play it for more than 2 hours in case price does change so that you have an opportunity to refund it.
Steam Summer Sale 2016 |OT| uPlay the Origin-al GOG 'n Roll, Desu(ra)Steam Summer Sale 2016 |OT| The Origin-al and still the best
Steam Summer Sale 2016 |OT| We're all a-GOG to buy
Steam Summer Sale 2016 |OT| You buy, then uPlay
yeah i hated that game so muchARES is not very good.
Five: The Guardians of David is an Action RPG set in the Old Testament of the Bible. The aforementioned Five are David's Most loyal warriors who are tasked by David to go around killing all opposition Old Testament style. I never paid a lot of attention in religious classes but it seems like a very close re-telling of the story of David, even Goliath makes an appearance.
Very early in the game you gain access to all 5 characters and their varying play styles. Most of the time all five are on the battlefield at the same time each with varying and deep skill sets and detailed skill trees. There is an archer, a two-handed weapon guy, a spear guy, a sword and board tanky guy and a slinger. I mainly used the spear guy but the computer is very capable of controlling the other four alongside you though they will never do as much damage as the one you control. With all five in the field that game is quite easy, I didn't die once on medium unless it was a boss fight where you are routinely reduced to one character and those still aren't particularly challenging once you notice the mechanics.
The story is told in engine and in a series of very good comic scenes all voice acted. In fact for what is a modest game in the nicest sense, the art and amount of gear is very generous. The game runs very well and the only bug I ran into was on the last boss fight where all the characters got knocked out of the arena and I had to reload. It's clear a lot of effort went into this.
Probably the only weakness is the questing. Almost every quest can be summed up as kill x number of people or destroy x number of things then kill the boss. A little more variety would have been nice.
Five is a very decent and unique addition to the ARPG genre. For it's price you'll get a game that compares very favourably to other efforts at this level.
Really slim, unless they want to deal with a wave of refunds.
I guess Steam Summer Sale already started for me. Bought ARMA 3 at the 50% off it is at currently. I don't think it's gonna be any steeper during the summer sale.
bro, the game has been out for 1013 days and you decided to buy it two days before a sale because you expect it won't get cheaper.
Oh god, that Mighty 9 Digital Foundry video.
How the fuck is the game running at 40fps on PS4?
It's better than nothing.
I actually enjoyed ARES.
and summer sale has started!
Did they lower the base price of the Dishonored DLCs? The big ones were 9,99.
So is Bad Rats. Well, almost.It's better than nothing.
Still looking for a good subtitle for summer sale ot @_@
and summer sale has started!
Still looking for a good subtitle for summer sale ot @_@
Still looking for a good subtitle for summer sale ot @_@
I hate publishers/devs who do shit like that.
You are usually one of the early adopters, buy the game early, but when it comes to DLC you are always fucked.
I remember I bought Dead Island at release, then during a sale it was 7,50$ with all DLCS, but they sold each DLC for 5$ seperately...
Dishonored GOTY is about all I want, so this doesn't bode well.
Yeah same here, every sale I've hoped to buy the DLC but resist, match the damn sale. Bethesda used to have huge sales on their DLC once so it's frustrating that they stopped.
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
Its almost every big publisher that does that shit now. GOTY cheap as fuck. Buy the DLCs seperately, expensive as hell.
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
Hitman Complete experience, GtaV on a real sale, Wolfenstein, MGSV for me. Everyone is never everyone though. Total Warhammer is going hot, others are chomping at the bit for new novels like Danganropa and the soon releasing Zero Time Dilemma.What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
What are the big fish on Steam right now, like games that everyone wants?
Mighty No 9 is... fine. It's not bad, just not great.
It's ugly tho.
You don't want DOOM guys. Trust me. It's nothing but trash.
What you really want is Sonic Lost World. Playing the game has changed my life.
so, which of these are good lol
It can't be better than nothingWould you say,
It's better than nothing?