Pack it up SteamGAF, no FFXV PC announcement at FFXV Uncovered
This teaser leaked:
*dies happily
Pack it up SteamGAF, no FFXV PC announcement at FFXV Uncovered
This teaser leaked:
You guys keep the games you've already beaten installed? I delete them almost instantaneously![]()
Lmao, i keep it too. That, Risk of Rain and Downwell are my comfort games, they'll never leave my HD.I only keep Sonic All Star Racing XD everything else i delete when i finish.
Depends on the game. Some I beat and delete, others I keep forever. I'm never getting rid of F.E.A.R. or Vice City, for example, while I obliterated Binary Domain as fast as I could once I finished it.You guys keep the games you've already beaten installed? I delete them almost instantaneously![]()
The ones that involve getting to the end of the level instead of killing a target are the worst. That's part of why I disliked Absolution, because it had a lot of those missions.I'm hating and loving Hitman 2. I love it because the missions are very interesting and the "plot" is intriguing, at least something different from what I saw until now. 47 has a personality and feelings, here, so I like this a lot.
But I hate the game when it throws at you an almost impossible (Motorcade Interception) or broken mission (pretty much all Japan ones).
I spent two hours on Motorcade because I keep shooting Onu soldiers, or when I managed to stop the escort and sniping the Khan, someone killed me with a random headshot istanlty. Really, it's just frustrating.
Oh, and I hate pretty much all missions including random elements to be placed. You plan a strategy, you die just to discover what you just learned it doesn't apply because the location of the objective changed.
Luckily I'm missing only five missions on Professional, won't touch another stealth game for a while, since lately I played a lot of them.
welpPack it up SteamGAF, no FFXV PC announcement at FFXV Uncovered
This teaser leaked:
But do we have any proof that double-dippers are worth more than releasing the game at the same time?
Well who knows, SE is still not on the PC bandwagon. they'll release their shit sooner or later, mostly much later :/
The real question is, how bad is the port going to be?we'll get it 6 months after the console versions.
you dont spend years porting and releasing all of your old FF games to suddenly not bring the latest one out on that same platform. they just want to get the double dippers to maximize profits, like they did with Type-0.
still need to play that
Play Skyrim?Fallout 4 should have some Bows and Arrows. Why doesn't it?
Oh, wow! You do like replaying games multiple times. I do that very rarely. That must be nice to like replaying though. Cool.I've beaten DIshonored twice, Mass Effect close to 14 times between PC and Xbox 360 versions. Its only installed right now because I plan to do another trilogy run using the controller support mods, just haven't started it yet. As far as the two Dead Islands installed, mainly because I wasn't lacking in space and figured I'd play them both eventually so might as well keep them installed.
Some stuff I leave installed because they're high up in my backlog list, or stuff I really need to replay for DLC (Pillars). Other stuff is because its fun to just hop in and screw around for a bit as a mood brightener.
the sold 120k of Type 0 on the PC and some of that was likely double dips so who knows. It's not like that game sold well on any platform really
Was on SteamDB then quickly disappeared
Could be some trolling ;_;
For a 60 dollar HD port it sold decently on PS4. X1 was where it fell flat.
Wait whats the mkx news? I cant watch the video atm
i recall SE being generally disappointed with FFT0's numbers on consoles, not just on the XB1. I have neither the energy nor the interest to look that up, though.
Did you personally see it? All I saw was a tweet, not sure if a joke.
MKX Esports league with $500k prize pool.
Lmfaooooo 10/10 what a trollE-sports.
When haven't they been dissapointed though?
When haven't they been dissapointed though?
They don't need to say.
SE is only disappointed when they don't reach 10 mln sales, they never said they are disappointed with FF7 sales for example.
So I'm using FlyVPN but for some reason it doesn't work when I got to buy Sonic Lost World on Nuuvem? It says it's not available in my region. I'm on Windows 10.
Can a kind soul help me out?![]()
I will Day0 FF15 whenever it comes to PC.
Might actually play it too.
A bummer for them. Especially with SCL as their last game; it could have been so much more had it aimed beyond just "ARPG simulator."Digital Extremes said:"We are deeply saddened by the closing of n-Space. Staying alive as a mid-sized independent developer in the games industry is no small feat. Their passion for creating games never faltered and their dedicated team has ended on the high note of completing the console version of Sword Coast Legends. We are working hard with them to realize as much as we can for their team during this difficult time and encourage players to keep an eye on the official website for more details on the launch of Sword Coast Legends on Xbox One and PlayStation 4."
SE is only disappointed when they don't reach 10 mln sales, they never said they are disappointed with FF7 sales for example.
I think the shiitier the performance of FFXV on consoles is the higher the amount of double dips on PC will be, and if the demo and prerelease stuff is anything to go by, this might be SE most successful PC game.
I think the shiitier the performance of FFXV on consoles is the higher the amount of double dips on PC will be, and if the demo and prerelease stuff is anything to go by, this might be SE most successful PC game.
I wonder how the performance can even be bad, when the overworld seems to look like that.
Ah right, that's how it works for ModBot too, didn't think about it lol. CheersSend to yourself and you get link you can give to anyone.
Was on SteamDB then quickly disappeared
Could be some trolling ;_;
Is it possible to send gift copies to somebody without knowing their email or having them on your friendslist? I recall it was possible through trading but I'm not sure if it still is after all the restrictions Valve introduced.
I wonder how the performance can even be bad, when the overworld seems to look like that.
Is there a way to tell Steam to launch a specific game on my second monitor? Typical situation - got my PC connected to a 32" monitor and 50" TV, would like to launch my racing games automatically on my TV.
I'm just doing it manually right now through windows by changing the primary monitors. Just wondering if Steam can help me skip this step. Or if anyone have any suggestions, that'd be great.
Step 1: Right-click in an open space on your desktop. Select the "Screen Resolution" option in the menu.
Step 2: To adjust the orientation of your monitor, just drag and drop the appropriate monitor and place it wherever you want.
Is there a way to tell Steam to launch a specific game on my second monitor? Typical situation - got my PC connected to a 32" monitor and 50" TV, would like to launch my racing games automatically on my TV.
I'm just doing it manually right now through windows by changing the primary monitors. Just wondering if Steam can help me skip this step. Or if anyone have any suggestions, that'd be great.
os level yes.
Drag till the TV is number one.
even if it's 90?
Is there a way to tell Steam to launch a specific game on my second monitor? Typical situation - got my PC connected to a 32" monitor and 50" TV, would like to launch my racing games automatically on my TV.
I'm just doing it manually right now through windows by changing the primary monitors. Just wondering if Steam can help me skip this step. Or if anyone have any suggestions, that'd be great.
D&D Sword Coast Legends developer n-Space has shut down.
n-Space Artist Ben Leary broke the news originally:
Digital Extremes (SCL publisher) confirmed it with a response via MMORPG.com:
A bummer for them. Especially with SCL as their last game; it could have been so much more had it aimed beyond just "ARPG simulator."
It's fake. SteamDB keeps history of changes, so it wouldn't disappear.
Besides Game AppIDs almost always end with 0.
I wonder how the performance can even be bad, when the overworld seems to look like that.