Nier Automata nude mod is out in the wild it seems.
I would edit out that link if i were you.
Someone just got banned on a thread yesterday for sharing some nudity.
Nier Automata nude mod is out in the wild it seems.
I would edit out that link if i were you.
Someone just got banned on a thread yesterday for sharing some nudity.
That GOTY is about $5 north of my impulse buy territory, but with a firm grasp on how much content is in there, that's just fine.
Can anyone comment on how W3 plays with mouse/keyboard?
Wouldn't it be too heavy for the browser if every post were to be parsed?
Hmm, that's not very encouraging. I guess I'll try the demo.
It only works with Modbot messages. Modbot 2 or people writing their own giveaways are not supported by the Greasemonkey script.
I guess you could replace
Code:modBotSelfPosts = $("a[href='member.php?u=253996']")
Code:modBotSelfPosts = $("a[href='member.php?u=253996'], a[href='member.php?u=292861']")
I guess you could allow all posts too and then it would work everywhere. I find it very unlikely that there'd be too many false positives.
I thought it was way better with m/kb than a controller. Played through the second hardest difficulty and am halfway through again on the hardest.
Anything else up on your wishlist?
Are you asking him to port beg? We need that Gib Steampls avatar up in here, stat.
I'd like more time.So, Durante, 2017 is the year we got a good Atelier game on Steam, Nier Automata got released on PC (almost) day one and both Planescape and Numenera will be/are on Steam.
Anything else up on your wishlist?
damn ... went to buy Hyper Light Drifter with this sale .... what suprised me the most was that i already own it :-/
Stay classy.
Steam down? I get no connection.
logged onto steam and all my categories were gone, i was this close to shedding a tear :'( luckily they all came back after a quick restart
Even pre-nerf Shrine of Amana have nothing on thefirst part, second part is lot more manageable as Hektor said and they can be also pretty easily skipped if you don't want to loot them.
Well there goes my desire to play the dlc any time soon, Dark Souls 3 already had a lot of annoying instakill bullshit and lack of creativity as is.Do you know the omaha beach scene from saving private ryan?
Hard to believe Hyper Light Drifter has been out for a year already!
I have such a backlog, I'll never play it -and great games are coming out all the time!
I just recently played this, then beat NG+, then did the three boss rush modes.
You should play it. It's like Link to the Past with Axiom Verge-like secrets and good combat.
I beat the game, and learning after the fact about the developer's life put the story in a different light for me.
You should just play it, and beeline through it if you're short on time.
And getting a copy of the Move or Die soundtrack is the cherry on that icingYeah, the icing on the cake!
ModBot said:Instructions for alr1ght:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (alr1ght, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
The Bridge --MB-8EA2D2D41E96E0C7- Taken by fifasnipe2224
lmao i lovein Nierpopola and devola
they're alright
is the best thoemil
best best best
I received a Uplay code with my new Nvidia 1060 GTX card, you can either choose Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands or FOR HONOR during the process.
As I'd probably not play any of them I'm willing to trade a Steam key for it. You can see my wishlist here:
If this is not the right place, please point me in the right direction or just pm me if interested.
i'm guessing it's route b only, but u can go back later onI can't trigger theemil quests in scenario C, devola passed out from drinking too much lmao
Quick Gaf, I need picture like this but with "only buy when is bundled" or something similar
Quick Gaf, I need picture like this but with "only buy when is bundled" or something similar
Only other people who have the same card can redeem it and as they got a code too...
Yea they changed how it works now.
LOL So true.Sorry about that, we have the B-team doing requests atm since Vazra got airlocked.