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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge

Hey look, now Battlefield 3 is free on Origin.

Is DuckTales: Remastered good? I can get it for less than a dollar thanks to Playfire Credit.

Or maybe I should get DMC4.

In case you didn't know, there is a code you can use QUK706-XWFKI6-8UK3NL. It gives 22% off

DuckTales Remastered is a good platformer just like the original and if you've never played the original NES title before or really want a couple new episodes of DuckTales to enjoy playing through and listening to (they have the English voice actors from the show), go for it.

Devil May Cry 4 is still a great action game despite an issue of backtracking at one point, but full of variety other games on Steam aren't exactly providing when it comes to this type of combat. It's not the greatest of the Devil May Cry games I believe, but it sure still feels great to do amazing combos with the variety of weapons and tools at your disposal and well worth it for the price you can get it now. With the voucher it should be under $4.00 too.


Because when I think of honouring Alan Turing's memory and reflecting on his contributions to our understanding of computation and intelligence, I think of making money off selling low-end animu JRPGs. ;)

To be fair, there's only one in the bundle (unless you know for a fact that the mystery game will also be animu JRPG).
Is there any reason not to create a new Steam account
for every new game you get,
and use family sharing to play all games with your main steam account?

I know that I will use offline mode,
but that should not be problem for me.

Also some games don't support family sharing,
but I guess there is a way to know beforehand.

Will? Will Shakespeare? Is that you? Man, I always loved your poems. Can't believe you're writing them on GAF now.

But hey, I guess I'm missing the rhyming? Nice rhythm though, and the stanza structure is superb.
Use this code for 22% off QUK706-XWFKI6-8UK3NL

In case you didn't know, there is a code you can use QUK706-XWFKI6-8UK3NL. It gives 22% off

DuckTales Remastered is a good platformer just like the original and if you've never played the original NES title before or really want a couple new episodes of DuckTales to enjoy playing through and listening to (they have the English voice actors from the show), go for it.

Devil May Cry 4 is still a great action game despite an issue of backtracking at one point, but full of variety other games on Steam aren't exactly providing when it comes to this type of combat. It's not the greatest of the Devil May Cry games I believe, but it sure still feels great to do amazing combos with the variety of weapons and tools at your disposal and well worth it for the price you can get it now. With the voucher it should be under $4.00 too.

Woah, nice. I can get one of these games for free :eek:


IMO being the key word.

People are generally split between Asylum and City based on playstyle. There isn't really a consensus on which one is the best.

The Asylum is the better opening game in terms of being friendlier to the first-time players if I remember correctly. City I think has superior story-line and particularly the pre-ending -
as well as the ending is for me one of the most emotional experience in a game.

I hope Batman Arkham Knight raises the bar even more and brings more depth to characters and of course story.


Just finished Divine Divinity, clocked 31 hours. Classic Diablo-like game, it sets itself apart of similar games by being non-linear, in both game and character progression. I really recommend it, it holds up great. You can still get it for a buck at Humble Bundle Weekly.

Dr Dogg

Some of you folks spell Arkham Origins very funny.

Anyhoo loving some of the little animation touches in Who Watches The Watch Dogs. Aiden puts his hands up to protect himself if a car gets to near, vaults, rolls or slides over an object depending on his speed approaching it or the height of the object and some of the takedowns are pretty fluid depending where you are and what you have equipped in relation to your target.
I realised today that there's not enough people on my Steam Friend's list who share screenshots and/or video footage of their gaming experiences. Is this something that people generally just don't do?

I really like seeing what others are doing, or funny moments from their games (or even cool/interesting looking moments they've captured).


How often is this a problem?

Can't really tell yet.
Recently I played the whole coop campaign of Portal 2 with 3 friends of mine.
I got a second copy besides my own on a second account just for that cause,
and shared that account with each of them.
(I wish I knew how to spectate 2 other people play that game)

One of my friends also did some single player.

I am hoping, that having each game on a separate account
would create more opportunities like that.

It could even be good for single player games,
as I could just offer my friends to play them as well.

I don't mind the logistics,
assuming family sharing works fine.

Primarely I am wondering, if there is any technical or legal problem I am missing.


Unconfirmed Member
Done (list of the games from the May 14th and today's Greenlight batches that have been or are currently bundled).

Thanks to looking at the list and remembering that I bought the Groupees bundle with 6180 the Moon in it, I've found out that Noir Syndrome hits Steam next week, awesome.

I'm probably really late on this, but I also just noticed that the "my loot" ModBot command is way better now. All but one of the unclaimed games I've put in give aways are Desura related, of course.


well bud gave me his uplay I mentioned and im installing the watchie doges

lets see

edit: this probably sounds dumb but im somewhat less inclined to play it since it's not MY account.. but I still wanna give it a shot
well bud gave me his uplay I mentioned and im installing the watchie doges

lets see

edit: this probably sounds dumb but im somewhat less inclined to play it since it's not MY account.. but I still wanna give it a shot

Let me know how that works, my brother offered to let me play his copy of WD too, I'm curious as to if it allows multiple save files as well as if it conflicts with the Uplay games that you already have installed.
Most people who have played Bad Company 2 will tell you that it's well worth 10 euro. However, if you are a real stickler for getting a good deal, it has been as cheap as 5 Euro before now and it probably will be in the future. Best of luck whether you decide to buy it or not and feel free if you have any other questions about PC gaming or Steam to ask in here :)

I'd have paid 10 euros for the ability to strafe while sprinting in that game...
I want to cosplay too for Blade & Soul
and bring it to the West




By the way have we got MK games on PC?[/QUOTE]

MK9 released on PC and there is Mortal Kombat Kollection Edition but it uses GFWL.


Can't really tell yet.
Recently I played the whole coop campaign of Portal 2 with 3 friends of mine.
I got a second copy besides my own on a second account just for that cause,
and shared that account with each of them.
(I wish I knew how to spectate 2 other people play that game)

One of my friends also did some single player.

I am hoping, that having each game on a separate account
would create more opportunities like that.

It could even be good for single player games,
as I could just offer my friends to play them as well.

I don't mind the logistics,
assuming family sharing works fine.

Primarely I am wondering, if there is any technical or legal problem I am missing.

The biggest one I can think of offhand is that if enough people start doing that, Valve will probably slap some tighter restrictions on family sharing to curb it. That would lead to everyone being inconvenienced somewhere down the line because a few people wanted to exploit the system. How much that bothers you, I don't know. *shrug* Other than that, and the fact that it sounds like a major pain to create that many individual accounts (which might set off red flags too), I'm not sure what rules you'd be breaking.


Mortal Kombat Komplete is 5 US Dollars on Amazon Mayhem sale again, along with Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 for 20. Some other stuff there as well.
Yeah, I kinda feel bad for joining their group to get a free key. Their other game, Robot Rescuers seems to be just bad but this one looks really terrible.
I did the same. Honestly, I just wanted to see what would happen. The game didn't look too bad to me either, but I guess it's crap? How do we get these free keys anyway? How does that work?
Is DuckTales: Remastered good? I can get it for less than a dollar thanks to Playfire Credit.

I'm firmly of the opinion that no, it is not.

For a dollar? Sure why not if you have some nostalgia for the cartoons/comics, but even the Mickey Mouse game was much better... and that game wasn't exactly great either.


What is GFWL and which one is better? Also in comparison with Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition which one should I chose?

GFWL stands for Games For Windows Live and it is a horrible DRM solution.

I would say Street Fighter 4, as it is about to get a Steamworks patch in a couple days and Mortal Kombat has some bad netcode apparently.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
What is GFWL and which one is better? Also in comparison with Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition which one should I chose?

did you just escape a locked basement and saw a PC for the first time in 15 years? :p


On my quest to finishing some games, starting from shorter ones, I'm playing Kairo and I can't believe my eyes how strangely awesome this game is. Minimalistic, yet great. It seems to be longer than I was led to believe, most likely a lot longer lol.


The biggest one I can think of offhand is that if enough people start doing that, Valve will probably slap some tighter restrictions on family sharing to curb it. That would lead to everyone being inconvenienced somewhere down the line because a few people wanted to exploit the system. How much that bothers you, I don't know. *shrug*

Actually it would bother me a little,
but in the end Valve's situation and why the set their rules is abstract to me.

I am pretty sure that Valve knew from the start that it is possible,
and while Valve's FAQ focuses on "family" they also mention "friends".
If they would not want that, they could have prohibited it in their rules,
but I did not find anything disallowing it.
Maybe I missed it.

Using the same Steam account on multiple machines in offline-mode
would be a bigger exploitation in my opinion.

So I don't want to worsen the situation for other Steam users, but I don't think I will.

Was Valve/Steam never asked about it by the media or players.
I bet this has been discussed before.

Other than that, and the fact that it sounds like a major pain to create that many individual accounts (which might set off red flags too), I'm not sure what rules you'd be breaking.

Me neither, that's why I ask.
Hoping that other people here are smarter than me, or know more about the subject.
Really starting to enjoy Watch Dogs now. The driving missions are a bit of a pita because of the low framerate, stuttering and psychopathic police force but the rest of it is pretty good. Started ignoring most of the random mission popups in favor of exploring the world and doing stuff. The actual missions follow the stealth + action route that people crucified Splinter Cell for. The city is just lovely to wander around in, and I feel they've taken extra care to make the landmarks look really nice.
Actually it would bother me a little,
but in the end Valve's situation and why the set their rules is abstract to me.

Why not just make accounts for each of your friends and buy them a gift copy of the game each? Then they could have those and you wouldn't need to share. Goodness knows Portal 2 goes on sale enough to make it not costly, and with the summer sale so close... just seems like a lot of work when the alternative is not costly and so much more convenient.

Dr Dogg

I know a few of you, or moreover zkylon, don't like spiders but that Spider Tank mini game in Watch_Dogs is stupidly good fun. Says it all though as you have checklists and skills trees even for that mode!

Just noticed I'm not a Junior anymore, does that mean my opinion counts now?

The real Dark Souls NeoGAF starts here.

Really starting to enjoy Watch Dogs now. The driving missions are a bit of a pita because of the low framerate, stuttering and psychopathic police force but the rest of it is pretty good. Started ignoring most of the random mission popups in favor of exploring the world and doing stuff. The actual missions follow the stealth + action route that people crucified Splinter Cell for. The city is just lovely to wander around in, and I feel they've taken extra care to make the landmarks look really nice.

It's got some great little diversions for when you need some downtime or just plain messing around. Just hacking people's phones and eavesdropping on their phone calls is quite refreshing, especially when you hear some of the stupid things they came up with.


Just finished Metro 2033.

Nice atmosphere, pretty good scares. Otherwise fairly average shooter. Looking forward to trying out last light.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So I noticed that in the latest Gamesrage bundle, they added Chicken Shoot 2 to the second tier.


Just a heads up to collectors, as this game has been removed from Steam.


GFWL stands for Games For Windows Live and it is a horrible DRM solution.

I would say Street Fighter 4, as it is about to get a Steamworks patch in a couple days and Mortal Kombat has some bad netcode apparently.

Oh right I see thanks.

Ultra-hard platformer 1,001 Spikes launching on Steam, PSN June 3

Developer 8Bits Fanatics' hyper-difficult 2D platformer 1,001 Spikes will launch next week for the PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, and PC platforms via Steam, publisher Nicalis announced today.

Originally released for the Xbox Live Indie Games service in 2011, 1,001 Spikes has since been upgraded with new levels, a host of new playable characters, and many, many more ways to die. Gameplay in 1,001 Spikes challenges players to avoid an endless array of instant-death traps and other environment-shifting hazards in single-player and co-op multiplayer modes.

1,001 Spikes will be priced at $14.99 when it hits Steam and the PlayStation Network on June 3. The PSN version is available as a Cross-Buy release, and Steam players who own copies of either Cave Story or Night Sky will receive a $5 discount. Ports for Wii U, 3DS, and the Xbox One are also in the works.

Credits to http://www.joystiq.com/2014/05/28/ultra-hard-platformer-1-001-spikes-launching-on-steam-psn-june/
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