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STEAM | May 2016 - VAC to life, VAC to reality

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I bet the average Dota 2 player got stuck in Undead Burg

The average LoL player... too scared to buy the game
more like they don't even know dark souls exists

mobas attract a silly number of ppl that have zero interest in "regular" videogames


the beauty of the game is that it unfolds from the basic concepts so you can start learning the game playing with people who know as much as you and then you figure out that pretty much every single aspect has layers and layers of complexity

thats why people play it for thousands of hours


Talking about dotes got me into the mood to look at my dotabuff profile again.

The longest match i've had in my career: 95 Minutes: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1043372461

Techies, 5 Rapirkas and an Aghanims on literally everybody. I think that was even my second or third BKB, but it has been some time.

The magic behind those kind of games is, that each of them is an investment. In Overwatch a game takes 10 minutes max, that's why the enjoyment despite beeing fun is always farly basic, but a match of dotes, especially a good match, can take such a really long time that the matchitself ends in an emotional investment, especially when you have good teammates and ideally even good opponents.

At some point you overcome this magical barrier where everyone is blaming each other as cyka blyat pizdec and you start working together. And when that happens Dotes can be one of the most fun and tense MP games out there because every mistake is severly punished but there are enough comeback mechanisms in place to give you a chance to still turn the game. And when that happens in a 90 minute match you cry, scream and rejoice like you're fighting about a mllion dollar pricepool even though you're just playing standard matchmaking.

But alas, that happens every once in a blue moon, and all the other matches you'll be asking yourself why you even play the game, because you suck, your teammate suck, the chat full of minority targeting slurs sucks and the worst of all, the game sucks and you hate yourself for playing it.

Put over 2000 hours and 400$ in this game tho. #NOREGRETS


don't get me wrong

league and doto should have better tutorials. league's tutorial is a joke and doto's is mindnumbingly slow and tedious

doto already does some good stuff by letting you look up guides from inside the game and whatnot but it's also got some things that are super unintuitive (like denying). you can also click on an enemy and read their abilities' descriptions which would be very nice to see in league

burden of knowledge is problem #1, you have 120 champions with various spells and passives each, hundreds of items, buffs, build paths, skill orders, runes, masteries, summoner spells, neutral objectives, combos etc., it's a lot to sink in

mobas are not inviting games for new players at all

but they're not impossible to crack, it generally takes a friend or two to join you in your quest to figuring it out and if you have a bit of an interest then you'll get there eventually. heck, you'll probably find your first few games pretty fun even if you don't know exactly what's going on

But alas, that happens every once in a blue moon, and all the other matches you'll be asking yourself why you even play the game, because you suck, your teammate suck, the chat full of minority targeting slurs sucks and the worst of all, the game sucks and you hate yourself for playing it.

Put over 2000 hours and 400$ in this game tho. #NOREGRETS
just play with friends

i have a group of around 10~ people that i play with so we usually have 2 randoms at worst and it's great

you still get frustrated because they're frustrating, tense games, but it's much better

i'm at 2200 hours (main account only) based on some random site, which sounds about right i guess

haven't spent as much money tho, probably 200 at max


watched a decent enough amount of Overwatch at last

it looks kinda boring and all over the place

but im probably prone to disliking it in advance


sparkle this bitch
There is no way to come up with a good tutorial for DOTA. It's like asking for a good tutorial for Eve Online, DAOC, or SCII. There are simply some games that are trial by fire. This is typical for those who play online competitive titles. No bots will give you the adequate training you need to succeed. No guide can really tell you what to do. No youtube video can really should you how to play.

You simply have to accept you will get your shit stuffed in for a very long time. It's going to be a huge, long, learning experience. Where even after thousands of hours, you probably won't be anywhere near the top. These games have such a vast wealth of required knowledge, basic skills, and planning ahead.

To me, Demon Souls wasn't anything new. It was a different style of action game than DMC, but closer to Ninja Gaiden's Rock, Paper, Scissors method. It's "difficulty" factor heavily stemmed from a generation of console gamers playing stuff like God of War, Uncharted, Halo, Bioshock, Deadspace, MGS. Rather than SMTIII, God Hand, DMC, NG. So when I got to Demon's Soul. It wasn't particularly a step up, in comparison to games like the latter. By the time I felt like I understood the basics in LoL(Not even DOTA), I mastered Demon's Soul through, had some of the world's highest scores in DMC4, everything completed in Vanquish but TM06, Top 1% in Lost Planet and beat extreme. There is no comparison for these games to DOTA or almost any reasonably skilled online game. Even simple to play games like Rocket League will have a greater skill gap between the highest levels than Souls will. It's the nature of the beast.

For me, the hardest game still is Starcraft II online. I can get over the knowledge hump and even the planning. But the micromanagement ability is a skill I do not possess. I am being sarcastic about the casual comment, for reference. Since it did seem to upset one of you.

I would also like to point out, unless you're spending money on League. It would be harder than DOTA. Simply one team having a larger pool of characters really fucks ya over before the game even starts.


... I forgot to buy Ori definitive with the discount for original owners, which apparently was till May 27 and i'd have to pay 4 times more for it now

thanks for putting a time limit to it you dipshits. good way to rest assured i'll never play through it now
... I forgot to buy Ori definitive with the discount for original owners, which apparently was till May 27

thanks for putting a time limit to it you dipshits. good way to rest assured i'll never play through it now

The intention was to have that discount permanent. Last I heard, they were trying to fix the issue.

With that side, I didn't enjoy what I played of the original game.


The intention was to have that discount permanent. Last I heard, they were trying to fix the issue.

With that side, I didn't enjoy what I played of the original game.

they better cause that's some dumb ass reasoning geez

I didnt love Ori either like some other people here but it was alright and i'd start it over again with the definitive ver since I never finished it


Isn't Heroes of the Storm supposed to be a lot less complicated than most MOBAs? Might want to give that a shake.
i think that's the idea since i think leveling is time wide, there's no items or last hitting. not sure if any or all of those are true, that's what i think i heard

honestly i like hots' character designs better than doto's (tho i like league's much better than both of those two) but i never actually tried it, but still hots sounds pretty alright

also it has tracer in it

i love tracer

There is no way to come up with a good tutorial for DOTA. It's like asking for a good tutorial for Eve Online, DAOC, or SCII. There are simply some games that are trial by fire. This is typical for those who play online competitive titles. No bots will give you the adequate training you need to succeed. No guide can really tell you what to do. No youtube video can really should you how to play.

You simply have to accept you will get your shit stuffed in for a very long time. It's going to be a huge, long, learning experience. Where even after thousands of hours, you probably won't be anywhere near the top. These games have such a vast wealth of required knowledge, basic skills, and planning ahead.

To me, Demon Souls wasn't anything new. It was a different style of action game than DMC, but closer to Ninja Gaiden's Rock, Paper, Scissors method. It's "difficulty" factor heavily stemmed from a generation of console gamers playing stuff like God of War, Uncharted, Halo, Bioshock, Deadspace, MGS. Rather than SMTIII, God Hand, DMC, NG. So when I got to Demon's Soul. It wasn't particularly a step up, in comparison to games like the latter. By the time I felt like I understood the basics in LoL(Not even DOTA), I mastered Demon's Soul through, had some of the world's highest scores in DMC4, everything completed in Vanquish but TM06, Top 1% in Lost Planet and beat extreme. There is no comparison for these games to DOTA or almost any reasonably skilled online game. Even simple to play games like Rocket League will have a greater skill gap between the highest levels than Souls will. It's the nature of the beast.

For me, the hardest game still is Starcraft II online. I can get over the knowledge hump and even the planning. But the micromanagement ability is a skill I do not possess. I am being sarcastic about the casual comment, for reference. Since it did seem to upset one of you.
ok, i think more than a tutorial there needs to be better learning tools at the hands of players. mostly in league, from what little i played of doto they had this stuff covered, but league lacks a lot of key stuff like replays, detailed stat tracking and a sandbox mode, as well as lacking information for new players such as idk, h over a champions' icon and getting a tooltip with their spells or something

i do agree that these games are very hard to tutorialize because of how complicated they are and how much they depend on you just grinding enough games to memorize what everybody does

no comments on all the other elitist crap

I would also like to point out, unless you're spending money on League. It would be harder than DOTA. Simply one team having a larger pool of characters really fucks ya over before the game even starts.
this is very ignorant and typical applying of doto logic to league

there are no hard counters in league and characters are a lot more standarized into positions and roles than in doto

so this is flat out misinformation, the team "that spent the most money" or whatever doesn't really have an advantage, idk how that works in doto, but in league you can play whoever the fuck you want and still do good
Heroes of the Storm is indeed less complicated than Dota 2 or League of Legends. There's no gold, no items, no last hitting creeps of heroes to worry about, you just need to be in proximity to creep waves and heroes dying, experience global and is team-wide, there's no assigning skill or stat points on level-up, you start the match with all of your basic abilities already unlocked, you only choose your ultimate (between 2) and talents (these replace items) every few levels. It is also significantly faster with average match times being around 20-30 minutes. By the time you have Power Treads and laning is just starting to sort of end in Dota 2 half of a match in HotS is already over with teamfighting starting at the 2-3 minute mark.

HotS is no less toxic than either Dota or LoL.


Lol u never beat ori salsa? What a scrub

I got pissed at trying to do a collect-everything run and the game inadvertently locking me out of areas where I missed stuff. that's bullcrap

I heard the definitive edition (or a patch or something?) maybe took care of that

but something else I wanted to play came out


Heroes of the Storm is indeed less complicated than Dota 2 or League of Legends. There's no gold, no items, no last hitting creeps of heroes to worry about, you just need to be in proximity to creep waves and heroes dying, experience global and is team-wide, there's no assigning skill or stat points on level-up, you start the match with all of your basic abilities already unlocked, you only choose your ultimate (between 2) and talents (these replace items) every few levels. It is also significantly faster with average match times being around 20-30 minutes. By the time you have Power Treads and laning is just starting to sort of end in Dota 2 half of a match in HotS is already over with teamfighting starting at the 2-3 minute mark.

HotS is no less toxic than either Dota or LoL.

Hots being less complicated is done on purpose, like most of their other games. Appeal to the masses, not the small clicks.


in league you can play whoever the fuck you want and still do good

Any character can win against any character if the player can set the right conditions to winning and play better.
A support won't be able to kill an assassin normally, but their disruptive abilities mean that if they are at a turret, the assassin would die if they attempt a fight.

Some characters are more popular in pro play but it's because pros aim for a specific synergy between characters which makes some more attractive.
League is ever changing and the pro's desired synergy is the same and thus even for pros, the characters they choose are wildly different each season.


Man, Doom's multiplayer is a bummer. It would be so good with some changes, but I doubt they'll fix it.

It's just so weird that you move so much slower in MP and that rocket launcher is bullshit, it's weak and doesn't even push enemies. Loadouts were a mistake.


Man, Doom's multiplayer is a bummer. It would be so good with some changes, but I doubt they'll fix it.

It's just so weird that you move so much slower in MP and that rocket launcher is bullshit, it's weak and doesn't even push enemies. Loadouts were a mistake.

I saw a bunch of footage of MP DOOM where people shot rockets at each other and they barely bounced a bit

like yeah I get that could occasionally happen with extra health or armor or whatever but it seems to happen A LOT here

that's just awful

aiming ahead with a rocket in Quake 3 or a second time above them by making them jump with the first shot is what that should be all about


So I've got a couple of hours to kill before going out for the evening and thought @gee I haven't popped my head in GAF for a while'. Hopped on over to Gaming side to see what's the rumpus these days and the very first thread I see is titled '21:9 makes absolutely no sense in gaming'. Urghhhhhhhh!!! I think I'll just put the telly on instead. How you folks all doing anyway?

Uhmm, I hadn't seen that thread. What could ever be in it to be all that bad?

It's widely considered that a typical FOV for human's isn't even as wide as 16:9

So I've got a couple of hours to kill before going out for the evening and thought @gee I haven't popped my head in GAF for a while'. Hopped on over to Gaming side to see what's the rumpus these days and the very first thread I see is titled '21:9 makes absolutely no sense in gaming'. Urghhhhhhhh!!! I think I'll just put the telly on instead. How you folks all doing anyway?
21:9 should be super neat. Gonna go for a cheap 1440p 21:9 one next time I get a monitor.


a thing that league does well for new players is actually kind of an accident that comes from its business model

when u start playing league u have no champions to your name and can only play the ones on free rotation as you build up enough ip to buy some for yourself

the thing with this is, everyone else is also playing with the same free champions, so the champion variety you get to see early on is really limited. you'll see the same 10 champions really often and learn what they do and what their ults are and whatever for a while and pretty rarely come across something unknown

it also helps not being overwhelmed when you're choosing the champion that you want to play cos you're offered only 10 at a time

and then next week you see another 10, etc. etc.

i think it's something rito probably stumbled upon and figured it worked and left it at that, but it's really good imo

Any character can win against any character if the player can set the right conditions to winning and play better.
A support won't be able to kill an assassin normally, but their disruptive abilities mean that if they are at a turret, the assassin would die if they attempt a fight.

Some characters are more popular in pro play but it's because pros aim for a specific synergy between characters which makes some more attractive.
League is ever changing and the pro's desired synergy is the same and thus even for pros, the characters they choose are wildly different each season.
there's definitely op champions and weaker champions and champions that are more general use while some that are too hard to play or too specialized to be picked at any time but the notion that whoever has access to more champions is at an advantage is just silly


a thing that league does well for new players is actually kind of an accident that comes from its business model

when u start playing league u have no champions to your name and can only play the ones on free rotation as you build up enough ip to buy some for yourself

the thing with this is, everyone else is also playing with the same free champions, so the champion variety you get to see early on is really limited. you'll see the same 10 champions really often and learn what they do and what their ults are and whatever for a while and pretty rarely come across something unknown

it also helps not being overwhelmed when you're choosing the champion that you want to play cos you're offered only 10 at a time

and then next week you see another 10, etc. etc.

i think it's something rito probably stumbled upon and figured it worked and left it at that, but it's really good imo

but League has no real business model

I mean the best cars are free

I agree tho you always see the same high level players when you reach the champion rank


I saw a bunch of footage of MP DOOM where people shot rockets at each other and they barely bounced a bit

like yeah I get that could occasionally happen with extra health or armor or whatever but it seems to happen A LOT here

that's just awful

aiming ahead with a rocket in Quake 3 or a second time above them by making them jump with the first shot is what that should be all about

I just hope they don't make the same mistake with their next game and make the MP with the same design principles as Doom's SP campaign.

Also why can you edit your character in MP when all the modes are Team based so you don't really play with the character you designed! It makes no sense!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Picking up my desktop from storage tomorrow. It is time to PC game again. Gonna play Witcher 3.


is there a discord group thingie for ppl here?

i might start using it since some of my league friends like it and use it for overwatch

tho i dont talk, speaking in english makes me nervous hehe

i just like to LISTEN


oh boy TinyChat GAF years ago

AcridMeat and others mocked my silly accent

and then some chick straight up showed her tits on cam and got banned some other day

GAF was weirder before

I think we did voicechat when we streamed Castle Crashers right? with Grief and others

those who heard my voice consider yourselves blessed
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