🌹A reminder for the Steam GOTYs whenever the voting happens.🌹
That's not Umineko.

🌹A reminder for the Steam GOTYs whenever the voting happens.🌹
That's not Umineko.
I think you might be biasedThat's not Umineko.
When Dishonored 2 was launched, the game experienced PC performance problems on machines with specific configurations. Were working to address some of these with our updates over time, and some will be addressed by driver updates released by our partners.
Today were beginning the process with new NVIDIA PC drivers (375.95) and our first post-release title update (Update 1.1).
PC users on NVIDIA cards should grab this driver [nvidia.custhelp.com] update before playing.
NVIDIA driver 375.95 Link [nvidia.custhelp.com]
For users with AMD cards, the recommended driver is still 16.10.2. Look for more information from AMD on CrossFire support in the near future. As we have new information on drivers for both card types, we will update our forums.
Additionally, a new title update for Dishonored 2 (v 1.1) is now available via Steam as a Beta update see below for instructions. Update 1.1 includes a small number of fixes including:
Mouse improvements, including a fix for sensitivity being framerate dependent
Fixes an AMD cloth physics issue, which impacts framerates at various points in the game
Fixes an issue affecting CPU task priority - the game no longer switches CPU task priority
If you run into issues or have questions please let us know in the public Dishonored 2 Steam Beta Forums [beta-community.bethesda.net] on Bethesda.net.
Our work on Dishonored 2 continues. Update 1.2 development is underway and will address a broader range of issues including performance and is estimated to be available in the next week.
How to access the Steam Beta
Log into Steam.
Right Click on Dishonored 2 in your Library.
Select Properties.
Select Betas.
A drop down menu will appear. Select BetaPatch.
Select OK.
Wait a few minutes for game to update.
When done, Dishonored 2 [BetaPatch] should appear in our Library.
Thanks for your support!
I got that on my wishlist. I need better internet to download stuff
Dishonored 2 PC Update (Beta) - https://steamcommunity.com/games/403640/announcements/detail/650037138898335918
What about that thread warning not to upgrade to the latest drivers? Has that been rectified?
Tomb Raider, Klei studio and ESO (we knew that one) are the weekend deals
Klei Studio weekend deal, sweet. In before the complaints about achievements.
That's not Umineko.
��A reminder for the Steam GOTYs whenever the voting happens.��
Thats not Rabi Ribi.
The Purring Quest is pretty bad. Very basic. No fun gameplay. Awkward controls, stiff and you have to stand on the precise right place to climb things. (Climbing didn't work for me with DS4 controller). Levels are too long, have fun collecting 200 fishes for each level. You have a short range single attack. There's a hiding mechanic were you need to hide behind bushes and waiting for slow dogs to pass by (also have to stand on the right spot for them to work) If they catch you the screen just fades to.black and you're set back. You also have lives. Run out and you have to replay the whole level again.Did I miss someone posting Bundle Stars' 'CATastophe bundle'? https://www.bundlestars.com/en/bundle/catastrophe-bundle
I know about Pix The Cat and Beyond Eyes, but can anyone comment on the other games?
Which, if any, of the DLC for Rise of the Tomb Raider are worth picking up? I've really enjoyed both of the reboot games so far, if that helps.
There is a trailer for it. Not sure if I can link to it without getting banned. Just search for it in youtube
Does this ever come back to bite you while looking through the store? Ive considered deleting bad games, but i like how they are removed from searches if I own them
Wasnt there some complains about the steam version? 👀you're all wrong.
That tweet from Jim Sterling isn't real, right? o_o
best game I played this year is probably XCOM 2 but I havent played many new releases
There is a trailer for it. Not sure if I can link to it without getting banned. Just search for it in youtube
worst pizza is pineapple and ham
best game I played this year and also all the years is Rocket League
best game of all time is Spelunky
worst pizza is pineapple and ham
That tweet from Jim Sterling isn't real, right? o_o
That tweet from Jim Sterling isn't real, right? o_o
Genital Jousting is a cheap attempt at pandering to the Youtube "influencers" and their teenage crowds. Why would anyone buy this?
Genital Jousting is a cheap attempt at pandering to the Youtube "influencers" and their teenage crowds. Why would anyone buy this?
Lots of people posting their GotY contenders on the previous page, and some good games too, but you're missing out if this is not on your shortlist:
Surgeon Simulator sold tons. Goat Simulator sold tons.
Thats my second pick then followed by DS3Lots of people posting their GotY contenders on the previous page, and some good games too, but you're missing out if this is not on your shortlist: