Will I get the Doom 4 beta as well if I buy Wolfenstein from Steam?
Are the GAs rules always the same or can they be customised?
I'm kinda new here...
Are the GAs rules always the same or can they be customised?
I'm kinda new here...
Are you talking about Modbot giveaways? There's a guide linked in the OP. You can choose the rules.
Say's it's US only, how do I check to see if I can activate it (if it doesn't cancel my purchase).
Uh oh...
Well goodbye prospective sale funds, it was nice knowing you. Though considering I got 2 512gb MX100's yesterday I'm not sure why I want another SSD :\. Still for those looking for decent capacity, awesome speed at an affoardable price check out Amzon.co.uk in about 2 hours.
IIRC that was a pre-order bonus.
:X pssst.. did anyone purchase extra TNOs from GG?
It is, but some places (Nuuvem, GMG) seem to still be giving out pre-order keys. The Steam store itself might not.
I might be wrong, but I think GG only lets you purchase a single copy of any particular game.
I'm all about setting limits for myself, my previous Steam partition was only 400GB and it forced me to play and get rid of larger games sooner or later. It would feel like a waste of money for me to buy more drives just to have more games I don't play installed (same could be said about buying them in the first place of course) and I've always managed to deal with less space than others.
So next year because this extra large SD we can expect price drop or not ?
Thank you, I'll make one with some left over keys as a trial.
Edit: for some reason I thought I would be able to give stuff from my inventory... Baka
Amazon keys are region free unless it says otherwise.Say's it's US only, how do I check to see if I can activate it (if it doesn't cancel my purchase).
GMG adopted 1:1 conversion for Konami games. So Rising is 29.99€ (because 29.99$) instead of 20€ (official EU price).
Amazon keys are region free unless it says otherwise.
Well that lasted all of 20 seconds.
Since not having an optical drive in a PC for donkeys years I've become a digital hoarder. Combine that with stuff like ShadowPlay and taking full sized stupid resolution images (some that I really should delete) I plough through space more than I should. Had a clear out when FFXIII came out and I'm now back to breaking point again. I think I need to make some rigid new years resolutions.
No idea but the £/$/ per GB price has been coming down all the time. Right now $0.40-45 per GB is the sweetspot. There were reports of Samsung releasing 850 EVO's around the end of this month. I think Fry's accidentally leaked prices though not sure how accurate that really is.
A friend mentioned to me that R* removed GFWL from GTAIV? Can anyone confirm that?
Your friend is having a giggleA friend mentioned to me that R* removed GFWL from GTAIV? Can anyone confirm that?
You can. Just follow this guide. (which is also linked in the modbot guide, btw)
if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
He pranked you,A friend mentioned to me that R* removed GFWL from GTAIV? Can anyone confirm that?
if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
Shovel Knight of course.
if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
Best RPG in a very long time.This and Divinity Original Sin
Can you confirm that china SD are stable and have good firmware ?
A really cheap Age of Wonders 3if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
Technical clusterfuck with a hackjob of a... Well, not really a hackjob port, since that would indicate performance is worse on PC than it is on console, which isn't really the case.elaborate friend
if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
75% off on Pixel Boy, I guess. Would've been Dungeon of the Endless but I bought it last night.if you guys could have one game go up as a daily today, what would it be?
Lego Star Wars !
Lego Star Wars.
I need to remember to pick up 1001 Spikes before the sale is through. It's $5 with the loyalty discount.
I need to remember to pick up 1001 Spikes before the sale is through. It's $5 with the loyalty discount.
wait.. what's the loyalty discount for?
NICALIS FANS GET A LOYALTY DISCOUNT! 33-percent off 1001 Spikes if you already own Cave Story+ or NightSky!
wait.. what's the loyalty discount for?