Wut? o.o
It just came out, it got bundled and it's good o.o
Damn, I must've missed that bundle.
Wut? o.o
It just came out, it got bundled and it's good o.o
Really sorry to hear that man. Really sorry.I really wish I could use nuuvem and buy it for $2. I blame your gifs and impressions for it. >_>
You think so? I found it very refreshing combat-wise. The guns with varied ammo types, hip firing and the plasmids led to one of the most satisfying and memorable combat encounters in gaming I've ever had.BioShock 1 has crap combat , the only thing it has going for it is the atmosphere and writing that falls off a Cliff after the "twist".
Great OP shackles!
Really sorry to hear that man. Really sorry.
You think so? I found it very refreshing combat-wise. The guns with varied ammo types, hip firing and the plasmids led to one of the most satisfying and memorable combat encounters in gaming I've ever had.
Yeah, can't buy it though. rip.
That's either the definition of fatalism or the definition of exigology.I can't say I prefer bad ports, I prefer good ports, but I doesn't depend on my wishes in any way as far as I noticed.
Because if it did, FF5 would have had full blown enormous budget remake with shiny graphics and a whole lot of additional content.
I do indeed. Hear only great stuff about Minerva's Den DLC so I'm holding off with a playthrough until that DLC gets a cheap price.Sounds like you need to go play Bioshock 2 and see the light![]()
lucky, tho i can relateAI and systems is a hell of a lot easier for me than making something look good or having enough content =p
i don't ever show my work because either it's not finished or i lack the confidence to show things in developmentI need charts and pie graphs for this information.
Also show your work or you don't get full credit.
i wish they did a balance pass for in-game gwent and added a shit ton of master players to the game
i wish they did a balance pass for in-game gwent and added a shit ton of master players to the game
i'd really like that
gwent is great but it became trivial a long while ago and i think it's kind of really unbalanced for some decksright!? gwent is the shit
That's either the definition of fatalism or the definition of exigology.
Publishers only do what money tells them to. You say you want a full blown remake with good graphics and additional content, but your money says you'll take what they give you. You're not the first-- gamers are notorious for their lack of resolve-- but you're not part of the solution if you're being part of the problem.
Stop spending money on garbage, and publishers will have change their practices.
Continue spending money on garbage, and I'll look forward to several posts defending the next atrocity S-E craps out.
Wanna know how deep that Arcana Heart game is?
Yup THAT deep.
gwent is great but it became trivial a long while ago and i think it's kind of really unbalanced for some decks
i also wish it didn't take so long to get cards for some of the decks. like the monster deck is pretty interesting cos you go all in on those zerg rushing cards but those are worthless until you have like a whole lot of them.
i thought about trying some of the gwent mods but i think you need to start over for that
but after going through 4 different attempts at good ai that was always either too dumb or too smart and never fun i've just come to terms if i ever work on that game for reals i'll just pay someone to do the ai for me lol
I still haven't gotten around to playing the Witcher 3 but everyone seems to say GoG version is the way to go? Why is that?
If you want to play FFV and FFVI, either get this instead (loading times, but whatever) or there's the whole RetroPi thing but I don't know if we should talk about emulation here.Suikoden fans had to learn fatalism the hard way and you can't unlearn that, I tried.
As for being a part of a problem, I totally am, but you see, we are talking about old games not many people care about these days, no matter what we'll do, SE won't spend more money on it, if they could treat this way FF6 too, which is much more popular than FF5, meaning they could profit from proper remake much more, FF5 had and has no chances.
If you want to play FFV and FFVI, either get this instead (loading times, but whatever) or there's the whole RetroPi thing but I don't know if we should talk about emulation here.
If you want remakes and ports, all you can do is try to support people who are making good remakes and ports. Buy the ones that do a good job, then start a petition to have the games you want get the same treatment.
If you want to play FFV and FFVI, either get this instead (loading times, but whatever) or there's the whole RetroPi thing but I don't know if we should talk about emulation here.
If you want remakes and ports, all you can do is try to support people who are making good remakes and ports. Buy the ones that do a good job, then start a petition to have the games you want get the same treatment.
Additionally (since we're on PC anyway) why not try your hand at modding the game? There are already a few resources to dump the .DAT files to .PNG (and back). Don't like the Amano sprites? Remove them. Don't like the portrait colors? Change them. Some people have even modified the battle sprites.
Might as well make the best of a bad situation.
Additionally (since we're on PC anyway) why not try your hand at modding the game? There are already a few resources to dump the .DAT files to .PNG (and back). Don't like the Amano sprites? Remove them. Don't like the portrait colors? Change them. Some people have even modified the battle sprites.
Might as well make the best of a bad situation.
Reposting from the old thread:
Here's some Rainbow Six Siege beta keys if anyone wants them.
Reposting from the old thread:
is it worth it? who knows
about to jump into NOT A HERO do I controller it or keyboard?
seeking advice from people who have played it not control-type warriors thanks
yeah, i don't think legendaries are that problematic because they're overpowered, they just have the issue that they make the game boring since they're immune to special effects and they're usually just big numbers, no special effects or anythingyea its pretty unbalanced, legendaries for example, there should be a limit, like you can only 3 in a deck or something, i dominate because like have my deck is legendaries. Also i feel the same way about the monster deck, i wanted to try it but by the time i finally had a good amount i already had a op deck. I hope the next expansion has another qwent tournament, pls CDPR.
it's pretty tough if you're on your own, which is why i scaled down my projects a lot sinceIt's a careful balancing act, that's true.
about to jump into NOT A HERO do I controller it or keyboard?
seeking advice from people who have played it not control-type warriors thanks
I don't have UPlay installed anymore..
about to jump into NOT A HERO do I controller it or keyboard?
seeking advice from people who have played it not control-type warriors thanks
Don't go back, either.
about to jump into NOT A HERO do I controller it or keyboard?
seeking advice from people who have played it not control-type warriors thanks
No one's said happy birthday yet though.
how i use it? uplay?
is it worth it? who knows
How's Lara Croft and The Temple of Osiris ? It's currently 80% off