IndeedI hope this clears up the "Is steam down" confusion.
just trying to think what gets people upset here (not really something that's affected me in particular but i rarely get worked up about these things)
there are very blatant cases like the me3 dude in which you can totally tell they're holding stuff for ransom just to boost preorder sales. i totally agree with anyone that's angered by that, it's insulting and just plain evil.
in cases where it's more debatable, like cut content becoming dlc (happened to new vegas for instance), i don't think most people have a problem with it
but you know i can't blame most people for getting pissed off after publishers have treated them like idiots for so long. not even talking the legal or ownership or license stuff cos i don't know anything about that, just what feels right/wrong to me
i have no idea what this site is dude![]()
a little over 20 minutes left for this dark little contest.
Please send all responses in a pm, and i may or may not share the winner depending on how messed up the joke is
Wow so I go to download Dreamfall Chapters and I can't log into Steam. C'mon Valve it's your responsibility to make sure I can download my games whenever I want, especially new games on release day. :/
Feel bad for everyone else who worked on that game instead
Yea, but I still want to play Korra.You don't need to log in because the game was delayed due to bugs.
I thought about doing a tongue-in-cheek death threat about not being able to play Korra but I got too scared and just couldn't go through with it.You know what, maybe you should express your thoughts on twitter for GabeN too see. I hear that he is checking it often.
Joke aside, I can't find the Weeklong Deal page anymore, does anybody here have a link to it?
Don't play it. If you play it, you will finish it, so you won't play it again. So don't play it at all.
The combat is good enough, but the room for countering is pretty ridiculous on normal. It feels very easy for a Platinum title to me so far. Of course I have no idea what is going on in terms of story, and the scenery is pretty generic and etc. The running section on the polar bear felt very out of place and a bit ridiculous.
But all in all I still feel it's worth a few quids and a couple of hours of your time, just to learn the combat mechanics. It feels more like a grasshopper game than a platinum game to me tbh. I'm not quite sure why yet.
They've clearly been on an ass tight budget from Activision on this one. It screams "polish me".
But why not. I'll see it through.
Our main influence were some of Capcom's classics like Alien vs. Predator, Battle Circuit, Final Fight as well as Sega's Streets of Rage Series. So if you were a fans of those, give it a shot. I'm sure you will find something to love in Devil's Dare.
Steam is dead for me as well. Anyone else?
What is this. This some kinda get free copy of game with gfwl key or what? I have this in my library and would enjoy giving it away.
What's the site that has the images of all of the steam cards and backgrounds and all that stuff? I can't seem to remember it.
Nothing yet.Anyone? Is the cd key activating another game?
That's probably what I was thinking of. I thought they had links to the full-sized backgrounds on there, but I guess not. Looks like I'll have to buy cards if I want them.
You're not understanding, though. It's Platinum, we've got to support Platinum.Well, I removed Korra from my wishlist. I will probably take this when 75% off just because I can throw 3 on it, but I'm reading more about the game and it simply doesn't do the magic.
Who is to say the update the game received two or three days ago didn't have to do with it? Either way, it's hardly a bad thing that they're letting people play as the coolest lookin' fucker in the gameTotally OT. ORC is a "mod" of Battlefront, so it uses some files from the game. Of course they are on the disc.
If a DLC is already included in the main game, you already paid for that. It's simple.
It's NOT a DOWNLOADABLE content if is already presenet on the disc, since you download nothing. You activate it, but you already own it.
At least WB gave this for free, but now I'm curious on how many DLCs are already in the game.
I think it got fucked over by a too short devtime. It was just a rushed game and really one of the last chances THQ had left. :[Darksiders 2 was simply too long and uninspired. I loved Darksiders 1, I loved the story, the main character, the level design.
I hate the sequel because is just bland, there's not a story at all, all the dungeonslook the same.
TIL Valve is a pre madonna company
Valve was formed in 1996. Madonna's first album was in 1983.
@CommodoreKD Thanks man, we arent alone out here.. but this pre madonna shit from large companies has got to stop
Valve was formed in 1996. Madonna's first album was in 1983.
TIL Valve is a pre madonna company
Valve was formed in 1996. Madonna's first album was in 1983.
?? Pre Madonnas in a post madonna world. Maybe she can still teach Valve to Vogue and photoshop dem wrinkles off their mascot bald dude's head
damn really? madonna is old.
Like a knife through hot butter.I think he meant prima donna.
I think he meant prima donna.
I knew what he meant, I was just poking fun.You have to free yourself from temporal constructs because it is only during the madonna period that we began living in a material world.
Is Korra bad? I am tapped out currently thanks to Bayonetta.