See, I'd love to help, but I don't have much to help with. My photoshopping is average at best (although I'll whip you in a concepting competitionGood idea, I'll take this into account, most of the times the work comes into heaps which usually occurs when I've got to make the steam thread unfortunately.
I do have this to say, if it's any help at all: You've done a bloody brilliant job thus far, but it's not worth getting stressed over if work is getting too heavy.
Shit. That's... Harsh.This:
Huh. Well, I honestly hadn't thought to check. Guess I should've. But the fact that it was still listed is... Despicable. Reading some stuff, it's atleast been known for like 6? months if not more by the community. Why the fuck was it still on the page? Damned scam artist.this was known for much longer than two months if you looked at any of the reviews or forum topics bitching about it
note: multiplayer/coop was a kickstarter goal too apparently...
Phil Fish wasn't anywhere near this bad, really. This guy is an outright asshole and psychopath, Fish... Is outspoken and a direct, and very rough, critic.Phil Fish 2.0
This guy will be going places. I guarantee it.
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want... Etc.
I hope it's not added back on. it'll be like, almost rare or something. Atleast in a decade.Well you can take solace in the fact that you now own an unlisted game.I guess.
That we do... Indeed we it. everyone loves a good meltdown