Best DLC ever.Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina DLC is awesome, more fun than the main game in my opinion.
Best DLC ever.Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina DLC is awesome, more fun than the main game in my opinion.
ಠ_ಠTell me about it. I'm going to have to leave my computer on overnight.
Say what you want, but I love Euro Truck Sim 2 VR. Even without a wheel it's amazing, listening to a radio station driving through the countryside - probably my favorite VR experience so far. And for some reason I chuckle every time I accidently hit a car c:I did it! I ordered the Oculus Rift.Became a bit more expensive than I had expected, with VAT and shipping. Now I have to make VR category on steam and wait eagerly.
Any recommendations that are said to be good with VR?
good luck
Why so many pages overnight? anything happened again? (kinda too busy to skim over that many!)
Say what you want, but I love Euro Truck Sim 2 VR. Even without a wheel it's amazing, listening to a radio station driving through the countryside - probably my favorite VR experience so far. And for some reason I chuckle every time I accidently hit a car c:
Half Life 2 VR on the other hand... it's probably amazing with Hydras but good luck finding them for a reasonable price. Also the game made me horribly sick the first time I jumped into it, really gotta get used to the keyhole aiming with KB&M. I personally wouldn't recommend a controller, turning with a mouse feels so much better than the slow turning with a controller. Fun thing is, aiming feels so good for some reason and it's a lot easier than on monitor for me. Also the atmosphere is super tense for me, this is why I stopped playing after 2-3 hours of progress or so lol.
Qbeh-1 is a very nice first person puzzler but I can barely handle more than two or three levels in one sitting before I get sick. I don't know why, maybe it's the constant jumping down and such. But apart from that, it's really worth a shot for the small price (it's a great puzzler in 2D as well).
Minecrift is promising but is totally fucked up for me. Depth feels super artificial and flat, blocks don't even look close to the 1x1x1m they are supposed to be and I feel like I'm a runtish gnome. Others experience the same but for some people it seems fine. Hope it will be fixed in the near future, really want to play it.
LFS doesn't do much for me and I haven't tried Elite Dangerous yet. Not gonna throw 75$ at a game whose genre I don't like.
Also don't expect a plethora of full games to play - it's a Devkit. Just a friendly reminder since many people are disappointed that they have very little full games to play after they tried out every conceptual demo they can find.
I feel like a douche when asking stuff like this but will DR3 work with family sharing?
ok i think last chapter of tits they figured out i'm not having too much fun doing the side quest things and they removed them
well done
Only douchey publishers (or GFWL-type services) prevent you from family sharing.You won't be able to download it until it's available to play.Even some Uplay games can be shared if you're really cool with the other person.
you are insane, you know. Trails has some nice sidequests and overall they aren't bad or anything.
Are you sure about this? I thought all U don't play games are excluded from family sharing. Which ones aren't?
so you activated it or can i regift it?Thanks
The bad thing is that I didn't know that I already have it. You may nuke the key
I feel like a douche when asking stuff like this but will DR3 work with family sharing?
so you activated it or can i regift it?
Only douchey publishers (or GFWL-type services) prevent you from family sharing.You just won't be able to download it until it's available to play.Even some Uplay games can be shared if you're really cool with the other person.
You can also tell if something is blocked from Sharing by checking the store page (with Enhanced Steam installed) or checking the registry entry. is an example of that.
It's not showing up because it hasn't unlocked.
you are insane, you know. Trails has some nice sidequests and overall they aren't bad or anything.
Apparently I earlier sold a regular "waifu" card for $1.99 ($1.74). God bless the internet.
eh not bad is not the same as good
they're not terrible but they're not exciting 50 hours in
Thanks for the tips and impression!
Yeah I'm not expecting much in terms of new games, more about the new experiences and seeing what the future can hold in terms of immersion and such. See all the experimenting that people are doing.
I tried to look around for some Hydras but are impossible to find. Are there any similar things that are good? How about Leap Motion?
Irony.Apparently I earlier sold a regular "waifu" card for $1.99 ($1.74). God bless the internet.
c'mon, some are exciting, some are not. Which game has only exciting sidequests?
c'mon, some are exciting, some are not. Which game has only exciting sidequests?
Exasperated and exciting are different don't ya know?Assassin's Creed.
fallout :>
Assassin's Creed.
c'mon, some are exciting, some are not. Which game has only exciting sidequests?
Exasperated and exciting are different don't ya know?
you guys are funny, thanks for laughs
Is this a joke post? Some of the main story quests aren't exciting.
Assassin's Creed.
That wasn't his question.
Ok, a lot of the side quests are also not exciting. Going to the therapist? Towing cars? I'm not saying that GTA V is a bad game, the side quests add a lot of texture, but they're not all exciting by any stretch of the imagination.
Hey Jase I know you are a fan of the AC series, did you liked AC: Black Flag? I was happy when they mentioned the Portuguese who were one of the best explorers back in the day, there was even a mission where you had tosteal a Portuguese flag from a ship and the old flag was really accurate, loved that!
Have you played that little standalone? Is it worth it? I might grab the console version when it's on sale but can you -or anyone- give an idea of how much time I may get from it?
Are you saying I'm a girl? You bitch!![]()
I played the DLC version. It's relatively meaty (HLTB says 5-6 hours for the main campaign and about another hour or so for sidequests) and won't bore you if you enjoyed Black Flag proper.
I enjoyed it more than 3 owing to the change of setting, but the larger cities of the game were still too small for my liking and I wasn't overly fond of the large focus shift to the naval component. I'm glad that Unity's returning to the Brotherhood/Revelations structure of one massive -- not to mention architecturally and aesthetically appealing -- city.
Hearing that in Saoirse's voice is... interesting.
The drawing's adorable, btw - definitely avatar material IMO.
I agree, I'm so bloody hyped for Unity. I even got the uplay exclusive guillotine edition... sucks though that I probably won't get to play it on release day with the 4-7 day shipping.
lol at valve responding at anythingbtw, Valve ever responded to current greenlight situation? I guess not, but in case they did, what's going on?
Ok, a lot of the side quests are also not exciting. Going to the therapist? Towing cars? I'm not saying that GTA V is a bad game, the side quests add a lot of texture, but they're not all exciting by any stretch of the imagination.
btw, Valve ever responded to current greenlight situation? I guess not, but in case they did, what's going on?
next avatar shold be saoirse throwing up that worm she's eating
the hell is that?!
lol, this is great!
Can someone give me a TL;DR on the AMD code things? I totally missed what it is.And I'm not even done yet.
Can someone give me a TL;DR on the AMD code things? I totally missed what it is.
The things you listed are part of the main quest and I agree with that there's plenty of them that are dull. But the sidequests in GTA V are the strangers you meet on the street like the old British couple with their interest in celebrity memorabilia and the guy with the legalize weed campaign. Looking back at them I can't think of a single unexciting one
man i want once in my life to do fake vomit like that
Can someone give me a TL;DR on the AMD code things? I totally missed what it is.
DARK SOULS 2 Season Pass is also region locked ?