Valve plans to nix Greenlight soon, likely around the time of the major update we've been hearing about. So these likely have some traction, enough to justify getting through before the nuke.
What major update?
Valve plans to nix Greenlight soon, likely around the time of the major update we've been hearing about. So these likely have some traction, enough to justify getting through before the nuke.
wait what.. dead rising 3 is already released in Singapore for some reason even though the store page says 5th of sept
wtf recently with the random invites. is getting annoying. so bots are inviting anyone now?
What major update?
I finally finished Bioshock Infinite! YES! Finally! I'm done!This game took too long.
All the difficulties above normal are bad ideas, makes the already hard as hell levels even longer.I finally finished Bioshock Infinite! YES! Finally! I'm done!This game took too long.
I finally finished Bioshock Infinite! YES! Finally! I'm done!This game took too long.
All the difficulties above normal are bad ideas, makes the already hard as hell levels even longer.
Ghost mom sucks.
Anyone here playing Dead Rising 3 and unlocked the framerate?
What am I doing wrong? Still locked in-game for me.
Edit: Duh, needed to save it within the file, not in the folder.
did you play the DLCs too?
All the difficulties above normal are bad ideas, makes the already hard as hell levels even longer.
Ghost mom sucks.
There's still the matter of the DLC.![]()
I finally finished Bioshock Infinite! YES! Finally! I'm done!This game took too long.
How did you like the Asylum section? Genuinely scary for me, everytime the Screamboys noticed me I'd contemplate deleting the game.
Also, try Burial at the Sea next.
(Genuinely better gameplay than the real game)
All the difficulties above normal are bad ideas, makes the already hard as hell levels even longer.
Ghost mom sucks.
Handyman on hard is insane, a gigantic bullet sponge that can take you out in a few hits. I even get spawn killed by him several times.Yeah, I played on hard and at first the combat encounters were fine, but then regular enemies became tougher to kill for the sake of increase difficulty, which is the oldest trick in the book and also incredibly annoying. There was zero point in me maxing out the shield as at best, if I was lucky, taking a single hit wouldn't quite deplete it.
How did you like the Asylum section? Genuinely scary for me, everytime the Screamboys noticed me I'd contemplate deleting the game.
Also, try Burial at the Sea next.
(Genuinely better gameplay than the real game)
Really? I think my 1999 playthrough was probably my favorite. I don't know what it was exactly, but it was just so much fun.
Lady Comstock goes down in seconds with Charge / Burning Halo / Brittle-Skinned, no matter what difficulty.
Who else is going to marathon Hatoful Boyfriend tomorrow?Besides Shadownet
I liked that section quite a bit too. The airships section wasn't too fun though. It just take too long.
^ this is pretty much the strategy I used. She's pretty easy.
Who else is going to marathon Hatoful Boyfriend tomorrow?Besides Shadownet
Can't believe I've been on this site for a year and 4 months, I just checked how long I've been a member because I figured my year anniversary was coming up and I'm 4 months late, crazy how time flies! Real talk, this is probably the best online community I've been a part of.
mine is in 10 days!
guys. i've been missing out on Payday 2 for too long
graciasNice, you did good today for sure, game is definitely addictive!
next game night.
We gaffers should totally have a game night (European night)![]()
We gaffers should totally have a game night (European night)![]()
OK, I'm currently using a vpn to download and play DR3. At least I hope to be playing it soon, the download is kind of slow. If I quit playing and disconnect the vpn, will I have any issues resuming playing the game? Should I switch Steam to offline mode before I disconnect the vpn? Sorry for the noobish questions, I haven't tried this before.
To think, there are still Madness stick-figure games being made, and for Steam now.
Just preload normally without the VPN then use the VPN to unlock the game. Stick steam in offline mode and you can disconnect from the VPN safely
so i'm trying to use modbot but it's not working for some reason even though I tried the exact steps laid out in the tutorial twice
is there some kind of restriction on new users using it? am I just not waiting long enough(it's been 23 minutes since my first attempt,the tutorial thread says 1-2 though)? does putting regular keys and humble links in the same pm create a problem? not really sure what i'm doing wrong here
We gaffers should totally have a game night (European night)![]()
Who else is going to marathon Hatoful Boyfriend tomorrow?Besides Shadownet
And I do hope you reconsider 1999. As long as you pay attention to your gear, and use it to strategize, difficult situations become super easy. Like I said, for some reason, I enjoyed it more than my playthroughs on any of the other difficulties.
so i'm trying to use modbot but it's not working for some reason even though I tried the exact steps laid out in the tutorial twice
is there some kind of restriction on new users using it? am I just not waiting long enough(it's been 23 minutes since my first attempt,the tutorial thread says 1-2 though)? does putting regular keys and humble links in the same pm create a problem? not really sure what i'm doing wrong here
Title: register
Send to: Modbot
Name of the Game - KEYS-GO-HERE (or the link to the humble bundle)
(you can put more below)
*remember to put a space*
then you can put the rules such as: NOLURKERS, BLACKLIST, RAFFLE. (etc, but one rule per line
Hahahahahaha. So who's participating in my next giveaway?Besides animl. cause he will be banned?
I'll be watching the live stream. Kinda curious to see how it play.
I'll definitely playing 1999, I just want to take a break and go play Witcher 2 or something![]()
I kinda want to replay Dishonored now that I have it on PC. But I should really play games that I have never beat before.
There is no restriction for new member as far as I know.
This is how you do it.
I'm sure you already have the link to thread on how to use Modbot. as long as you do what it says you should be fine.
Though spin told me a couple hours ago. Modbot wasnt working for him when he tried to register a game.. 20 mins went by and no PM back.
yeah that's exactly what i've been doing,good to know on the lack of restrictions etc sounds like I should just try again tomorrow
How are people already playing Dead Rising 3 when mine is still encrypted? :O
How are people already playing Dead Rising 3 when mine is still encrypted? :O