LOL no. :3unpurposed said:Fixed that for you. Tried playing Beat Hazard, after loving Audiosurf, and thought it was absolutely terrible. Thank god I only played the demo and didn't buy the game.
Kanye West and Daft Punk make the game gdlk.
LOL no. :3unpurposed said:Fixed that for you. Tried playing Beat Hazard, after loving Audiosurf, and thought it was absolutely terrible. Thank god I only played the demo and didn't buy the game.
Tron Legacy OST = sex.Chavelo said:LOL no. :3
Kanye West and Daft Punk make the game gdlk.
Chavelo said:LOL no. :3
Kanye West and Daft Punk make the game gdlk.
Stallion Free said:Tron Legacy OST = sex.
Enjoying Beat Hazard, then playing Audiosurf afterwards and being unsatisfied with it? What is it, opposite day today?!Mister Wilhelm said:Audiosurf is horrible. I bought it after enjoying Beat Hazard so much, but it's seriously not even worth the $2 I spent on it.
I also regret buying BFBC2. It's just as bad as COD in terms of guys hiding in corners and killing you before you can turn around in straight deathmatch. I also don't find the big team objective games that fun, lots of cheap deaths and waiting to respawn.
Seriously, you don't see how the track you're riding on connects to the music you're playing? Just look at this: said:Lol.
To be honest, I didn't like Audiosurf either. And I bought it at a $9.95 price back in 2008. It's probably my fault, but somehow I fail to see an actual connection between gameplay and music.
Dreavus said:I regret my 3 impulse tf2 keys. I don't usually spring for these things but some of the stuff in the crates was looking pretty cool.
spindoctor said:No real regrets from the few games I bought. Not thrilled with Test Drive Unlimited 2 because the social/lifestyle crap is a bit much and it's hiding the decent driving game underneath, but that's about it.
What I do regret however is that I can't get my friends to play Recettear. I beg them to buy it when it's cheap and no one does. I buy copies as gifts only to see them get lost in long lists of Steam games that never get played. At that point I'm helpless. I really do wish more people would look outside their comfort zone to try out new games like this.
I hear you mate. I've bought one key and one hat from the Mann Co. store and it was instant regret both times. I should not be spending money on that stuff.
Dreavus said:I regret my 3 impulse tf2 keys. I don't usually spring for these things but some of the stuff in the crates was looking pretty cool. Got my ass handed to me by getting a double of one item, not to mention the two kinds I did get I didn't particularly want, which means I've got to try and trade now.
I've learned my lesson with those and I'll be staying far away from now on.
Everything has been theoretically fine. I haven't had much time to actually play games yet since I was extremely busy during the week of the sale.
MrNyarlathotep said:I'm sort of regretting picking up the Assassins Creed bundle, because of the massive ballache I am having trying to get my official wireless 360 controller to fucking work right with it.
I would expect this kind of crap with mapping a controller in an emulator or something, but not in a frigging AAA title from a major publisher that claims that their game is controller enabled.
Keikaku said:It is. I just plugged mine right into the USB and it worked. The problem is likely on your end, not the games![]()
slidewinder said:How do people find Beat Hazard "awful" and whatnot? Is it mostly the Jeff Minter-style visual overkill?
Running Qarl's Texture Pack, with Oblivion XP, the oblivion patch, and pretty much that's it. I think I'm gonna get Oblivion stutter as well.Zombie James said:That does look damn nice. Which mods are you running? My issue(s) with Oblivion aren't really to do with the visuals, though.
The exact same thing happened with me and Guns of Icarus at the end of a previous sale. I contacted steam support and they did a "one time only" refund. I ended up picking it up during a later sale. Worth a shot unless you want to play the game now. My only regret is paying $15 for Dow2 retribution when it could have been bought for $7.5 later. Best deal for me was the Telltale everything pack. I regret missing it years ago, but got an even more amazing deal since it now includes BTTF, Wallace. And Sam and Max season 3.crimsonheadGCN said:I regret buying The Last Remnant. Well, it's not because it's a poor game. It's just that I waited till the last moment of the daily deal and the price had already increased back to normal and I wasn't paying attention. I was like oh shit, gotta hit buy before the price went back up since I missed it the last time around. I hit buy and then looked at price being 26.99 or something like that. lol
Yeah, that's true. Even some of the built-in songs have pretty awful pacing.Narag said:I'd wager it's track selection. Half the fun I've had so far was finding songs equally punishing and awesome to play.
Artanisix said:Beat Hazard hurts my eyes, and I feel like it's a shallow arcade-y kind of game. And there aren't even interesting powerups or mechanics. Lame.
Azure Phoenix said:Sims 3 Complete Pack
Bought it in a moment of weakness since I loved the original Sims and never tried the second one - what a crushing disappointment. The controls are irritating, the interface is cluttered and the music is bland, however the worse offender is the gameplay. Instead of actually expanding the game in ways that would make sense (weather, seasons, pets) they've focused on completely useless fluff like vampires.
Honestly it feels exactly the same as Sims 1 with more up to date (but probably not better) visuals and a lot of rubbish tacked on.
Somehow I got it for free. I Dled the demo then it turned into the full version when they released a patch due to people not being able to play the full game after buying it. Still showed up in my wishlist and with a price on the store page (instead of a play now button) Wierd.PBalfredo said:I regret not buying Hoard when it was on the daily deals. But I picked it up today and already put three hours into it. Great game.
TyrantGuardian said:I regret being gifted Super SF4: Arcade Edition because Corky is working me to the bone
My left thumb is blistered so bad. That's one reason to play with a stick at least.
jediyoshi said:Wat, is being arcade-y inherently bad? And how long did you not last in any given game to not have run into a single pick up?
Zombie James said:Oblivion.jpg
See, I tried it years before and immediately felt that it didn't like up to how people were hyping it, but hey, STEAM SALE = CHEAP so I thought I'd give it another try.
...damn it![]()
Artanisix said:Shallow arcade-y. Of course being arcade-like isn't bad, I absolutely love games like Jamestown, Ikaruga, etc., but Beat Hazard just doesn't seem... right. I don't think it pulls off the scoring very well or in a compelling manner. Ikaruga is beautiful, skillful, and technical, whereas Beat Hazard is just dumb.
And yes, there are pickups, but they don't do anything interesting or cool. Woohoo, increase the volume on your song or make your gun slightly more eye-strain-inducing, or a pickup that increases your multiplier. That's not creative in the least.
Yeah, and there's a fair amount of in-game strategy around working the daredevil multiplier versus killing as much stuff as possible. Then when you add in the limited perk system (as compared to the old level-up-and-get-everything one) where you want to switch out your perks depending on song length and tempo, and there's another level of depth to it if you play for score. It's definitely not, nowadays anyways, shallow compared to your average twin-stick shooter.Carm said:You clearly have not played Ultra heh. There are weapon/shield pickups now. And you're comparing an indie game made by one man, to Ikaruga...
Waku said:Garshasp: Was looking forward to this Indie GoW but the fucking thing won't even properly start. After i fixed the problem with Flash that was preventing it from even Starting up i am now stuck at the loading screen to the first level where it will just freeze and crash.
Fucking thing sucks.
Shaneus said:Bought King Arthur. Regretted it the next day when I realised the game I wanted to buy was actually King's Bounty.