Hopefully there's a big Men of War pack given there's no IC collection *grumble grumble*
I've been interested in these games but they seem a bit too slow paced for me. Maybe with a co-op partner they could be fun though.
Hopefully there's a big Men of War pack given there's no IC collection *grumble grumble*
Hey Stump, any thoughts on a RAFFLE flag for ModBot? The idea would be that it'd collect PMs over a set period of time and then randomly select one person.
Would that put too much computational stress on your server?
just tried hotline miami, damn it's hard but really fun, it will take some time to be good at it.
I honestly cannot understand this thinking. I'm looking at the deeper deals and think it might be the best sale yet.
I wonder if they've reduced the card drop rate because I played Hotline: Miami for like 30 minutes and didn't get anything.![]()
what the shit.They should add ksp to card pool.it even got special summer card.
wow, none of the call of duty games are on sale, fucking hell activision =/
of course it is, you can even write your own robot as competition plus I'm sure Toma wouldn't use ModBot if it was offering him water as he was dying of thirst in the desert.
Anyone from the US interested in sharing a 2-pack for Don't Starve? I'm in Europe but I can paypal.
Sorry for reposting but it was like 10 pages ago and the thread is fast as hell.
I honestly cannot understand this thinking. I'm looking at the deeper deals and think it might be the best sale yet.
But how will that help me buy Disnohored DLC for cheap?
"Never" meaning "3 weeks ago on a bundle with another Bethesda game for $15".
I still want it to win, because I want the DLC.
Could I get an invite, too?
I consolidate my questions/suggestions for ModBot:
Would there be any way to output ModBot's list of winners to a public-facing Google Doc as a sort of running tally people could use?
It's 22.49 in the Latin American region, 2K and R* games are always cheaper here.Bioshock Infinite : 29.99
Counterstrike Complete: 7.49
Call of Juarez Gunslinger: 10.04
total: 47,43
Are you using the wallet?I've been trying for the past 3 hours.While I'm waiting, I may as well hunt for a cheap game to put me over the $60 mark (i.e. 6 cards).
Then use your vote to make the boys and girls of GAF happy.
Vote BL2
But how will that help me buy Disnohored DLC for cheap?
"Never" meaning "3 weeks ago on a bundle with another Bethesda game for $15".
I still want it to win, because I want the DLC.
Fuck yes!
Does anybody know if Hotline Miami ended up getting that beta patch with widescreen/resolution options? I just played it for a bit and didn't see anything like that in options, and there's no beta patch to be found any more.
If anyone is debating getting Hotline Miami. Get it. I promise you will not regret it.
yes but probably not during the summer sale probably because i'd have to figure out the timing element
no to google doc but I'll probably figure out a weekly statistic thing to be posted in here.
Type in "hlm" in the beta tab of the properties menu.
LOL @ the people sad about the Skyrim flash sale. It is the LEGENDARY EDITION with all the DLC and a new difficulty.
Buy the vanilla if you want to gib yourself. $35 is far cheaper than you will get it separately
Anyone tried Call of Juarez: Gunslinger? Is it worth the money?
I haven't played it with a controller but a close friend told me it was kinda awkward at first but he got use to it quickly.How well does it play with a controller?
If you know![]()
How well does it play with a controller?
If you know![]()
How well does it play with a controller?
If you know![]()
Are you using the wallet?
It went through right away with that for me.
If i already have the original and all DLC.. do I still have the new difficulty?