I agree. Also, if someone deserves to have a game gifted, that's me.Please don't beg, that is the last thing this thread needs, rampant begging.
I don't want no dirty gifts!
I agree. Also, if someone deserves to have a game gifted, that's me.Please don't beg, that is the last thing this thread needs, rampant begging.
You know what? Half Life 2: Episode One for free to anyone that requests it.
Rayman Origins if you're willing expand to same-screen multiplayer.
For those wondering about Prison Architect, I would suggest waiting. Unless you really want in now, the price will get significantly lower.
Same-screen multiplayer is fine. Just so long as two people can play at the same time with controllers really.
Thank you, I appreciate the honest feedback--if I had just asked "How's Star Trek", I'd have gotten 50 people who didn't play the game replying with "SHIT LOL"
I agree. Also, if someone deserves to have a game gifted, that's me.
I don't want no dirty gifts!
Why is none going for this!
I'd be in for one.
It's unbearably hot here in England, and my pasty body can't deal with it.
I need a Winter themed game to cool me down.
Can anyone recommend some good split-screen games with controller support, particularly ones that are ok for a small child?
I've already tried:
Sonic Racing Transformed
Renegade Ops
Castle Crashers
Anyone know of any others off hand?
It's unbearably hot here in England, and my pasty body can't deal with it.
I need a Winter themed game to cool me down.
Yay Civilization 5 on 75% sale againMissed it by 1 minute last time.
Just hoping for a decent discount on Age of Empires 2 HD and then I got the 2 games I want.
My axe makes three?
Oh no, please no. I'd rather get banned from the internet than adding that game to my account.Bad Rats incoming in 3..2..
can't believe I still haven't got any foil card dropped, smh
level 13, lots of cards gotten, badges crafted, many games bought, WTF??
Love seeing Metro cranking it's way up the charts.
Can anyone recommend some good split-screen games with controller support, particularly ones that are ok for a small child?
I've already tried:
Sonic Racing Transformed
Renegade Ops
Castle Crashers
Anyone know of any others off hand?
It was also 50% off, don't know if that qualifies as "enough". I believe it has been a daily already too so it has a very low chance of coming back at this point.You missed a flash sale for that one as well.
Lost Planet? Don't Starve?
Keep in mind that Lost Planet Extreme Condition is Steamworks, while Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition is GFWL.
There was this Cryengine 3 skiing/boarding indie game I was keeping my eye on, let me dig that up.
It's unbearably hot here in England, and my pasty body can't deal with it.
I need a Winter themed game to cool me down.
Still waiting for a slightly lower price before grabbing Don't Starve.
Lost Planet Extreme Condition is £5. Hmm, tempting, but it could also drop further because it's only 50% off. I'm pretty sure it's already been on sale (flash sale, was it?), so I'll continue to wait.
My hopes for a daily/flash/cc on Timeshift, Hunted, ANother World and Papo are vanishing slowly. Will probably buy them tommorrow.
Btw, bought Conflict: Denied Ops. Yes, I know many people say it sucked, but I enjoyed the X360 demo.
You're not the only one. At least we got this to hope for:Every time someone says "PQ1" I immediately think "Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel" and get excited that it is on steam. It isn't on Steam.
can't believe I still haven't managed to make Lost Planet EC Colonies work on my rig (W8) it just crashes at launch
It's unbearably hot here in England, and my pasty body can't deal with it.
I need a Winter themed game to cool me down.