1 more hour till prison architect.Need it!
Haha yeah, the Agatha guys can start looking like the other team when they're all drenched in blood.
The battle cries are great too. I watched one of my knight teammates absolutely destroy some poor sap in a duel, decapitating him and then taking an arm off for good measure, then he looked at me and did the Agatha battle cry animation while another guy watching did the laugh emote and it slayed me. The comedic timing of it all was perfect, and the battle cries just go together so well with the over-the-top violence. I imagine there have been plenty of Monty Python and the Holy Grail comparisons drawn.
Maybe we could organize some GAF Chivalry Carnage in a few hours?
I will playing in an hour or so anyway
Also, driving! How do people drive in games using the keyboard? It's impossible.The mouse is obviously great for FPS games, but I honestly hate using the keyboard for moving around. Especially in fast paced games it can be a pain compared to using a controller.
Yeah, playing Chivalry with a high ping is a pretty miserable experience.I was getting ping of 400-600 milliseconds, compared to everyone else's 40-50.
Only downside of PC gaming is I can't get host on dedicated servers![]()
1 more hour till prison architect.Need it!
There's a Steam app you know.
It feels like it was on sale every other day. It'll probably be repeated again on Sunday. It might also win the community vote.
Safe to assume we're getting Retro City Rampage today?
I wouldn't say it's safe to assume, but it's likely to at least be a flash deal before all's said and done.Safe to assume we're getting Retro City Rampage today?
That is why you must manipulate the market to your advantage.
So Prison Architect in about an hour, right? Seems like everyone loves that game, and I gotta admit it looks pretty coolDo we have word on the price yet?
Also, why on earth does Steam still prohibit me from playing while downloading -.-
So Prison Architect in about an hour, right? Seems like everyone loves that game, and I gotta admit it looks pretty coolDo we have word on the price yet?
Also, why on earth does Steam still prohibit me from playing while downloading -.-
...I think "Towns" is the blandest name for a game ever. I would've had no idea that it involved dungeons and adventurers at all if I hadn't read the description. And all I can think of when I hear it is this.
They really need to change the title to something a little catchier (and less reminiscent of an old Japanese computer...)
I don't know man... the UI seems wonky (selecting your class). The tutorial bugged out on me and press R to Reload kept flashing at the bottom of the screen. Environments felt super empty, too.
Wait... there are emotes? Holy shit, game got even better. Have only played for 2 hours so far, I had no idea.
Apps don't work if you don't have internet access. I guess I should have said: this is an OUTING. Like... outside. Like... miles from anywhere including cell towers.
I think that the bland name suits the game perfectly.
Is anyone hosting a Monaco 4-pack? I just sold the cards I needed to be able to afford it![]()
Such places exist?
The only strategy I have right now is waiting until the sale is over then hoping that the market bounces back. If you have any further strategies lets discuss them in PM's so we don't get busted for insider trading. ;p
sanctum 2 better win
I don't get it. Is it because of the cool voice over on the Steam Video preview?
I hope that happens but man will I feel stupid for selling so many cards as soon as I got them if that is the case.
Steam Community Market said:There was an error getting listings for this item. Please try again later.
Steam Community Market said:There was an error performing your search. Please try again later.
Don't do this to me, I need my fix.
Is there any easy way to set categories, other than right clicking games individually?Hooray, my new custom Steam categories.
1 more hour till prison architect.Need it!
Ugh, I wish there was.Is there any easy way to set categories, other than right clicking games individually?
Ugh, I wish there was.
Just bought F1 for my brother. Anybody have experience with wireless 360 controller adapters for PC? Do they work? Is it fairly low latency?
Also, Out_Of_Ammo, if you didn't know you can switch to 3rd-person by pressing P.