Any idea how long it's going to last? I still have a few games to pickup on steam, in which case i won't be able to afford that atm.
No clue.
Any idea how long it's going to last? I still have a few games to pickup on steam, in which case i won't be able to afford that atm.
Voted for KRZ.
On a side note, is legit? Has anyone from GAF ever actually won something? Or is it just a huge waste of time.
My problem with Retro City Rampage is that they took a bunch of classic games from the 80's and poked fun at them and added their gameplay to one single game....however, it's more of a "ha look what we did here, do you see how clever this is" and less of a fun gaming experience.
It's available for $3.74 right now at GetGamesGo, with a Steam key. Never used that site personally but people say it's legit.
Probably your firewall. Alt-tab around to see if your firewall blocks the game until you give permission. Mine did.
It's run by Eurogamer.![]()
Any idea how long it's going to last? I still have a few games to pickup on steam, in which case i won't be able to afford that atm.
Me. If you looking for yay/nay thing, it's yay from me. If you liked the first one, you sure will enjoy the second one. Plus the game has some style, that covers shitty graphics
btw got it on PS3 for like 30+ bucks, never regreted. Beat the game 4 times: once myself, thrice with friends
Next Community Choice:
Rogue Legacy 75% off
Hotline Miami 75% off
FTL 75% off
Next Community Choice:
Rogue Legacy 75% off
Hotline Miami 75% off
FTL 75% off
It's available for $3.74 right now at GetGamesGo, with a Steam key. Never used that site personally but people say it's legit.
Next Community Choice:
Rogue Legacy 75% off
Hotline Miami 75% off
FTL 75% off
You can blame Valve rewarding votes for all the duplicate community choice winners. I know I'm guilty of it as well when I see 3 games I already own and vote for the one I think is the best instead of the one that's been on sale already- which I may or may not have kept track of.
It's a good idea to reward getting involved, but these specific votes should really be left to the people who would actually be interested in buying one of the three were it to go on sale, instead of encouraging everyone to vote ensuring the lowest sale price/highest popularity game wins each time.
Fwiw, I actually made a point to get home to my computer just to vote KR0. I don't think it'll win, but here's hoping anyways.
Next Community Choice:
Rogue Legacy 75% off
Hotline Miami 75% off
FTL 75% off
Considering a Sonic Transformed 4-pack. Anyone interested?
1. catapult37
Rogue Legacy would make SO MUCH money if they had even a 50% off sale on the last day. Probably not going to happen though, unfortunately.
GetGames is definitely legit. They've also got a monthly sale that runs at which is always a build your own bundle sort of thing. Right now they've got a nice 4 indie games for $8 deal.
If the newly released FFVII and MK9 Komplete could get a 33% sale, why in the hell couldn't rogue legacy? So sad.
Haven't they said the missing episodes will be next year?
You guys still aiming for a 3-4 month per episode schedule?
yep, that's the plan.
If the newly released FFVII and MK9 Komplete could get a 33% sale, why in the hell couldn't rogue legacy? So sad.
If the newly released FFVII and MK9 Komplete could get a 33% sale, why in the hell couldn't rogue legacy? So sad.
That Starforge looks interesting
Speaking of Rogue Legacy, Tony on CAG said they are going to price match the steam sale and it'll be up in a few hours. So If you haven't used the 15% code yet you can get it for around 10 bucks.
Speaking of Rogue Legacy, Tony on CAG said they are going to price match the steam sale and it'll be up in a few hours. So If you haven't used the 15% code yet you can get it for around 10 bucks.
Speaking of Rogue Legacy, Tony on CAG said they are going to price match the steam sale and it'll be up in a few hours. So If you haven't used the 15% code yet you can get it for around 10 bucks.
Asked the developers on twitter and got a reply.
it ends on 22ndDumb question but I'm unsure: deals will end tonight at 23:59 (11:59pm) or tomorrow same time?
Dumb question but I'm unsure: deals will end tonight at 23:59 (11:59pm) or tomorrow same time?
Mainly because Rogue Legacy was on kickstarter and the "pre-order" kickstarter price was $10. If they go any lower than $10 right now, they're going to have a metric ton of kickstarter backers pissed off at them.
Did I miss a Prince of Persia flash sale by any chance?
That may be true, but the prices of traditionally funded games drop like a rock in the PC environment; I don't think it's a healthy expectation for both backers and would be devs alike to hold crowd funded release pricing as some sacred standard and expect them to be exempt of the market forces behind the rest.
Anyone here play Settlers 7 at all? Its on sale and I was wondering if it was any good. I looked for an OT but couldn't find one.
That may be true, but the prices of traditionally funded games drop like a rock in the PC environment; I don't think it's a healthy expectation for both backers and would be devs alike to hold crowd funded release pricing as some sacred standard and expect them to be exempt of the market forces behind the rest.
While I agree with this completely, the game only came out on June 27th - less than 1 month ago. I think it's safe to say that most games, unless they tank BADLY (which this has not) don't go that deeply on sale within 30 days of their release.
I sure wish I could use that code on 007 Legends.