Gold Member
Ok, new plan:
Again, yay or nay?

Again, yay or nay?
And that's what Summer Sale does to you (among other things). God save us.I had a dream that Gabe Newell gave me a tour of iD studios. It was a dump. He gave me a big metal detector style device which he said was necessary to degauss the monitors to make the place safe to walk through.
I find it hard to believe that there are still six days of sales left. I feel like we're gonna run out of games.
Ok, new plan:
Again, yay or nay?
Ok, new plan:
Again, yay or nay?
$22.49. just 25% off
Thanks! A question for everyone, I have Dead Space on 360 and Dead Space 2 on PS3, but I'm awfully tempted by the discounted package available right now on Steam. How are the PC ports? How do they compare to the console versions? Particularly control-wise. I've never played this style of game on the PC. I only completed half of the first game and a few hours of the second game. I thoroughly enjoyed them both though, I just didn't have time to finish them due to other commitments.
Nope. One entry, and new episodes are patched in as they release.Walking Dead: Does this add one entry per episode in the Steam library?
Thanks! A question for everyone, I have Dead Space on 360 and Dead Space 2 on PS3, but I'm awfully tempted by the discounted package available right now on Steam. How are the PC ports? How do they compare to the console versions? Particularly control-wise. I've never played this style of game on the PC. I only completed half of the first game and a few hours of the second game. I thoroughly enjoyed them both though, I just didn't have time to finish them due to other commitments.
don't care about any of the 3 games up for the poll...what does the GAF want? (if Steam feels like taking my vote..)
- JA:BIA is a bad remakedon't care about any of the 3 games up for the poll...what does the GAF want? (if Steam feels like taking my vote..)
Steam Dead Space 2 registers on Origin. Play it there unless you want everything unlocked from the beginning essentially ruining the game.
Get sands of time and forgotten sands, rather than the pack. The other games are shit.
oh god that Trine franchise deal, so tempting.. I still haven't tried any of them but I've read great things about Trine. are they really that good?
Is there no way to add a new CC to your steam account without actually purchasing a game[/adding Wallet funds]?
Two is an amazingly improved version of 1. Get 2 by itself.
What does this mean? DS2 is ruined if you play it through Steam...?
Ok, new plan:
Again, yay or nay?
"The Steam version of Dead Space 2 includes a piece of DLC that unlocks better armor and all the weapons at the start, thereby negating the need to find schematics and decreasing the difficulty. It's recommended for full effect that on the first run through you play without this DLC. To remove this DLC, either play the game on Origin, or download the original .exe here.
Simply make a backup copy of the currently installed .exe, download the old .exe, and copy it to the Dead Space 2 directory. You'll then be able to play the game with out the extra unlocks. However, it recommended that you use the newer .exe for subsequent play-thoughs, as it properly unlocks some bonus items that you normally get for completing the game. "
Ahh, such a good deal.
What does this mean? DS2 is ruined if you play it through Steam...?
Hmm, already have Sands of Time on the Gamecube (not quite the same, but still), so maybe I'll just skip them if the rest are shit. But isn't Two Thrones supposed to be good?
Nope. I'd thought that you could add one in the account settings section, since the option to delete cards is certainly there, but apparently not.
Just don't buy anything from the store that you did not get a schematic from/is 0 credits. All DLC items are 0 credits. I just skip those.
Ah, that's great, thanks.Nope. One entry, and new episodes are patched in as they release.
Welp, looks like I won't be buying much anymore.
Saving my money for IMAX ticket for the Dark Knight Rises this Saturday O:
I thought so, but now I'm being told most of the PoP games are crap, so I don't know.
I'm showing a lot more restraint than I thought I would. Out of my 100$ budget, I'm down 50$ left. Think I'm being a little more strict in buying what I think I'll actually play. Although I guess the fact that I bought Witcher 2 spits that logic in the face considering I still need to play Witcher 1.
All of the modern PoP trilogy games are brilliant. The combat in SoT is pretty awful but the platforming throughout all three is stellar. I've never understood the hate the other two get, WW especially.
Don't know how but I've resisted getting PoP Complete and only got PoP 08.