Gold Member
Bought Red Faction. So damn cheap.
So the New Vegas DLC, the new worlds aren't part of the main game (ie can't travel to or directly from them) and you can only visit them once? Seems pretty lame.
I concur.Everyone should get Cave Story on the flash sale.
300+ million people in the US and most don't vote, so rallying can and does work.
Company of Heroes deals incoming folks - I've got a feeling today's the day
I hope to see the Steam platform used in the next US Presidential Elections, guaranteed record-breaking turnouts.
Is New Vegas a game that still holds up? I mean, I know it's only a few years old but after open world games like Skyrim, is it still worth it? I thought Fallout 3 was pretty good but not amazing.
Is New Vegas a game that still holds up? I mean, I know it's only a few years old but after open world games like Skyrim, is it still worth it? I thought Fallout 3 was pretty good but not amazing.
Is New Vegas a game that still holds up? I mean, I know it's only a few years old but after open world games like Skyrim, is it still worth it? I thought Fallout 3 was pretty good but not amazing.
Is New Vegas a game that still holds up? I mean, I know it's only a few years old but after open world games like Skyrim, is it still worth it? I thought Fallout 3 was pretty good but not amazing.
Great game and holds up very well. Like Skyrim and Fallout 3, it's infinitely better because of the mod community.
Is New Vegas a game that still holds up? I mean, I know it's only a few years old but after open world games like Skyrim, is it still worth it? I thought Fallout 3 was pretty good but not amazing.
It's Red Faction guerrilla action focused game?? I'm in the mood for some terrain exploring,driving here and there....
Yeah, I felt like playing Fallout 3 again but this could really scratch that itch. And $12 for everything? Sold!
Its a very good little game - think of a more linear version of old 90s FPS games (you might like them more than recent FPSs)
so what should I get rid off? :
New Vegas vs. Fallout 3 is a pretty polarizing debate despite every single mechanic of each being virtually the same. NV does something a little different with the story path and the atmosphere of each are somewhat different, but that's about it. I liked Fallout 3 much, much better.
New Vegas bought. How much is Dead Space 2 in the US? It's $34. That's only a bit cheaper than origins which isn't even on special! I was hoping for like $15 or something.
so what should I get rid of? :
If you like old skool WRPGs:
Eschalon Book I was amazing. I loved every single minute of it.
Eschalon Book II I couldn't get into because of the punishing item damage and food/water systems. You can turn those off but then it felt like I was cheating.
Don't buy, Fallout 3 + NV are train wrecks. Not worth your time.
so what should I get rid of? :
I thought Fallout 3 and New Vegas were like 99% similar.
New Vegas vs. Fallout 3 is a pretty polarizing debate despite every single mechanic of each being virtually the same. NV does something a little different with the story path and the atmosphere of each are somewhat different, but that's about it. I liked Fallout 3 much, much better.
Damage so far;
- Hitman: Blood Money
- Frozen Synapse
- Magicka (thanks Hawk269)
- Fallout 3 Game of the Year
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate
Total: $22.46
Pretty happy, can't think of anything else I really want at this point (although I'm sure the daily deals will prove me wrong).
New Vegas bought. How much is Dead Space 2 in the US? It's $34. That's only a bit cheaper than origins which isn't even on special! I was hoping for like $15 or something.
Is Final Fantasy XI worth it 10 years later? It's the only FF game I haven't played and I kinda want to try it just to try it.
pickup list so far:
Ys Origin
The Binding Of Isaac Soundtrack
Binding of Isaac Wrath of the Lamb
The Binding Of Isaac
Summer Sale Indie Bundle Day Two
Trine Bundle (Summer 2012)
Terraria 4-Pack
PixelJunk Eden
Super disapointed with Terraria, it really is a crappy version of minecraft. Also disappointed with The Binding Of Isaac. Do you really have to start over each time you die? The game seems pretty mediocre over all, and after I died and had to restart, I quit.
I have yet to try Ys and Eden, looking forward to them.
Trine is great. It can be frustrating at times when the mechanics do not seem to work properly.
Oil Rush and Splice are gems. The only problem with Oil Rush is the missions take way too long, and I am playing on normal :\
pickup list so far:
Ys Origin
The Binding Of Isaac Soundtrack
Binding of Isaac Wrath of the Lamb
The Binding Of Isaac
Summer Sale Indie Bundle Day Two
Trine Bundle (Summer 2012)
Terraria 4-Pack
PixelJunk Eden
Super disapointed with Terraria, it really is a crappy version of minecraft. Also disappointed with The Binding Of Isaac. Do you really have to start over each time you die? The game seems pretty mediocre over all, and after I died and had to restart, I quit.
I have yet to try Ys and Eden, looking forward to them.
Trine is great. It can be frustrating at times when the mechanics do not seem to work properly.
Oil Rush and Splice are gems. The only problem with Oil Rush is the missions take way too long, and I am playing on normal :\
Postal 3, then buy 14 additional copies of Bad Rats to make up for it. No what should I get rid of? :
Super disapointed with Terraria, it really is a crappy version of minecraft. Also disappointed with The Binding Of Isaac. Do you really have to start over each time you die? The game seems pretty mediocre over all, and after I died and had to restart, I quit.
Yes please, if they are something akin to Men of War lite, then I'm all over it, and I love MoW.
F: All of the above.