If I can afford one Fear game which do I buy?
The first one is generally the one with the most praise.
If I can afford one Fear game which do I buy?
You already have the Source engine files
Most likely you already have installed another Source engine game.
No, the Assassin's Creed pack is a daily deal (messed up pricing, though). Brotherhood alone costs $7.49.At work, but is Brotherhood a flash sale? If so how much, and how long before it's over?
Dear Esther and AoE3 for me! Today's indie bundle was tempting at first, but the only game in there I don't have that I really want is Ys.
BOOM! Bought Metro 2033 and KotR... two games I've never played in my entire life... that's right, I've never played KotR. SAY SOMETHING HATER.
I have been wanting rage since it was release but was hesitant due to all the problems and complaints. I'm wondering if I should pick it up now for $10 or would the PS3 version just be better than PC?
i recommend the Da Vinci DLC as well. it's actually substantial to the lore.
edit: i don't see it there. nm
For the record, the Assassin's Creed pricing may be busted. It's 39.19 to buy the games, including all DLC, individually, but $44.79 to buy them in a pack. In case the 75% off pricing was a mistake, I jumped on the ACII Deluxe and AC: Brotherhood Deluxe that I was missing for $15 total. Not bad, really.
Hey guys I'm thinking of picking up Assassin Creed 2 + Brotherhood since it seems like those are considered the 2 best ones, but first can anyone tell me what kind of DRM these two games use? It's Ubi so I'm going to assume the worse.
I still have kotor, from the previous summer sale, still haven't gotten around to playing it. To make it worse for some reason I'm playing DAII atm(bought via origin, no less).BOOM! Bought Metro 2033 and KotR... two games I've never played in my entire life... that's right, I've never played KotR. SAY SOMETHING HATER.
Carmack worked on it, so I bought it. Is there something wrong with my logic?People liked Rage?
i recommend the Da Vinci DLC as well. it's actually substantial to the lore.
edit: i don't see it there. nm
BOOM! Bought Metro 2033 and KotR... two games I've never played in my entire life... that's right, I've never played KotR. SAY SOMETHING HATER.
it's included in Brotherhood deluxe
It comes with the game in the PC version.
I didn'tI'm guessing most of GAF got it when it was a flash deal.
I'll be the judge of that once I play the game!Don't kill me.
What's the better game for someone who's never played Ys, Origin or The Oath in Felghana?
I'm on the fence with Dear Esther... Looks interesting, but how long is it? Does it tell any type of story?
Wont let me vote on the mobile app
What's the better game for someone who's never played Ys, Origin or The Oath in Felghana?
People liked Rage?
I basically hate everything Bioware ever produced, so I'm totally ok with this.KoTOR is a mediocre game. The combat just wasn't fun and I have no investment at all in the Star Wars universe. Story was pretty good (I quit about 10 hours in or so).
Yes, I'm being completely serious. It's not a bad game, and I can see why people like it, but...Star Wars is such a putoff for me, and I don't know why. SWTOR sealed the deal.
Don't kill me.
Anyone can answer these questions, please? ;_;
Prior to buying Dear Esther, I saw it described as a "first person sad-em-up." Which, if I'm being fair, is accurate. The developers clearly were aiming for a capital-E Experience rather than a game, and they succeeded. But what an experience. The best visuals I've seen from the Source engine yet, jaw-dropping music, and writing that's had more care put into both its creation and its voice acting than most titles with 100 times the budget.
I can recommend Dear Esther unreservedly to anyone who'd like a shorter, more cerebral experience as a change of pace from their usual games. Or anyone who thinks they appreciate good art. For this is just that.
Well Assassins creed pack price updated..its 34.99 now. Still iffy..feels weird spending over 10 bucks.
Thank you sir!!! I really look forward to it~Yoshi, have fun w/ Kotor. I've played it 5 times now. There are some pretty neat mods out for it as well!
You guys should get Oath in Felghana first. It's cheaper and a great starting point.Same question I was about to type. How about it, GAF?
Thanks. I'm not sure yet, but i've got all day to think about it.It's about an hour. Yes, one hour. And the story is reaaaaaally vague. Artsy and all that. At that price, though, it's worth it for the visual and atmosphere alone. The environments were done by the same guy who helped make Mirror's Edge's environments. Seriously, the caves are fucking beautiful.
You guys should get Oath in Felghana first. It's cheaper and a great starting point.
So tempted by RAGE and Assassins Creed pack, I only own Assassins creed 1 but im dying to play the rest.
Why cant RAGE be 7.50 or less, it would have been an insta buy.
Does RAGE run fine on an AMD HD 7970 card?