Please tell me most of us here are voting for Mirrors Edge, 2.50 is unpassable for that game and I haven't played it hahaha.
It would be $5.
Please tell me most of us here are voting for Mirrors Edge, 2.50 is unpassable for that game and I haven't played it hahaha.
Dear Esther and AssBro for me.
And that rounds out the last missing AC game for me, yet another series I own that I haven't played a minute of. Can't wait for 3!
What uplay shenannigans? I am not aware.
I asked this in the community thread but it seems like everyone is hanging out here so...
Just picked up Arkham City in the Steam sales. I'm getting horrible chugging when I enter a new area and spin the camera around for the first time. After that, 60fps. Any ideas?
im sure there are tones of people with 500+ games in their steam account...im one of them
Damage so far. I don't remember what I paid for any of this. Is there somewhere that shows the pricing detail on my profile?
FUCK when did the Serious Sam 3 75% off coupon stop stacking with the sale price? Will it stack again once it's a daily?
Never played Assassin's Creed so i got the first one for now....
It would be $5.
Are you going to at least play number 3? LOL
I have less than 150. I have a will of iron.
If Recettear gets a daily/flash will the whole pack go down too?
Think I'll put aside an extra $5 until then. No purchases for me today unless we get a great flash or community day. Time to get a bit more frugal... maybe.
Publisher requested it not be able to be applied during the sale. Something like that.
F.E.A.R. 3 worth the $5?
That's awesome. I remember when Steam started and only had a handful of games. Even now, when I think about it, I can't picture more than 1,000 games being offered, even though that's clearly a low number.
Is Fear 3 any good? I really enjoyed Fear 2 (gameplay) but I thought Fear 1 was shit
Damn guys, I thought I had a lot. Last time I checked steam calculator my account is worth almost 1,900 dollars. I've actually finished a majority of them, only got about ~35 games in my backlog.
So, just out of curiosity, who on GAF has the biggest Steam collection? I just passed 250 (currently at 253), which is a stupid amount. I've probably only ever booted up 10% of those.
Who else has a ridiculously large Steam collection?
Definitely RAGE. It's fantastic.
I thought JaseC had the biggest. Was proven wrong.Doesn't JaseC have 1000?
If I started with AC:R on the PS3 out of curiosity (Never got far, PS3 ran HOT as hell where it was) for all the hype and huge following, can I get away with just going AC2 + AC:R or do I NEED AC:B? I already bought AC:R since I figured it was all I was going to play for fun but $4.99 for AC2 Deluxe, can't pass.
The soundtrack is excellent, the story is a bit too much "artsy" but it's an okay game.is Dear Esher worth it ?
This Uplay shenanigans. tl;dr edition: their servers fell over last weekend, only came back up today.
I did not know of this. This sale finally pushed me over the 200-game threshhold. So if you're at 1900 with 35... Oh God I'm so so scared to check.
Looks like it's offline due to heavy traffic. Ignorance remains bliss for yet another day.
How is Darkness II? I kinda liked the original because it was unique back then!
Joe Molotov:
Stallion Free:
is Dear Esher worth it ?
So that Dear Esther thing is really just an interactive screensaver? Shame... I was under the impression that it was an adventure game of sorts.
So, is Dear Esther horror-esque or what? That trailer on the game page seems pretty cool and haunting.
Also, is the OST worth the extra cash?
Looking forward to get Dear Esther... Is the soundtrack worth it?
Publisher requested it not be able to be applied during the sale. Something like that.
Rage is a risky one, Valve and Id stuff go crazy cheap sometime. 67% off is nice, but I can just feel 75% or 80% coming.
Okay 24 hours to make my choice.
How was the story?I didn't play first but had a chance to play the second. Was worth a playthrough for sure.
Its a decent game, not as scary as the first 2 games and not as good looking as fear 2, if you haven’t played the first 2 games I would give it a miss, if you have you might enjoy it.
To Walking Dead or not to Walking Dead.
It looks fun but crazy short. Even with 5 chapters, at 2 hours, that's only 10 hours of gameplay. Is it worth it? I enjoyed Heavy Rain and that's why I'm considering this.